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1) First stage is basic functionality for the movement, dialogue, and combat systems. It also includes making the main town navigable.

2) Next stage is the farm, this one will take some of the most work, as it'll involve monster breeding, item farming, and other basic functions of the farm.

3) Is when we implement the most basic shops and the interiors of buildings in both the town and the farm.

4) Is the polish phase, where we implement more detailed stuff, maybe a few quests, handle UI tweaks suggested in earlier stages, and get the introduction and basic character creation in the game blocked out, including a male protagonist if all goes according to plan.

ON the Team

As some of you might already know, our original programmer has left the project, having received a better job offer on a project with less drama associated with it's creation, but we're already interviewing 4 other people for the position, so please keep that in mind when offering us your patronage.

I don't want to make the patreon about the drama going on involving it's creation. That's not what this is about. I'm linking this here for completion's sake.





YOOOOOO I'm so glad to see more characters /concepts from you!! I'll gladly support this and can't wait to see more


Can't wait to see this happen. Only thing I am curious about if how much, if any, of our words will reach your teams ears. And I wanna mention that hearing us isn't actually always the best bet. Just interested in if you have a plan for this at the moment of not.


For anyone who's curious about where these ideas came from: <a href="http://breedingseasongame.blogspot.com/2016/07/breeding-season-is-over-s-purple-has.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://breedingseasongame.blogspot.com/2016/07/breeding-season-is-over-s-purple-has.html</a>#comment-form


nobody support this team, their artis S-purple is a backstabbing fag that only cares about money and ruining peoples work.


'my porn game got cancelled time to whine for 10 years about it'


Both Hbomb and Spurple should share the blame for Breeding Season's demise but what did they both decide to do after knowing their project was coming to an end? Hbomb sabotaged his own livelihood and ruined his own project by condemning Breeding Season to nothing but failure out of childish rage and revenge all the while slandering people he worked with. Spurple took what he put into a dying project to bring it back to life under new management and a new title with what seems like much better game mechanics than Breeding Season and better direction. We can only wait and see what happens to Cloud Meadow and I'm all for supporting it for now.

Thomas Manthei

I am on patreon pay for a game i want play if that's Cloud Meadow it's one get my money :)


U have given me much to think about in this post. It is respectable and as unbiased on this drama BS, thus I will continue my support and the benefit of the doubt will remain For Now. I am angry and disappointed at both of your shitbaggery, but u will have my pledge to Cloud Meadow (for now). BUT.....! I expect a demo of some lvl even if it's cobbled together by July 31st, if not my pledge will be canceled on the 31st exactly before 9pm CST. No demo no reward! Until provided, then I will reconsider to support or not.

Aromatic Hyena

still waiting on the futa . . . if i get one peak of that I'm sold


After seeing the female monsters, I'm just hoping at least some (namely dickwolves) make a comeback here.


Was at the beach this week, me and a few friends built a sandcastle, we spent ages building it, but one of my friends didnt want to build a sandcastle anymore, he wanted to do something else so he got up kicked the sandcastle down and left. I cried after that, it was a pretty sweet sandcastle:'(




Thanks for your side S-purple. I made a mistake in hating you for no reason, sorry.


Well you may be in the right but, you've lost my trust. See you when the game gets out of alpha.


Trust is an Important thing dude, You leaving just to start a Near COPY of the Game doesn't just Scream untrustworthy, it also says that you can't be Trusted to stay around for This Game either. Now some of us can Understand that the Game didn't do the way you liked or how it would from the start BUT you said NOTHING to the PUBLIC (we your Backers) and leaving US confused. You have lost so many to your action or inaction and Now I Can't trust you, So good bye from someone who Backed you for 25 months and enjoy making this Bootleg "Breeding Season" Game!

