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So, I have been having some back pain issues the last few days, so I had to take things a bit slower today, and I did some general miscellaneous stuff (art-related editing and other small tidbits). Hopefully this won't be a big problem, and the rest of the week will go as usual (so long as I don't lose much sleep like yesterday, it should be fine).

Last week I did good work, though, and I added more content to the sexy professor I told you about (a mind control scene, the possibility to daydream about her assets in her class, some general fine tuning for the way things work for her, since I am trying to give people enough leeway to refuse if they don't like her). I think the hypnosis scene is decently sized, so it should be "fun for the fans". The professor just needs 2-3 scenes, which should be easy to conjure (I have some ideas), but I might leave her as is for now, to focus on the other characters (just so that we have a better first experience exploring the academy).

I wrote some dialogues for the minor NPCs, and I have some more content with students and faculty underway, including another mini-game, a posse of mean girls, and so on, so I already have something going on there.

Anyway, the short version is that this week is going to be more academy content (+testing), the usual monthly art preview and polls, and that's it, really. I might try to squeeze in some other stuff that doesn't require as much setting up, but it's all a day to day kind of deal.

See you soon with more news! ^_^



Hope you get over your back pain. Get well. I'm glad the process is going smoothly so far. keep it up