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Hey guys! We're finally moving on! We're getting things all set up and ready to go for the next big phase of development, you'll find that in another one of our posts shortly.

You'll find that there's not a lot of bugs fixed from last release, due to the massive efforts we had to take to overcome rejiggering the entire game to support a time and calendar system. We've got a change log below explaining in more detail what's going on in this build, but you can look forward to time passing, days changing, and your character now using up energy on taking actions such as breeding and running. Eventually food will be able to be eaten to restore energy over the course of the day, but for now you gotta go to bed.

The cyclops has been enabled, though we're still seeing some serious bugs in some of the sex sprite animations. That'll be a major focus of our bug fixing efforts in the upcoming month, and we're also going to lay down some of the back end for getting stuff procedurally placed on dungeon maps. For the time being the Dungeon you can run around and explore has no encounters, no interaction except to return to Cloverton. This is going to be a long, involved process, where we steadily test out various methods of getting dungeons functioning and working in a fashion close to what we originally envisioned.

Change Log

Clock: Shows the current season and time of the day pictographically. It also shows player's health and energy bars.     

Small Bug Fixes
Dialogue nameplate shouldn't be white now 

New dialogues and events can be found in Cloverton and farm 

Dungeon layout and transport test 

New in-game time system:          

  • Every time related action now runs using a new time r can't system
  • If you stay up untill late you will fall asleep and be transported to your bedroom
  • Affects monsters, crops and the player     
  • Monster are always on the barn doing whatever they are doing (very buggy visuals :S)

Energy system: 

  • Each farm action (interacting with the field or monsters) will consume energy. 
  • Sleeping recovers energy. 

Walking and Running Speed increased.

2 new music themes replace the old songs played (Default volume reduced too)

Known Bugs

While pretty much anything you reported last time is already known, the big ones you'll still encounter are as follows

  • Tons of corrupted scenes in the gallery. We're trying to work on fixing this. If we can't get it done by the end of the week we'll do a dump to our patrons of a zip containing .gifs of all the animations.
  • Seed Stacks for the purposes of buying and selling are bugged very badly.
  • Occasionally the skybox for the Dungeon will be very small. Please please please if you trigger this one give us as much information on your system specs, OS, the settings you ran the game on, as you can as we've got no idea why this one is happening given it's happening so inconsistently.

EDIT: Given the massive issues with the corruption of the sex sprites, we're adding the 4 cyclops gifs (loops and climaxes) to this post immediately. Further releases of uncorrupted images in gif format will be made in time depending on if we can hotfix this within a reasonable timeframe.




I'm getting the corruption on HD animations as well. Centaur x Eve has a small corruption at the beginning of the loop, and Cyclops x Eve is entirely messed up.

william wofford

energy runs out too fast , plants are sprouting instantly and ready for harvest as soon as you plant ,eventually this speeds up to the point the plant instantly rots before you can harvest . if you go to the tavern first you can get the tavern scene but you lose the plant store interaction and vice versa , this was a glitch last time . have not tried the dungeon yet i will try it and let you know .......

william wofford

dungeon seems to work walked all around the void and then return to town works .... checked out the album seems to be getting more corrupted on the graphics ...........Lots of things to fix this version is almost unplayable


Female on cyclops scene is broken in the gallery just some pixelated lines moving


Updated the bug list given how the visual errors have become even more pervasive than they were in the builds we literally tested before launch. If we can't get this hotfixed we'll find something else to do.


Awesome! Can't wait to play it.


Cyclops is funny... I can't help to think about the time when Evan is breeding with Harpy, his size looks like a bit too large for her. And if Cyclops' size is too large to put it into Evan who can endure the size of Centaurs and Demon, oh Primus...I can hardly image how could he breed with Harpy...that situation must be excited.


Mouse movement isn't working in the...the guild hall? The building with the metal entrance and the vault door, but keyboard control works fine. Goldra's nameplate is messed up (just a few pink bars).


I dont know if im the only one having this problem or if the scene might just be unfinished and you guys are planing to finish it later in the development but the lamia x evan scene is really laggy for me.


there is not sufficient energy to water the default garden, it took two days to do just one round of watering at the cost of not being able to harvest ready crops, my second day was about 40 seconds long and i have already used up my full day's allotment of energy. am i just silly and not figuring out a way to restore energy outside of sleeping or is it not currently possible to play the game without excessive day wasting? i super want to explore but i cannot even do my job in this state XD


I'm having trouble downloading the new build!!!


Yeah we just chucked in some numbers to test that the system was DEFINITELY working, that folks are telling us there's not enough energy is proof positive the system we wanted to test is definitely working. (I know this sounds ass backwards but we needed to be sure that energy was always running out, that it was always returning when you guys went to bed, and by going too high rather than too low on energy points, we pretty much guaranteed that we'd get reports on it being too onerous right now.)