Thomas Manthei

I had a pledged on breeding season and tell you something nothing going on here for up dates to that game for some time. I bet they lost lot pledges do no real updates:(


Just wondering, if this a "the spiritual successor" to Breeding Season, why is the entry Patron amount double Breeding Season's? I imagine since it is the same artist working on this and some (if not all) of the resources will be utilized why the cost difference?


i think this game looks better than breeding season but it is a pity i pledged 2 j for breeding season and now its gone :C rip


Look at all these people defending S-Purple From Vanilly (The only one who seemed to do any work on the project) There has been little to no direction in regards to running the art department. I’ve been responsible for scheduling work assignments, and maintaining a steady workflow despite not being the head of the art department. I’ve had to chase after coworkers to finish their jobs, often met with apathy and untimeliness. In addition, I was pushed into the responsibility of PR, a position I was not hired for, and ultimately led to me having to constantly lie and cover up the absence of work and content. This has made for an incredibly unprofessional environment, but unfortunately there are even more reasons it has been unprofessional. Lack of consistent work hours, people not showing up for meetings, lack of direction from programmers for what assets are needed, and a disregard for reaching milestones in development. Especially in the case of our lead developer who consistently promised milestones and would fail to deliver. That same lack of initiative has also led to financial issues, because of your reluctance to make me an employee rather than a contractor I was forced to file a 10-99 MISC despite the fact that I do not meet most of the requirements of a contracted worker, and in fact am more of an employee, without the benefits. ( <a href="https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p15a.pdf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p15a.pdf</a> ) Finally, because of all these issues to ensure content was produced on time I was constantly forced to work extremely long hours each week. On top of that, the number of hours I had to work was extended further by having to fix, redraw, recolor, and cut up animations. I simply had far too much work that I needed to accomplish each week. Ultimately I do not feel that these issues are correctable nor do I feel that my opinion has been given credence on the subject numerous times, and as such my resignation is final and irrevocable. In case those who don't know: S-purple is the art director she is talking about and the one who was shifting work away from himself for reasons. (obviously this project) While S-Purple would love to shove the blame to H-bomb both S-purple and H-bomb are pretty much lazy.


I am a hobbyist programmer who wishes he had enough experience to be worth working on this project. However, I might suggest a different direction if you already haven't thought of it. Look into RPG Maker [www.rpgmakerweb.com], GameMaker [www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker], or Ren'Py [www.renpy.org]. Make a simple lead up game, something that doesn't require a programmer. Sell it, then use the revenue for a bigger project. That's how successful game designers do it. Don't shoot for the stars on your first project. The programs require no programming knowledge and have simple scripting can be done by anyone.


From the creators of Scaming Season, our new scam is ready even when the corpse of BS is still hot, with the same attitude, the same kind of patreon (after blame it in your blog), with no programmer, only with your wallet... Ladies and gentlemen... Scam Meadow... And I say this as a moron who supported BS since before of Patreon. I’ve no idea of who is the fucking traitor and guilty, honestly seems like both of you, of who have a worse attitude and show to be not enought mature to lead a Project. But I really want to know, how innocent or ignorant you are, to do what you have done, showing us an advanced project, with same thematic, with not only similar style, cause you’re the art designer, the same, the fucking SAME art, a project started while you were supposed to be working on BS, charging for it, stabbing the people who support BS, preventing, in a very bad and childish way, any possibility that the other project can continue, with a definite possibility of losing out in a lawsuit, and doing it without waiting for the corpse of BS to cool, in the same platform, knowing that you have stabbed a LOT of people… Really, let me know how you believe on that and you have the chutzpah to do it. Really… I… I’ve no fucking words… Honestly, I see any way in which you can come out of this with dignity and clean. PS: "If I still had access to the list of present and past supporters I would have offered free download and the unlock codes to all those involved, regardless of their future patronage." So, where is my free download and codes? I can show you my history of how I meet you mother... I mean, of how I was scammed and stabbed by you and your friend, and beneficiary of this, H-Bomb since the month one, 10$ each month ^^. PS2: With love and affection, a panda bear hug.


Dude get over it and stop crying lmao you don't have to be THIS hurt over a porn game


I would personally stay away from RPGmaker and the like. Unity and the Unreal Engine both have versions that would suit a smaller project like this and would allow for a better game with more creative control and direction.


