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Any amazing piece by Redx331! You can find the original Here. 




to me these tits quite big,but even with that looks cool ! :D Nice art ! :)


Thanks for the shout out :D


Beautiful breasts!


That's the point of Fan Art Friday ^^ we want to give back to the folks making cool stuff and helping spread the word about our game, by spreading word about them in turn :)


Oh, This looks sweet as hell. >:3

Victor Lewis

can someone tell me how the combat system works. I am currently fighting with the dragon sister and brother against some enemy. I have already attacked and so have my alies but the monster has not.

Victor Lewis

Just for a reference and so everyone knows what im talking about. I am fighting with Brontide, the dragon captain and his sister against the monster/demon and its not attacking me


That's a bug we thought we nailed. Something is screwy with the calls for monster fights. I believe we've attempted a new fix in the latest version

Void Walker

arg sorry wrong button my question is can you marry any of the chars? like camellia for example? maybe add a marriage feature in later? i apologize if i'm being a bother but it would make an idea i think... just not sure if it's a good one or not... thank you for your time and good luck and the best to you all!


Not currently planned, but dating yes