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Can I use the fact that I was preparing the version for the testers as an excuse? That will have to do, since I completely, 100% forgot about making the posts last week, sorry about that.

I hope the eyecandy will make it easier to forgive me. XD
Stan did a pretty good job with this batch as well. Personally, I am really partial to Eloise's shower and the secretary job art. Anyway, I hope you are looking forward to see these in the game. ^_^




Love how the second image is censored by the Patreon logo. It feels very apropos. Was the chair image in the brothel or is that something different?


Oops, I didn't realize the logo would hide the important part (I used to manually place the logo each time, but I started using a "standard" position to save time, perhaps I should reconsider). The chair is from the Queen of Hearts. I think it's a scene that triggers randomly, I can't remember if it was when you use the fast travel at night or when you walk near the QoH (after you have become Sonya's pet).


You could maybe shrink the logo a bit too because It's pretty big even when the picture is enlarged


Sure. I just keep those there to avoid leaving the artwork as is out in the wild, but it's not exactly important, making it smaller it's probably fine.