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Wouldn't you know it? Last week was terrible for  progress. I underestimated how much time it would take me to edit some sprites for the costume party. I had to at least have Erica, Sole and Luna to wear some special outfits, and also I needed some custom graphics for one puzzle, which I ended up tweaking and re-tweaking for hours, as I kept changing some details about the puzzle itself. I ran into more issues than I was expecting while doing my own preliminary testing, and  the same was true when I gave a second look to the dialogues for the new scenes. I pretty much didn't get anything new done, but at least I managed to wrap everything up before the weekend, since I wasn't going to be home on saturday and sunday as I mentioned in the previous post.

On the plus side, testing and polishing went really well today, as I got a bunch of feedback and reports, and I chewed through  them, already implementing some improvements, beyond simply fixing bugs.  Still, I think I'll delay the release at least 2-3 days, no sense in hurrying things up when I got derailed this badly, and I'd rather try to  prepare some more content before release, instead.

Anyway, the update is still coming this week, so look forward to it! ^_^​


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