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Here we go guys, the public release of the first build we put out, with every bug we could fix, fixed. The writing is enormously improved in the new version, but we decided to keep it the same for this one, due to the nature of how the game changed.

For our $5.00+ Patrons? You'll be receiving a message shortly with the code for the gallery.


S-Purple- Art Director and Project Lead
Judge Heath- Project Manager
Fuzzamorous - Animator
Wilson Wobbletop- Programmer
Alniarez- Programmer

Panzermeido- Writing
Hdoomguy- Pixel animation for Catgirl x Cowgirl

*Special thanks to*
Foxy Paladin
Supporters like You!




Huh, version 1.01.3 already huh? That implies that there is a full game here that can be played all the way through from start to finish without any missing attributes or uncoded events. Hopefully it's not just some fib.


Well, it's "Alpha" v1.01.3. The Alpha part directly contradicts the assumption you're making.


I'm still getting a hard freeze whenever the boss' move comes up. Is there a way to fix this or are we boned until the next update?


Lady Camille best waifu!


Well, game completely froze up when the fight began with Grinder. Additionally, the text on the attacks was completely transparent, making what each ability is and does completely a guessing game. Aside from that, the opening sequence for the main menu was great and the two animations with the catgirl and cowgirl were pretty good, leaving my final comment about the music, walk speed and dialogue. I actually had to take one of my headphones out because the waving pattern to the music was making me nauseous. It was good music and I did enjoy the melody, but that waving pattern from left ear to right ear was horrible. the walk speed was just too slow, so i'd recommend adding shift or caps lock to toggle a sprint mode. The dialogue was probably the worst aside from the game freezing because, while it had minimal typos of just two or three, the amount of pauses in the dialogue made it painfully slow. It was kinda like if none of them knew how to say an entire sentence without taking a break in between every five words. The repetition was only slightly annoying since they would usually repeat the last word they said before each break. Overall, from the five minutes I got to check out before it froze, it was pretty good, but needs improvement. 6/10 would be my rating at this point. I do have to say that I look forward to future updates though and hope that the game improves as those were a pleasant 5 minutes.


The fight with Grinder did seem to take an unusual amount of time to start but the game for me worked just fine other than that. your issues with the text pausing did not happen to me, but the transparent text on the skills does make it hard to gauge what the hell they do. The walking speed for the main character is abysmal for such a large area especially when you take into account the future size upgrades for the farm. just a nitpick here but you can walk on the door at the small farm with the catgirl and cowgirl.


I played the demo twice and the boss once, and the first time I played it I accidentally skipped the cat and cowgirl scenes. That first time I didn't have any freezes of any kind, it worked pretty perfectly, with maybe a hitch here and there that weren't overly noticeable. When I played through it a second time, I saw the two scenes and closed the game. I didn't test what would happen after the scenes played, or if that could set off any issues for the rest of the demo. Will probably test the demo more, but later on.


Ok. Some problems. 1. The screen is not adjustable. Not huge, but the default size is a bit too big for a screen at 1366x768. 2. There's no clear indication that the "enter" butting is used to advance dialogue. Maybe an indicator in the right corner of the dialoge bubbles would help (Visual Novel game style).


How do you full screen this, it's tiny


1min of gameplay, 10min of senseless talking, zero hentai scenes... yeah, well, how's it worth 8k per month?


Well, for one, this is the first alpha build. Of course it's not gonna have much. Two, there are two complete sex animations.


will there be an in-browser version ever?


I liked what they tried to do in this build, very well thought out and i can see why they made it. That being said it was very disappointing from a gamer point of view. There was little in terms of actual game play and for what I've seen nothing was changed. It was all the same but with a few minor tweaks. Grant it those tweaks were very well implemented and the sex animations were A+, much better then anything BS could have made but still, if these guys want to get more people to donate they should at least have expanded it to the point where where the character learned about breeding and farming. The moves and the icons above during the fight were confusing and had no explanation to why they were there. Games like Yandere Simulator are supposed to have bugs and be put out for gamers every few days so that the fans give more and understand more. Naturally Yandere Dev is very hardworking and is always focused on his game 24/7, so at least he's nothing like H-Bomb. Cloud Meadow is a great game with a lot of potential, but releasing out builds earlier would help bring in more patrons, even if they are glitched. I will continue to support this game because I like where its going, I only hope to see more next time so that I can at least see more of the picture the developers are trying to make. Keep up the good work guys!


The art is so beautiful, S-Purple, you're the absolute best. All you guys are the best. And for anyone having trouble with getting past the fight scene, use only the basic attacks


We're actually considering this approach, a far more 'rolling' set of releases with a public release at the end of each month. But we'll see how things go. If things slow down then we'll probably end up doing that.


hhmmm, i liked breeding season... i'm gonna try out this cloud meadow... and if i'm impressed... ill definitely become a $20+ Patron...


