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Judge Heath here. A few of you have seen me in the comments already, but to those who haven't, I'm the project manager brought on board by S-Purple to keep everything moving forward and the project organized.

I'm very happy to announce that we've just figured out (literally around 5 minutes before I began writing this post) a way to allow us to make good on S-Purple's promise to give out access to former breeding season patrons to access our project's patreon rewards without having to pay us, given the circumstances.

Contact us at "CloudMeadowGame@Gmail.com" , link us your profile page, specifically the "creation's supported" tab, to us in that message, provide us with an email address, and ask us to send you the codes and the early access demo download site. If you have records of having supported Breeding Season, for the next 3 months of releases after we receive that message we will send you our $5.00 patron reward tier to the email provided. This is refundable at any time during our development cycle, and is meant to give you a chance at deciding for yourself, if we can make good on the spirit of Breeding Season before deciding to support us or not.

I wish we could give more, but anything else would spit in the face of those who did give us their support right from the beginning, especially those who are giving at the $20.00 level. Thank you for understanding, and thank you for our patience. I wish we could have realized this method earlier.

Edit: I just found out that you can't actually SEND us a message unless you're already supporting us. Since that's utterly counter productive for this, please send your request linking your patreon page to CloudMeadowGame@Gmail.com . Sorry for being a bloody idiot.


Aaron Hutton

i just want to know what happened with breeding season fully 100% of it


<a href="http://s-purple.tumblr.com/post/147484294391/breeding-seasons-cancelation-my-side-of-the" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://s-purple.tumblr.com/post/147484294391/breeding-seasons-cancelation-my-side-of-the</a>


I can´t... dont find any buttons and cant directly send a message


Judge Heath: I deeply apologize. I didn't realize there wasn't a way to enable anyone to send us a message directly until after I made the post. I've edited the post to give you guys an email option.


How do we get a unique link for the pledge page? I seem to get an address relative to my account and not one that anyone can be directed to.


Same question, how can I send you a permanent link and not my logged-in-only-version of the page ?


Not the pledge page, the "Creations Supported" Tab of your public profile. For you that's this page here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?pat=1&amp;ty=c&amp;u=440986">https://www.patreon.com/user?pat=1&amp;ty=c&amp;u=440986</a> We can already see you're a former supporter of Breeding Season so all we need now is for you to send us your email address as well.

Clayton K.C Behrens

After reading S post about what they had to go though I well support you guy when I can next month after supporting breeding season for as long as I did and after read his statement for me supporting you guys in this is the right thing to do in my minded


Good luck and god speed Gentlemen.


I would, but I already pledge $5.


I don't know about this, when you have a full demo or a public release I'll consider supporting it.


Wil this game be released in apk?


Sorry to whoever I was speaking with via email I really am just glad to support you guys!


It's perfectly fine! We'll sort you out and get you the free access Xexus :) never you fear.


You don't know about getting free access if you were a Breeding Season patron for three months?


Judge Heath here, even though it goes against every 'greedy corporate game maker' bone in my body, I will say that if you pull back your support, and send us the email, we will STILL provide you guys with free access to the early game updates and codes for those 3 months. There are absolutely no strings attached.


You're a crafty sort, I'll give you that. Hopefully you make better headway than the previous guy. Good luck.


Im going to tell you now that i am trusting you purple, your side of the story is believable and i found H's story rather fishy while reading it anyways, i will miss the breeding season game but i really do want to see this surpass its predecessor. Therefore i am going to submit to your patreon. Dont let me down ok? ^ ^


the breeding season blog was more then unprofessional. it was obvious that there were issues going on behind the scenes, but after reading Hbomb spitefully blame S-Purple instead of taking responsibility like some kind of child, im not very worried about this project, in any case, its a donation, not an investment. kick some ass and take some names.


I've just send my email! Awesome initiative. This really helps rebuild trust. I will pledge once my paycheck gets here on the 22nd!.


