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Current Public Build:https://www.patreon.com/posts/public-release-3-6658958

Current Patron Build: https://www.patreon.com/posts/alpha-v1-02-1-6658752

Here we have combat states for all three of our characters. Animations should finally be going in soon, and with them will be various states and conditions that will be especially common. Fainted, Stunned, and Damaged. Damaged and Fainted will be the easiest to implement, as they are simple on off states. A Fainted character will not be moving. A Damaged character will flicker into that state, maybe blink a few times, and then jump back to their default idle stance.

In addition to these there'll be the idle stance, and a more active 'ready' stance for when they are the character being selected.




During a fight 'feinting'means fake out - pretending to hit in order to confuse or distract an enemy. 'Fainting' means passing out. It makes a wee bit of difference in this context so I thought I'd clarify


is Yonten the only character facing left rather than right?


He's facing right too, he just has his body turned more to the left than the other characters.

Tomoyuki Saito

I'm kinda new here but not to BS, and I have played the current version although I have been having difficulty due to the engine does not like my computer XD and also is it only in a sense a demo atm? as the game ends after the tutorial fight for me I understand it is in Alpha but I just wanted to conform it.


Cloud Meadow first started mid-July, so right now it's pretty bare bones. Next month should have better farm , breeding, and combat mechanics, and some building interiors


Loving the work and updates guys, keep up the good work!