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Not much happened since release (obviously), but I know already this week should be fairly busy. A hotfix should come out in the coming days, as I found a few bugs in the current version, annoyingly enough.

I worked today on TOTDC 2, and likely will do it tomorrow as well, and I should update the walkthrough later in the week. After that, it should be some work on the orc village, and then I imagine next monday will be right around the corner. XD

Afterward, I should work on the new Outcasts' quest, and I'll try to add more content to the academy (I'll try to finish most/all of the content for "rebelling" against Marjorie, and at least something for the sub path). I imagine Eloise and Charles will get more content as well.

I guess I'll figure out what else is there to do after I tackle these main points, depending on how much time I have left, but this is the general plan, at least.

That's all for today, until next time! ^_^


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