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Whew! This last week was a nightmare, I kept re-thinking and rewriting the last part of the quest (and often, I got stuck without making much progress), but eventually I manged to wrap things up. I hope it's enough for an epic conclusion, and that people will like the puzzles and the plot. 

I seriously changed my ideas so many times, and I had no time for regular testing (I did multiple runs on my own, instead), but I think the final result is worth it (although it depends a lot on whether or not you appreciate the final twist).

Anyway, enough of me talking. Here is the update:



  • Changed costs for the pocket dimension spell (4k for each new room, 8k to get a mirror to link to Golden Leaf);
  • Added new scene with Gabriel;
  • New scene for Marjorie's sub path (final scene);
  • New scene with Ginnuk (orc village ending);
  • Added final Outcasts' quest;


  • Fixed softlock if you take "extra lessons" from Professor Newell (Selina) before taking one lesson in her class (now she won't appear at the lounge before that first lesson);
  • Fixed issue when doing the "Spilled Milk" quest if you were also using the schedule to go to work at night;
  • Fixed an issue with Lanessa during her visits to the baths at night (if you tried to befriend her once, then it would become impossible to try and gain her identity with your powers, unless you still needed help with talking to professor Kendar);
  • Fixed continuity in Lanessa's dialogue in the bath, if she already knows you personally;
  • Fixed continuity for the "dungeon girls" (I think all conversations now reflect their move into the pocket dimension, when appropriate);
  • Fixed issue with the slime-girl in the forest (repeated losses against her could make her move outside the map). Also fixed her collision after a loss;
  • Fixed bug with Gabriel's scenes (you would end up triggering all of them at once, if you were on a new save, and it could lock you out of a relationship with him);

Apologies for the delay, and have fun with the new release! ^_^

P.S. In case you follow the public releases as well, the links will go live tomorrow, because it's way too late for me to do the usual forum rounds tonight.


Daniel O

Where do I go to start the next outcast quest?


If you have met them in the sewers already and you have reached chapter 5, simply entering the world map when it's not nighttime should trigger the quest. If you haven't reached chapter 5 yet, you might need to sleep once after that, before exiting on the world map.


those caliross has animation?


No animations in Caliross for the sexy scenes. They might have a few variations or extra details to portray the various stages of the scene, but everything is static 2D art.