Just saw a post about what happened to BS on 4 chan, purple my man im glad you're trying again, when i get sum extra money ill be sure to pledge. Kudos


I did like breeding season a lot, however it became repetitive with just breeding.. selling goods.. repeat. I am glad this new one brings the old things people liked in breeding season and giving them more interaction with their monsters other than just simple breeding. From monitoring this game and blogspot, I can tell the team is trying their best, despite angery patrons from breeding season, to make something better. Very few people offer their game for free to old patrons with no strings attached. Even though I was a former patron for breeding season for about half a year, I will do the 20 dollar a month support to see how the game progresses. I know I can try it free, but good games can not be made from air. Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing what becomes of this one.


I'm sorry what is "Creations supported profile" page? Is that the pledge history tab? This is a good idea, I'll keep the offer in mind but I plan to wait first and see how things shake out for a while before trying.


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?pat=1&amp;ty=c&amp;u=224104">https://www.patreon.com/user?pat=1&amp;ty=c&amp;u=224104</a> Is yours Darkside

Jason Muller

I was a backer of BS. I will be backing you and I will keep the offer in mind.


It was a drama, but looks like that drama was what made this project go. You don't even have a prototype and already have much more than many good projects out there, and it keep rising. I only hope, SPurple that you don't make the same mistakes of Breeding Season and that this project can really be what it deserves to be.

Melody Tsukimori

now my only worry is this seems like its only gonna be available to backers 100% unlike BS if thats so. then ill be quite pissed as i did put a good $100 into BS and it got shutdown. so if you are going to ADMITTEDLY ruin that game and then only offer this to ppl who donate. i hope you all fail and i hope the BS backers realize that they are ripping you off.. someone said before this was all a plan to con us out of money. and as i look at this and i slowly am turned to believe its going to be exclusive it seems that guy was right. you ruined a generous project to con us out of money. i hope this isnt the case but if it is i truly hope you guys grow the fuck up

Melody Tsukimori

that being said i will follow this in hopes it takes off but until its previous versions are offered free i will not drop a dime. as personally i feel you wasted alot of peoples money. and i get it theres 2 sides of every story but the bottom line is you abused patreons loose moderation. if you were to have put this up on kickstarter a place that would refund me in case another issue like BS happens then id gladfully back this project but again. until then or you prove to me its not just a money scheme i will not back only follow.


Just read about the whole mess, I believe you S, i saw the signs long ago and even posted about it on the activity feed but quickly got shouted down. Damn what a mess. The hope of hundreds of fellow pervs rests on your shoulders. I transfer my meager pledge unto you. Good luck! I'll sent that email now.


We won't ever know the full story, alas. We can only take the two primary accounts that we have, the one from H and the one from S, with a measure of caution. They both contain inconsistencies, and a good deal of spin to make them each seem more sympathetic, and the other less so. We know that they both acted like children, and behaved in petty, spiteful and vindictive ways, both doing things that were highly unethical and which they had no cause or justification for doing, other than being spiteful to the other (H released S's RL details, S demanded the shut down and stripping of the BS project under threat of legal pressure). Vanilly's resignation faults them both quite heavily, but points mainly to lack of support or direction from the Art Lead (that's S), and the way in which she was force to assume virtually all of the art duties, which said Art lead was not contributing to in any real way, by her account. Others corroborate this with reference to the sheer lack of BS-related work actually achieved in streams intended to be for that purpose. We know that the team was falling apart variously, towards the end, but if the others mirrored Vanilly's feelings, then it's hard know for certain how much of that came from which sources. H says that he tried, several times, to get a formal project manager, as was promised to supporters, but was stymied and road-blocked on that by S repeatedly... S did not deny this, but answered it by showing us a conversation wherein we see him insisting that H had to be the project manager instead of hiring a formal one, even after H had acknowledged that he wasn't fit for that duty, and it was a role that they both knew the project desperately needed if it wanted to work out. The first thing S did on his new project was hire a dedicate PR and project manager... not doing it himself as he had insisted H had to. This reeks of someone deliberately stymieing their old project, and stopping it from getting the help it needed or from being productive, because they wanted to be leader, or because they wanted the other person gone. We don't know that for certain, though, and we likely never will.


whats to keep you from running off with our money again huh? i lost out on the other game!