<a href="https://i.imgur.com/AZQvVld.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/AZQvVld.png</a> Can't get around this! Haha


hhmmm... i liked the 2 hentai animations showed thus far... will there be wolves / dogs in this one?

GentleFlutters ASMR

The dialogue REALLY needs some work, otherwise looks great!

GentleFlutters ASMR

<a href="http://i.imgur.com/B6OMVxp.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/B6OMVxp.png</a> Yes, but more humanoid.


An exe? I supported BreedingSeason because I could run it on Linux. I can't support this game if it's Windows only.


I have to say its absolutely despicable what you did to Breeding Season and your former team. Talking to you S-purple or whatever the fuck your name is. Way to a ruin a game way better than this junk will ever turn out to be. People like you don't deserve money cause all you do is ruin everything around you. And unless you fix the huge problem you caused with Breeding Season I will actively try to spread the info to everyone I possibly can. Hope you go broke, bastard.


wow... after reading S-Purples side of what happened with Breeding Season... my mind is blown ^_^


Sorry, we wanted to get the core gameplay functions all programmed in and functioning before we began working on other platforms, Windows was easiest for that purpose. We want to avoid a Mighty No.9 problem.


Sorry I want to ask this is a must and other authors to upload their own content to share or that game to pay only the latest version can play it? It is convenient if you can explain it? I do not know much about the use of this website Thank you


will there be breeding and different types: futanari,genderbent, feral,etc, in this game as well?cuz i liked the two animations and would love to see more if they have many types, also is the battling going to play a major role in this one,or will it be like rune factory where its an optional alternative to breeding , i liked the monster rancher feel of breeding season and was going to patreon, but when i found it,it had stopped,and then i found this one and well, here i am :D


I came here to give you a piece of my mind over this debacle of debauchery, but instead, I shall indulge in this ideology.

Forgotten Legacy

To bad folks like you have to steal and back stab to get anything released Art Director S_Purple. Your worthless.

Sam Milne

<a href="http://s-purple.tumblr.com/post/147484294391/breeding-seasons-cancelation-my-side-of-the" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://s-purple.tumblr.com/post/147484294391/breeding-seasons-cancelation-my-side-of-the</a> hey dumbass how about finding out the full story first you'll see the other guy is a lieing piece of shit and S purple proved it

Sam Milne

<a href="http://s-purple.tumblr.com/post/147484294391/breeding-seasons-cancelation-my-side-of-the" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://s-purple.tumblr.com/post/147484294391/breeding-seasons-cancelation-my-side-of-the</a> read her side of the story she proves has proof of what happened


Warning, an opinion no one asked for. I have no right to judge S-Purple for anything he/she did involving Breeding Season as I had no dealings with being a patron and I have no clue who's story is true despite reading both sides account. Now onto the relevant stuff. The demo looks beautiful, excluding some minor typos in the dialogue and the fight with Grinder freezing up. I sincerely hope that this project doesn't crash and burn like Breading Season, and I wish Team Nimbus the best of luck.


You single handedly killed Breeding season. Thank you. I'm not being sarcastic, thank you. One thing that I absolutely hate with a passion is a development team with no friction. Assholes dragging down the team and being unable to do anything about it. However the dumbass gave you the ability to do something about it, and naturally that ended Breeding Season. Just because his incapable of being part of something without others picking up his pace. I sincerely hope your development team doesn't suffer through the same fate, and thank you for not giving up on these type of games. See you on the flip side.


Btw don't give your employs the same power Hbomb gave you lolz


I can already see that I'm going to enjoy this way more than breeding season. Thank you S-Purple


im really disaponted about breeding season i would have loved to see what you guys planed for us but i get it you did not like your boss or what ever


played Alpha v1.01.3 just now and tried a few times to get some progress, but it always freezes at halfway of the first fight


Hi, is there a way to resize the window? My laptop is on 3200x1800 resolution and I've tried decreasing my resolution but the window for the game is still super small :(


I've frozen up a couple of times but only when i use anything other than there basic ability. I managed to get through just fine with that one attack for all 3.


ok, i will try this to, sounds weird but i will give it a try, basic attack only XD

That One Guy Who Never Pledges

So far this looks great, the art is all very well done, the dialogue is charming, and I'm actually quite invested in the story. Regrettably I can't pledge to this, but I'm going to keep following this and hopefully provide feedback after each public release. I'm sorry to hear about the situation that happened with BS, and I hope this game turns out better for you.


The cow isn't fat anymore.. But.. Thicc cows.. Ok my heart is broken now bye.


I am enjoying this more then Breeding Season. The animations and art look better, theres actually a story and there's combat.


its not able to open at all for me


Just hope this project, doesn't get shuts down;;;


so how can i receive the demo?