Will this game to be so Focased on Male Female sex as well ??


To anyone who is thinking about being a patron to this site my suggestion is save your money you can probably get better quality games cheaper from some where else and I know of a couple sites that you can full games for more than half the cost . My suggestion is save your money for something else that is actually paying for


your rebuke was tastefully stated and it offers as much as anyone would hope for in civility and information. I'll back this project when it's further along for now I will have my eye on it.


Hoping to see the NPC dating system fleshed out, that was the only thing that i was interested in Breeding Season and it never came.


Well I hate to say this looks like it could actually lead somewhere. I'm burned quite hard from the BS fiasco, but I like the art style too much and it already has a worthwhile plan set forth. Gonna have to wait and see that this isn't another vaporware in the making, but I'm interested in seeing where this goes.


Congratulations, SPurple. Looks like your side of the drama was enough to convince many people to help you, it was that many in less than a day, I imagine that they will be enough to make your project be acomplished. But I still think that all this drama and rage was because you refused to sell your assets to HBomb. I don't know exactly what happened between you and BS team, and it does looks like HBomb wouldn't be going anywhere, but not allowing him to continue the project was what enraged the fans, and if HBomb is so incompetent as you guys claim, he would sink his project and you would attract his patrons.


I have to say, the project looks promising, and although I'm still torn because of the BS cancelling, your art is still very attractive. I hope that this project will fully blossom. I still like BS, but since it is killed, for now, I will see how this project will unwrap itself. Don't disappoint the fans, otherwise you will get lot more hate, Spurple. So without further ado, GOOD LUCK.

Max Ptash

Even with the mismanaged mess that was BS, the backstabbing was all on you. If any part of what was said about you is true you aren't worth a fucking penny. Good day


Atleast read S his blog, which provides way more proof and professionality than Hbomb's post does. <a href="http://shwlg.tumblr.com/post/147485370821/breeding-seasons-cancelation-my-side-of-the" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://shwlg.tumblr.com/post/147485370821/breeding-seasons-cancelation-my-side-of-the</a>


Sorry what happened with Breeding Season. Honestly I have never been a patron for that game, as I hardly ever saw any updates or noticable changes. If this game actually does have a good amount of updates and transparency towards it's community I will probably become a patron. If I can help you out by being a community mod or anything similar, just tell me. I love games that are transparent with their community.


Skull King is pleased with this. I'm Highly looking forward to seeing a male protagonist.


I have read your side of the story, and you certainly make good points. Still, it is crazy what happened with Breeding Season, and that development hell went on for so long, with so much money racking in, while blatantly lying to backers. You may not be so much in the wrong but I think it is very untasteful that you put up this new project, so similar to BS. I guess I'll come back in a few month to see how development is going. I do think that if you manage to produce a good video game that would be really cool, regardless of the drama that happened with BS. But I doubt I will ever be a backer.


I have to agree with Pizza. I never was able to back up BS but while it did have it's long development issues, I enjoyed it. It was amazing. I've read both sides and as stated, I agree with Pizza. If a good game comes out of this, I'd still be willing to try it out, as annoyed as I am that BS is scrapped basically now. So I guess good luck with the game. I'll be back as well to check it out too.


I mean... it looks great. And I have read both sides of this story. I think both of you handled the situation poorly. But I guess the real 'winner' in this case will show itself with time. If you can handle this better then you claim Hbomb can, then I will return and pledge myself to this, seeing how then I will be willing to consider that new management was necessary. And quite honestly, you DID improve BS a lot. Your artwork was always enjoyable to watch. I mean from the sounds of this, this game seems very ambitious. Adding a Dungeon Crawler element to it from the original just breeding aspect of BS. I will say it SOUNDS great, definetly better then BS. I do hope Paypal will allow me to pledge here, because Paypal is all I have.


I like how this just started but already looks like more work has been done on it then was done in a whole year for Breeding Season.


