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I guess I underestimated how long my sickness would drag. I did write the ending for Marjorie's path and the orc village, but I couldn't quite finish the quest. As a result, I am going to try and release the update by the end of the week, now.

There really isn't much else to say, and I apologize for the delay. I guess it's all good as long as the release window doesn't change much, but still. Keep an eye out for the release, and in the meantime, have fun. ^_^


Richard Weems

Absolutely, health is of paramount import. May good fortune and correspondingly health be yours


Sorry to ask, and it might be a really stupid question. But i've seen loads of art for cheerleader uniforms but i can't find any storyline related to it in the game? Where is it? the walkthrough's searching by "cheer" also didn't help.


It's not in the walkthrough yet (I need to update it). The cheerleader part is tied to the magic academy. Have you met Emilia (the girl with green hair) yet?