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Judge Heath Here,

The second build is out with new areas and the structure of the farming system implemented; however, these are still fairly bugged. If you’re having an issue, assume it's not working. The dialogue has been revamped and you should be able to get at sex scenes, credits, and similar functions without problem.

The next month will continue on Alpha v1.02, rather than continuing into Alpha v1.03. There will be art for new characters and interiors being produced in the streams but the focus programmatically will largely be on getting the breeding and farming systems actually working. We should get in hotfix for farming.

We'll release a list of goals of what features we wish to add to next month's release tomorrow as well.

Bugs We Already Know About and Are Working On:

-Yonten will not follow you around the scene

-Kreya doesn't appear in her own dialogue, and the dialogue box itself will not appear when you talk to her

-You can't actually change the various states of objects in the farming fields.

-Animations are STILL not appearing.

-Dialogue Sequences with Yonten, Camellia, Kreya, and Jaero

-Free movement around the screens

-Town and Farm Areas

-Two sex scenes and 1 sprite sex scene

-Boss Battle, followed by credits.

The high resolution image and the codes will be released tomorrow after the payments have gone through.


S-Purple- Art Director and Project Lead
Judge Heath- Project Manager
Fuzzamorous - Animator
Wilson Wobbletop- Programmer
Alniarez- Programmer

Panzermeido- Writing

*Special thanks to*
Foxy Paladin
Supporters like You!




Forgot to attach the actual build, it is attached now


To save on frustration (which is natural to an early apha) could you please list what IS possible in this build? That way I don't go around clicking things like , "oh what does this do? Oh wait nothing." Thank you.


I'm still suffering a boss crash every time I try.


Added. Thank you for the feedback! But part of the reason I try not to include that for everything is that you guys might stumble across other bugs that we missed, it also tests usability (please, tell us what you did think should do something but did nothing), or unconver bugs we thought were nipped, or even find things we thought were bugged and can give us insight into why they are working suddenly.


Are the hotfixes being released as theyr made or are they coming out at set time of the month? I think patches should be released as soon as theyr implemented


Are the gallery codes the same or is there no reason for a gallery in this build?


after boss level it just ends ?


Good Work! Where did i post my findings?


Ah I love the snappier writing! Eve is a lot more likeable now! And I've already got my eyes on the mandrake....mmmm. ok, bugs! - Menu doesn't seem to work, I press esc and it pops up but I can't select any of the options - got stuck in the middle of the boss fight.....nothing happened after an attack - walk cycle does that thing where the diagonals are faster than straight directions, and straight directions are like....kind of agonizingly slow, lol - is there a way to progress text other than enter? Because it's kind of really awkward when you're using the mouse during battle!


on a second attempt I finished the fight and got the credits, so I guess it's a crapshoot sometimes! also a suggestion - at least for the early alphas having a lil "press x to interact" bubble when you get close to an interactable object, perhaps? I spent an embarrassing amount of time clicking and pressing random keys around the catgirl/cowgirl before I finally got the animation to start (they do work great on my end tho!)


The only bug that I have found were related to houses and NPC images while talking were not been shown correctly


For this month especially patches will be released as soon as they're implemented, but last month, due to the disasters on the parts of part of our programming team, they literally couldn't be implemented until the end of the month.


Gallery Codes are being released later today to everyone whose payments have processed so far. They'll be resent each and every time we do a hotfix build as well.


So I noticed that the build zip files include the .pdb files Unity generates. Just in case you're interested in further reducing the file size, you can actually leave those out when packaging it for everyone. They are for debugging purposes apparently.


Tried twice to download and open with Wine on Mac, got a whole stream of warning coding about it. Don't know what it didn't like but it didn't like something.


--Skip dialog with left mouse --The End of the text lines, have most of the time a horrible break up with only one or 2 words. Feels a bit off. It´s normally only used, if the normal text is too long or for dramatic uses. But not for normal chatting. Like this *owner of the* enter *passage* *Ishtar the ashen* hit enter *master* --Controller works! (xbox one) but you cannot go forward in the text. (but if you roam you can hit B to interact. Should probably be A. And you cannot use the interface. -<a href="http://i.imgur.com/zZB9rhm.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/zZB9rhm.jpg</a> ogre dialog -<a href="http://i.imgur.com/GNCpOF6.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/GNCpOF6.jpg</a> no cloud right side. - <a href="http://i.imgur.com/C3Xt1eo.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/C3Xt1eo.jpg</a> low resolution bottom right. -<a href="http://i.imgur.com/H46PMo4.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/H46PMo4.jpg</a> yonten won´t come ;/

Anthony Rodriguez

What key do I press for the animations to start in the farm.


The boss battle freezes. If you start with the basic attack it immediately freezes, if you use the second ability first, it continues. Some particular abilities seem to work others don't.


Great improvements, especially compared to the previous release. Not sure if this is the final storyboard, but a few comments about it and overall gameplay – • The opening scene on the Blue liner could still be a bit shorter. • The opening dialogue is much tighter now, but a buddy system through the town might still be helpful. Have Yonten lead and you manually follow? It might be helpful, since it is possible to pass by Kreyton, Camellia, and even the Hovel, adding discontinuity as they are referred to later on. • Why are we having sex with the farm life? It’s fun, but what’s the point, gameplay wise? An introductory dialogue bar would be nice here to understand Eve’s thoughts on the matter. Is this kind of thing normal for her? Was this in her farm training? • Occasionally when commenting about the farm, Yonten’s dialogue box replaces Eve’s. • What does the blue bar under the health bar indicate? It seems to build up no matter what I do. • An option to left-click and/or space through dialogue would be nice.


Also a lot of typos, but since this is still alpha, I don't know if you want a list.


I'm not sure but ok. When I started a new game I saw that houses in Clovertown were being displayed on a weird angle as in the source file was been shown on a 45 degree angle. Later when I skipped the town introduction and went back to Clovertown after exploring the farm I had the same issue when I went back and did the Bossbattle. The boss had the same issue when dialogue was happening and Yonten fighting sprite had the same issue. I took screenshots if I can find a place to upload them.


<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k54dsfthd9sp34r/AABPs1TOhC0wm76dkrFgvTgwa?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k54dsfthd9sp34r/AABPs1TOhC0wm76dkrFgvTgwa?dl=0</a>


A list would be nice, but it's not mandatory. We'll catch them all eventually.


Can you give us a specific list? We thought we'd nailed this particular bug.


Oh well, i guess it's my own stupidity, which froze the game for me. You are supposed to click on the boss, after choosing an ability, right? I figured, if he is the only enemy, the targeting will be automatically done for me... The fight still freezes for me after the Boss announces, that the fight is coming to an end. Yonten's third ability seems to freeze the game sometimes. If you fast forward the dialogue before the boss fight, Eve is caught in her walking animation throughout the fight. I'm using Windows 10 64-Bit, if that is of any relevance.


I too have seen this bug, but I've done the same sequence multiple times, and each there' s a different result. For instance, some sequences that freeze at the 5th move, next time might freeze at the 9th, or continue through to the credits


You should go up to the barn and press enter, then click the name of the character you want to boink.


I second left-click and/or space through dialogue. Given the mouse and WASD set up, enter button isn't very organic to gameplay.


Yep, the fight sequence was kinda inconsistent in regard to the time it froze.


i got the same bug, every time i battle against the grinder when he is on low hp, he got 3 snail icons and the chars got all 2 blood drops i think. i can try what i want, change some skills or doing only the same the whole time, it freezes every time


i think the blue bar indicates regeneration of special attack.