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A lot of games of our type offer the ability to pick what content the player will encounter, and that's part of our goal here. These symbols, when paired in a new options menu we'll be added, will allow you to filter what sorts of scenes will play in the game for you. If a specific pairing isn't checked off, then scenes of that nature, and romance paths of that nature, will be turned off as well and unaccessible until you go into settings and enable them. Overworld sex sprites will either, in the case of monsters, be displayed as a jumping haystack, or simply not appear.

Several of our trans characters left us in something of a dilemma however, we consistently refer to them by their chosen gender, rather than whatever physical body they have, by linking them directly into the system without a special designation. Morgan is currently the most obvious such character, and if we loaded her files based on her chosen gender, then we would invalidate the actual purpose of this system, which is about what people want to see. If we went purely utilitarian, then we'd end up misgendering her by having her scene appear in M+M for Evan's and Thrund's scene, and M+F for Eve's scene, which obviously doesn't work either.

So we knew we needed to have a trans tag added in, especially since we'll likely be adding more trans character as we go, though it will, of course, be a matter for patron votes to decide which NPCs get their scenes. So we needed a marker for it. Originally we considered using the trans symbol, and coloring it pink or blue, before realizing for readability's sake in those circumstances, we'd all but be forced to misgender the characters again, while using the symbol meant to be inclusive and prevent those things, obviously a non-starter. For that reason we decided instead to use the traditional mars and venus symbols, but with the transflag colors, making the best of a bad situation, and forging a compromise between inclusiveness and readability while maintaining the purpose of this system. Morgan's scenes currently are linked to the  BlueMars+ and PinkVenus+TransVenus combos in our design docs.

We're aware this is an imperfect solution that'll no doubt tick some people off, but it's the best compromise we could find, and we hope folks will keep that in mind.

The full list of combinations currently in the game or planned for being in the game are as follows:

  • M solo 
  • F solo 
  • M+F 
  • M+M 
  • F+F 
  • Intersex+M 
  • Intersex+F 
  • Intersex+Intersex 
  • TransF+M 
  • TransF+F

And more combinations to come in the future.


(No title)



I think it's a great idea, and seems well executed. Now makes playing Evan a lot less dangerous for us straight folks too, really appreciate it


Wow, I love it! Linking trans women to the trans Venus and trans men to the trans Mars is perfect! After all, folks into guys won't necessarily want to see a woman and vis versa, so just having their own tags is perfect. Folks who are interested in those characters will know to turn them on. As a trans person this makes me unimaginably happy! Thank you so much for working hard to treat your trans characters and patrons with respect. You all do such a great job of moderating the discord and such too, so we don't have to be subjected to slurs in our hobby spaces. I really can't thank you enough, this means so much. I also didn't realize Morgan was a trans woman! I thought she was a gender non-conforming guy since the fan blog used he/him pronouns and tagged her as a male NPC. She's adorable and I love her! It's great to have trans characters in the game.


Oh come on, this is a porn game, does it really have to be so difficult? Just do what other game developers do, forget about what genders which characters are or are not, and instead allow players to block certain content from showing instead. You don't want to see Anal? Check the box for "Don't show Anal", and so on. Aside from all that, I hope there will be a way for players to get to see absolutely all content, because as it is now, it sounds like players will only be able to choose one, two, or maybe three different combinations to be shown, while all the others are hidden.

Ivory Sai'ee

As a MtF just want to say Thank You *HUGGLES*


Programming time. Far easier to assign each thing it's own tag that is mutually exclusive with all other tags than to come up with a giant cross referencing tagging system.


This is really nifty! Thank you for being inclusive in your game it’s full of good feels ✨✨✨

SoanoS Barcoded

It is not "social politics". It is just common courtesy towards another person. People just seem to be dragging politics into everything... I don't feel too good when I get misgendered. It is pretty hurtful towards the person in question.

SoanoS Barcoded

Thank you, as a trans person I appreciate your effort to be inclusive. It means a lot to me.


We were still finding our feet early on and weren't sure what to do with Morgan, plus making our own mistakes as time went on. Morgan was, in the very first incarnation, that, but we decided to make them fully Trans about 2 years ago when we were redesigning/updating characters.


I've tried downloading this game several time and can't seem to get it to work at all. Is there something I'm missing? Or is this one of those things that I need to download 15 other programs for it to work? Maybe I'm just stupid.. Detailed instructions would be appreciated!


I'm not too sure about this, just to be upfront with everyone, I'm a straight man. I do wonder if it's truly necessary, since you can pretty much go around any problem, I don't go too deep in male NPC since I'm not looking for that and I really don't mind seeing 2 male having fun (cause while I'm trying to make my farm bigger with more people around it, if I have males that have nothing to do, I'll milk some and others, I'll just send them to enjoy their time), and if it's bringing so much disdain to people, I don't think they have enough maturity. I'm not attacking anybody, I'm just concerned about things to come, if this update on the game is necessary for it's future, yeah, go for it, but if not, why bother? This is essentially a patch to erase some chore mechanics of the game, why bother with it if it's not there? All of this is taking time away from new content, bug fixing, sound improvement and graphical design, me (and I'm sure other people), would much prefer to see new things for the game than a mechanic that rips away other, and on that note, while staying respectful of others, would like to see the opinion of others. Am I too paranoid or do I have some legitimate concern? Again, keep up the great work Nimbus.


Are you trying to run it just like that? You need to unzip it first, your pc will probably say that it's suspicious and run it anyway.


"Necessary" is a strong word for what this is, but it's something a lot of games have built into them, and the systems we have in place made it rediculously easy for us to implement as long as we kept it to a list of mutually exclusive variables that defined what each scene was. The system's core is already built into the album proper, the story system refactor made this even easier to put into the game, and we've not removed the assets necessary to replace it. We just stick some bools in to a few places in the system controllers and it's set. If this was too much effort, like, more than a couple hours on the outside assuming we're having a HORRENDOUS day, then it'd never have gotten to the stage where we took 5 minutes to make the assets for the symbols. And let's be honest. The entire game is about enjoyment, necessary is a really weird bar to measure in terms of luxury products.


That's a dignified solution. Everybody has their own preference and an opportunity to choose is the key point. It looks like there will be even more ways to have a fun ahead of us :) Keep up your good work!


I'm trans and I'm honestly just happy to see thoughtful inclusion efforts being made. Programming only lets you do so much and you guys make the best you can with the if:and statements that control computers.