Announcement on the horrible mess up of the new Patron Build. (Patreon)
We're aware of the issues, and are currently working on fixing them, Kodex's computer more or less had a melt down, and we've been working with him to save everything for the past day or so. We suspect that the corruption that screwed over the build most likely was brought on by whatever went wrong that caused his entire OS to start to fall apart, and have since backed up everything, transferred it out. He's now gotten his machine back up and running, and hopefully will have a fixed up build tomorrow. We're sorry about the radio silence about this up until now, but we were more concerned with getting Kodex back up and running and hadn't realized just how bad the problem was until earlier today.
Thank you for your patience, we've got this under control now.
We'll be entirely replacing the Beta v0.0.3.17b build, fixed up from this issue. We are deleting the current one up after we make this post.