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Saves are compatible


  • Options menu enabled during combat
  • Temporally removed construction of normal buildings


  • Fixed the new shader not working
  • Fixed a dungeon event not giving the player a message when used
  • Fixed a dialogue error with the captain
  • Fixed building slots disappearing after removing the building
  • Fixed there being a jump rock on the manta transport in the dungeon
  • Fixed Holstaur Milk Run "Mad Milk" variant 100-fold damage error
  • Fixed a bug when mating crab/chirema with a male monster/player not creating an egg
  • Fixed monster’s born thinking that they were related to everyone
  • Fixed some album tiles having the wrong name for their scene
  • Fixed a Holstaur scene appearing when you filter by cat
  • Fixed when leaving the barn it puts the player inside a fence
  • Fixed the seed selection window not scrolling
  • Fixed the hollow sprite not being perfectly synced with the player’s
  • Fixed one of the tiles having the potential to block your path with clutter
  • Fixed some collisions on the forest tileset
  • Fixed the texture swapper displaying the scene black and white
  • Fixed a variety of barn related bugs
  • Fixed some of the old farm code causing problems with the new code
  • Fixed some HD related bugs
  • Potentially fixed seed and eggs not being removed from inventory



Awesome. I'm going to start a new game and see how it works.


Seems to be working fine. Only new issue I've found so far is that it is sometimes randomly targeting multiple enemies, instead of letting me choose the target. Otherwise good. Keep up the good work!


I seem to have issues with attacking the the target I want, and I'll attack a completely different one instead. also not sure if I was an Idiot or the gate to the dungeon level 2 was simply not available


hey, this was an issue with the last build, too, but I'm stuck in an exitless space, the one you're at after you're forced to flee the monster fight at the Other Wizard's Lab where Garst (???) is just laying on the ground. I interact with Garst and the First Wizard Guy talks to me and says he's teleporting me and even has conversation with me as if I arrived back at his lab safely, but I don't. It's an exitless cycle of interacting with Garst to try and get out/do something, and the day timer is off now so I can't even force-sleep Ev back to bed. GAW D;


Use your echo stone from within your inventory. That worked for me :)


Same Issue here. If you select the first (counting from top) you will hit the first. Everyone else is shifted by one. (2nd lands on first etc. last one also lands on first)


The bread,winter, and misc bundles can be used infinitely.


The only major bug I have found on multiple saves is that hitboxes in battle (when you choose your target) are..... wonky. If you click an enemy, it will choose a different enemy, usually one at the other end of the "line" (e.g. if you click the rightmost enemy, it attacks the left).


Thanks fo game, dudes!


so,is there no quests after i find this lab?


Some issues I found with the eggs! When trying to hatch an egg, it won't give me the monster, even after naming it. The egg doesn't disappear either, and simply stays in its slot.


Fleeing from battle just counts as a restart button.


your game is malware according to windows avast and malware bytes reported to patreon enjoy ur ban


That doesn't help anyone. Just report it as a bug instead of reporting it to get them ban.


dont open map dangeon piblic build


Fix your pathfinding ! It's horrible ! And the font size is ridiculus !