This could have been handled better on all sides, but I think the creator of the game disappearing for a year, needing to be forced to pay his contractors, refusing to actually hire the people needed to complete the job, and attempting to excuse poor and unprofessional behavior by going into personal issues fairly in-depth is a bit more "poor" than abandoning a sinking ship with the rest of the team. Had this news broken at the same time as news that the entirety of the team was leaving, most people wouldn't even have blinked twice at this. Life is too short to waste years of it working on a project that the creator seems to barely care about half the time.

yuri lins

The answer is easy, show work and the people will like. And I need more popcorn... xD.


I appreciate the sentiment, but until I have a working prototype that everyone can see,I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea. Right now this is all preproduction, pretty pictures without anything mechanical YET. I hope to make good on the promises of my pictures though.


so far it's looking good, got 1 question though, as i see sencoring on some of the snaps is that a permanent thing or just a "haven't gotten down to the details" thing? seems quite the shame to sensor it :3


The censor is due to patreon rules regarding adult content on a public page, I'd imagine


Glad to see breeding season's getting a spiritual successor, and that you're still in business, schwigg. I knew h-bomb was lazy but to think he'd go that far to fuck with you, god damn


I do not know the whole story and only choose to follow those who is productive which H-bomb has not been with breeding season. In the end I shall engrave this patron into my mind as to follow it and see if YOU sir are ready to take the mantle of leader of such a project. Also I would like to know if you yourself will be working on this project on yourself?


Happy to see that the H-Bomb shit storm going around has not stopped you! Your art is fantastic, and I personally appreciate the timeline given for NPC's and locations. I was a long time patron of Breeding Season, and as sad as I am to see it go, having read both sides I have to say that I hope those who left before you would be willing to work on this project, though as bad a taste as BS may have left in their mouths I can understand why not. If you need any sort of help with anything I would be more than happy to volunteer to assist!


I actually have a small question, i was wondering if you would be uploading the game Beta/Alpha/whatever version to the public, after some development similarly to how it was done in Breeding season?


I wonder if there's some way We can get our money from BS, to here? I spent more than 200+ dollars on BS, and I haven't gotten any refund or anything. So where should I contact to at least talk about this issue?


How far along is the game? I may like to do a video of it sometime.


Consider putting a 1$ per month with early demo access, I don't want a repeat of breeding season


Well... he only slandered one person... and no more than S said nasty things about him in return. S was also the one who demanded that BS be shut down and its patreon pulled. He didn't have to do that.

Lawrence Fishburner

Excuse me but why is the mechanics post paywalled? I understand that the game might not be fully fleshed out yet but something as important as that, especially since there's no demo available for the game yet, seems like it should be a public post. I guess you dont have to make it free since you've gotten 2k$ already but I just wanted to throw in my little opinion on the matter.


There's a lot of drama related to this, is the short answer. S ahs retained the majority ofthe art assets from BS, and demanded that htey be stripped fromthe old project... but doesn't appear to be intending to actually use them as anything other than placeholders, until new ones are made.


Both parties acted very poorly in this, and neither is without blame. S is the one responsible for demanding a shut down of the BS project, though, which he did not need to do, and which ultimately gains him nothing. In fact, if he'd allowed continued fair use of existing assets and allowed that page to remain, it would have been far more ethically redeeming behaviour, and it would ahve garnered him a lot more good will. Plus, patrons over there who were isgruntled would swiftly be pointed over here by others, and then it would be in the hands of individuals as to who they wanted to support. S chose to do all in his power to removed that decision from our hands.


Unfortunately, you aren't owed a refund. Patreon is so called because it functions based on patronage, not commission. Patronage is simply the act of offering money or support to an individual or group, to assist in their efforts, without gaining you any obligations from or sway over them.


I have been watching over BS for the past year without ever deciding to support it. Why? Lack of progress. Now I see what caused that. In the year I've watched over BS all I've seen added was new UI systems very few special events and some new animations here and there. I never thought of it as a fun game, only as an "interesting" game. With that said, this game sounds like it can be both fun AND "interesting" and when I am able to (don't have debit/credit card, paypal, ect) I WILL be supporting this game.


