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An idea we're bouncing around to save on time, rather than making a station for each dungeon, have a mobile station.

We've not finalized on this idea, and still might end up doing multiple stations instead, but it would cut out some considerable design time both of NPCs and backgrounds.




Cooler katarina


M.s.c !


I think that is one of the most practical uses for assets I have seen in a game. Not only is it cost efficient for the game engine, it allows for future story and assets exploitation. Think of the possibilities. The team is out dungeon running, their ship station drops by with equipment and resources throughout the dungeon. The story behind its use centering around support for frontiersmen and to make a pritty penny. The bring with them the comforts of home, seed, monster, ale and a good lay... Please move forward with this, if you can, if you can't I understand...


Considering that you are releasing in a month i think this will be ideal. You won't have to worry about adding characters and all content will be built on the set there


i'm into this idea, and then over time get some interactive things to do on the mobile station and your ready to go i'd say.


I love everything about this!


I like the da vinci style with the wood and cloth wings and propellers


Keep up the good job guys!!