Damn, I supported Breeding Season but it was on my old account that I lost the login for, oh well :P When I am a little more financially stable I will pledge to you guys, probably a month or two :D


I've followed all the information by both parties on this stupid matter, and tbh despite H letting his anger get the best of him (which I would prolly do the exact same, try growing up in the ghetto and not have anger issues). I more feel he was in the right, even if he should've handled things more professionally, since it was a professional case (Try to do something like S did in the hood, and its a quick way to get your face stomped in). Sure maybe S could've left, and started something else, but he should've sold the artwork rather than tearing apart a project that was as big as it was. Saying it would never be finished even with 24/7 work, was just a tactic to shift the view off of his own foul actions, and dodging the fact that how he left things was utter bull, and should represent his character and morals pretty damn well, at least well enough for backers to know not to support him in any efforts he makes again. Taking all that money, regardless of it being completely legal due to contract, and all artwork involved, so you can start this Stardew Valley knockoff (with adult themes), is a slap in the face of everyone who supported the project. Honestly people need to quit trying to ride the popularity train, the artwork is actually quite bad compared to SV, and even being more adult oriented, isn't enough to warrant this idea. You can just go play SV for that part, and some other porn game for the adult stuff, and not have to spend a dime on a garbage project like this, or a team leader who doesn't care about you, your feelings, money, time, expectations, or anything else. It may mean that this dies, but I think refunds should go around, or people who backed BS should get initial credit on this as a backer. Either way, delete this or not, IDC, I won't be back, as I hope anyone in their right mind won't be as well.


You don't really understand why Spurple gutted the project do you? Hbomb wasn't doing any of the work he was supposed to do and was still collecting his part of the income. The team didn't have any other project manager and Hbomb didn't even pay them in a routinely fashion. Hbomb also made promises on updates that never came because the project wasn't going anywhere. People were essentially paying for a paused production and Hbomb's vacation expenses. Many other members were ready to quit and the project will literally have no momentum. Spurple decided the best option was to cut Hbomb out of the project but there was no way to just fire his boss. Gutting the project with his contract and making a successor was a sure-fire way to make sure Hbomb doesn't just sit on the Breeding Season name and collect the huge numbers of backers income for himself while doing nothing to have it made. Spurple took what ever was in his name to continue making the game Hbomb promised. Sure it isn't breeding season, sure it was a dick move, but Spurple "betraying" his partner because Hbomb betrayed his supporters and his team is a sacrifice for the greater good. A real "KingSlayer" situation here if you may. Too bad for Spurple, Hbomb found out before he had the chance to formally explain his resignation and officially lied about Spurple being a greedy thief, That being said, I'm not supporting Spurple's actions in this situation. I think he could've been more considerate and talked this out with his partner about the issues with production (and he has, but I still think he should've stated what he'll do if things don't change.) , and if things aren't resolved he can make an official statement about the projects current status and resigned without the need for gutting the project. Backers deserve the right to know why things aren't going anywhere and what the foreseeable future holds for the project. Spurple pulled a selfish, but somewhat justified move in my opinion. As for refunds, no. Backers aren't buying anything on this website. All the money you're willing to give away should be money you don't mind losing. None of the creators owe backers anything unless specifically stated.


Just posting this here in case you didn't get the email I've sent <a href="https://www.patreon.com/user">https://www.patreon.com/user</a>


Well I sent an email, and a screenshot of my old former breeding season patreon.


I'm a former Breeding Season Patreon and the instructions seem a little confusing to me... So I'm making a comment here. Hopefully you se it and can help me out. I kinda want to give you guys a chance.


I appreciate this