Judge Heath: When we get the actual first demo out we plan on dropping the paywall on that stuff, but it's actual design documentation about what's coming about, not just what mechanics will be involved, but how the demo will play out and such. In addition, S-Purple felt it would be inappropriate to publically share the exact details when we're still interviewing programmers (we're negotiating a temporary contract with one now), and thus there is still a question on WHETHER those mechanics will be implemented or not.


What , exactly, is to stop these guys from flaking out on us again? The answer is, nothing. There's no way to be sure and, given their history, there's reason to doubt. I hope a great adult game comes out of all of this, there aren't enough of those, but, I'm more than a little wary of throwing my support behind them. Even if they were in the right, which I'm not saying they aren't, what's to stop this team from falling apart like the last one?


Well, as you said, nothing is stopping them - none of us can predict the future. And you've got every right to be skeptical, especially right after the fiasco with the last game. I can afford to piss away a few bucks a month as a show of good faith to see what this new team can do with their talent (even if it turns into another disaster!), so I'm pitching in, but I wouldn't expect that of everyone. If you feel more comfortable waiting to see what happens, let them earn your trust first. I imagine many people feel the same way you do. It's unfortunate they'll have to overcome the baggage from S-Purple's last project, but if they do show promise, they've at least got the benefit of a significant amount of attention brought over from it.


Sorry if this is mentioned somewhere else, but will something like the neoteny trait for male monsters be in the game?


Oh? Were you the type of person that didn't notice that your friends were sick of building that sand-castle for you because you didn't pull your weight in building it and then taking credit for it? Did your friend decide: Hey! I put more effort into this sandcastle then you, you wanna have a sandcastle then make one yourself and don't try to hog the one you stole from the work of your other friends. Did you then out of spite refuse to make another sand-castle and convince faceless strangers to bully that one friend who was sick and tired of your shit? If so, you deserve to be sad.


Well! I posted 5$ for now, depending on how these next few months are going I might decide to upgrade to 20. If I can be convinced that this'll go anywhere. I mean 5$ monthly is less then most other games I play, so 5$ is what I can spare and give you in a sign of good-faith. If I am to pledge more, I want to see updates, I want to see transparency and stability. I don't want to lose money as I did with Breeding Season.

Brittany Moo

I am liking the hot dudes! I hope that the game's writing is on the same level as Breeding Season. In the end it was the writing that kept the project alive for me.


Do not support this man, he left his team on breeding season abruptly, took half the money, and all the art assets. He fucked them for his own game and now he hopes to be just as successful. DO NOT GIVE HIM YOUR MONEY.


Thatguywiththelizard has right but think a bit if us not have breeding season we have to see this famous game who fucked up with a good porn game look friend if u reading this we want a demo game to see how gonna be if this game be good we can think in he possibilyte to acepet this game (sorry about the errors ingles is not my leanguege)

Aron Marczylo

Despite the drama going on around this project, I have no problem supporting this one as I feel the people in charge here seem to know what they are doing, unlike the previous team where they are now filled with spite. Not saying they don't have a right to be spiteful, but the best way to be professional is not to be so venomous with the situation and even given out hints to accessing the shared dropbox and claiming you don't support such a action. One way to look at it is thanks to the Drama I'm more than happy to support this project as it's something I've often wanted out of a porn game (though there is a somewhat similar one on dlsite, but with nowhere near as many types of creatures to raise, just cow ones like above) and never been able to find. I'm in full support of you guys. :)


Aron Marczylo i agree with u :)


ill patron the days i see constent result ive been fool once


It took me 2 hours finishing reading the posts the original creators of Breeding Season put that detail the breakup. In summary: Clearly Cloud Meadow has more chances than BS of being finished. S has demonstrated he posseses the correct attitute to direct this project.


This is the game I want to play the most on Patreon from fantasy type, art style, character design. It's everything I hoped for in an adventure game. However I can't become a patreon for Team Nimbus for some reason when I try. it tells me [Something went wrong with your payment. Change your payment method, or check your payment information.]


Well done