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In this post I shall describe briefly some but not all of mechanics and how the various systems will interact with the players world.

[picture of people talking ]

[picture of many people talking]

The very first feature of the game is a dialogue system, which features up to 4 characters active on screen among variety of dialogue paths depending on your choice which will affect the end result of the conversation.

[picture of GUI]

The next thing I wanted to talk about is the game interface showcasing you the necessary information such as statistics of your party members, the interface and options to adjust your game to your accordance.

[picture of stats window]

This showcases the customization level of your party members, as you explore, farm or just engage in everyday activities with your farm animals or npcs, you will be able to increase their stats, equip them with items and level up their skills to help you out in combat, amongst many things, the stats of the said characters not only affect their combat abillity but their effectiveness on the farm as well.

[picture of combat interface]

The combat of the game is pretty straightforward in spirit of FF7 , designed to be simple but engaging , each character posesses 4 skills , each unique to them , which applies variety of effects when used and triggers its cooldown. There will be a variety of dungeons to explore as well as a chance to discover new monsters for your farm within. Your farm raised monsters and the ones tamed in the wild could also be taken into battle as your party members should you wish so.

[picture of playable demo characters and skills]

For the first wave of updates for the game, it will include 3 fully playable party npcs including the player character as well as one enemy boss to test out the effectiveness of skills on, above are the variety of abilities each of them posses, all specially animated for each of them.

[picture of event map for cloverton]

And for closure this is the event map for the future alpha stress test of the game, showcasing the beginning and the end of the sequences you will experience while in the game, giving you the basics of navigation, introduce you to your playable character as well as some of our NPCs, an introduction to the monstergirls and their sex scenes and a small sequence of combat!

Below is the shown image in a more stable, less squashed format for your downloading and perusal. 



Drages Animations

But, won't we use the creatures we rised at combat? I would prefer that.. and is it at flash? It would be very wrong.. if you dont have a coder already, please make the game at a proper game making program like unity.. Flash is dead, not usefull, lame..

Blue Bee

As for your first question, I may be wrong but I think it was answered with "Your farm raised monsters and the ones tamed in the wild could also be taken into battle as your party members should you wish so." I also agree something other than flash should be used. Unity does sound perfect, even if it won't work in Chrome browsers.


I 100% Agree One of the biggest complaints I had about B.S. was that I had to install wine to get it to work while not hard it was an annoying extra step.


I would agree with going with something other than flash. I have seen some quality work on unity.


Is there a reason you are gating thing post behind a pay wall? Feels like this is something you would want to use to show case your idea to the public so you can show there is more thought about the project than some stills you have drafted up.


+1, you should look into some engine other than a home grown one. Unity is good though not sure how well it works for 2D games. There is also RPG Maker MV which seems like an engine that would better suite what you are after I think.


For the record, flash seems fine to me.


I wanted to prioritize access to my main users first, and that it didn't feel right to show these publically until I got a programmer hired on and working on them to post them publically.


Judge Heath here. The plan is to focus on the NPC combatants first, and probably add in monster battles at stage 2 or 3 of the initial development cycle.

Pinpenny the great lithian

Honestly I believe you will do a great job with this, because you were with the other project for quite sometime and i really liked how your tumblr painted out your vision. Really the only thing i want to say is to please leave the hotkeys on the breeding menu (they were my babies and with the massive amount of breeding a did in a day late game, I don't know what i would do without them)


Prospects look fantastic and you guys have my respect for listening to your community so much. If you guys can keep this up I think the outlook is stellar x)


Nice one