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Current Public Build:https://www.patreon.com/posts/public-release-3-6658958

Current Patron Build:https://www.patreon.com/posts/hotfix-alpha-v1-6749359

Meet your captains of the guard! Both fill DPS roles in the party, but in different ways, with Goldra actually hampering or boosting the action bars for enemies and party members, and Brontide specilizing in countering or bypassing counters. Both are tough and nails, and run a training yard underneath the Guard's barracks (which is the arch shaped house at the top-right level of Cloverton). Despite being the joint captains of the guard, the pair of them have some surprisingly soft spots that I'm sure you'll delight in uncovering as you romance one or both of them!




Aww yiss. I will take in all the draconic types.


The drake siblings are looking awesome I can't wait to have them on my team.


on one hand, i want to touch her in places....in the other....she looks like she might gut me like a fish....

Aromatic Hyena

Countering counters sounds OP AF


Goldra best waifu


I think it just means either you counter or you dodge when the enemies counter your normal attacks. Because if it was countering a counter and the, then the other might counter your counter counter and you'd end up in a counter loop until one of you is dead. And because player characters typically have less health than monsters in videogames, chances are it'll be the player to die first.


"as you romance one or both of them!" Ooo will we be able to romance other NPCs as well? (Such as Jaero for example)


I think it was mentioned once that all NPCs are going to be romancable (and all 10 NPCs will have a sex animation :D )


Cool! I like these two characters!