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Well-well-well, look who's back from the dead! It's a timely update  (barely 6 years and a half later) to your favourite game, TOTDC!

I'll leave the game on my blog (and on some of the usual forums), so if you want to dig out your archelogical hat, now is the time to head over here:


This update was mainly to prepare the game for the eventual arrival of TOTDC 2 (to allow copy/pasting the end-data from the first game, if you  wanted to continue from your previous "save"), but it has ballooned in size thanks to a player generously helping with a ton of bug reports and a new walkthrough (the walkthrough will take some significant work before it can be published, though). Anyway, here is the list of changes/bugfixes:

HTML-only fixes:

  • Fixed the elevator in Dreyfus office (it often wouldn't update the exit properly);
  • Fixed the option to lie to gain access to the restaurant during Dreyfus's quest (it would automatically fail);
  • Fixed a bug after the time runs out during the quest Dreyfus gives  you (the map would glitch out, mixing up exits, names and whatnot);
  • Fixed the Red Fury drug (after the first use, the effect wouldn't apply anymore);
  • Fixed a freeze during Darenzia's quest ("Use the password to unlock the safe" would cause the freeze);
  • Fixed a freeze during Parad0x's quest (if you use the action   "...Crack the keypad using Darenzia's program", the game freezes);
  • Fixed the university map in Dreyfus's quest (it would just be impossible to navigate correctly);
  • Fixed a freeze during the final quest  (picking "Stare sadly at the wall", would freeze the game).

Fixes for both versions:

  • K-9 was missing its portrait;
  • The questlog for the human ambassador party mentioned the wrong location;
  • The choice to bribe someone for 1000 credits incorrectly showed 2000  in the custom choice ("Pay the 2000 credits to Lizzie");
  • Fixed guard potentially re-appearing after being defeated in the final mission;
  • Fixed the Red fury drug setting your HP above your max HP by 1;
  • Fixed navigation console not allowing journey between Janus and Europa 4 after returning from rescuing Alicia;
  • Fixed small model job for the police on Europa 4 not handing you the 2 flash grenades as promised;
  • Fixed being able to run away from enemies during the rooftop section of Dreyfus's quest;
  • Added the option to "cancel" after you approach Elana (you were forced to watch one of her shows and pay, otherwise);
  • Now you can think about becoming Elana's slave (bad end) only after  you decide to be her sub during her private show (before, once you had  reached a high enough submission to her, you'd always be offered to  submit, even if you picked to be her domme for the night);
  • Added discount to Elana's private shows if you worked for the nightclub  (also extended the discount to working as a stripper);
  • Changed how the Red Fury ending is triggered, making so that being at 2  HP or lower is enough (so it's both easier to trigger on purpose while  also being slightly riskier to use in combat);
  • Fixed issue where you'd be able to take a shuttle on Kantor when you aren't supposed to (while hunting Ray Wallace);
  • Slightly changed how infiltrating the police station for Breanne  works (now you can hide after turning the lights off, and you won't get  caught if someone comes in (but they'll turn on the lights again).  Turning on the lights only happen if you are in the room, to keep the  code simple.
  • Made it more obvious in the dialog that approaching the illusionist after the show is a bad idea (delayed ending);
  • Fixed random scene on Verania discussing politics (the dialogue for  the colony going to the humans or to the dakris was swapped);
  • Fixed a bug where you'd get to keep a copy of a medkit after the quest is over ("Scarface" quest)
  • During the ending, Marlowe would only get mentioned if you also submitted to him during a random event;
  • Fixed being able to escape the Janock without a map (also, changed  its name to "Huge female Janock" if you searched about it on the  extranet beforehand;
  • Fixed the possibility of being paid 0 for the mission on Canassy (the range should be 1000-3500);
  • Fixed gym temporary HP buff being permanent (should last 2 trips);
  • Fixed HP and shield not resetting after losing in the Advanced  Tactical Training Simulation as well as the auto-resolve action staying  available (also added the option to reset HP, shields and gear from the  control panel);
  • Fixed twerking gif not playing if your mental resistance is 0;
  • Removed pauses from auto-resolve when dodging attacks with the Reflex Enhancer;
  • fixed bug in the extranet search, making it impossible to find  Janessa's porn movie, even if she told you about it and you find the  title by searching her name afterward;
  • Added extra commentary when searching bokamba/mercer if you completed the second photoshoot;
  • Added a couple of random events at Kantor's beach;

If you find more bugs... I guess I'll have to fix them, but I sincerely hope this is the last time I put my hands on TOTDC 1. XD


If you are a patron, and you haven't checked the poll for Caliross yet, please head here:




What's the theme of this game, if I could ask? Is it MC themed, similar to Caliross, or just general sexy-times (TM)?


It's extremely MC-centric, as far as its themes go (it's part of the main story's premise). There are also some general sexy-times (TM), though. XD


As we can see, there were a lot of bugs in this update, well, I hope that you will no longer need to fix them in TOTDC 1.0DD. Good luck!


I've been waiting for this. I have rags but I've never tried one of the html converted games so I think I'll go that route this time.


This one was a slog to prepare, as you might gather from the list of fixes and changes, but I am glad all these bugs are taken care of! It was a bit of a struggle to get back to using RAGS AND having to re-learn stuff from my old game. I also made a few small, sensible changes, although I wonder if all the extra work was worth it. Still, this is likely going to be the last update, so I wanted to at least take care of all the small stuff I could think of. I decided to drop the procedurally generated spaceship scavenging missions I was planning 6 years ago, although it still stings a little that I never added those, making the exosuit useless. Well, I'll just have to make it work in TOTDC 2. XD


Dumb question, but is there a way to save your progress when playing the HTML version? I can't find any options for it in browser.


There should be a button named "System" in the bottom-right corner, and it should have the usual options you'd expect, including save and load.


After the quest to rescue Alicia in the HTML version, the error message "self.setActionActive is not a function" pops up, and the interface freezes up completely


Thanks for the report. Looks like a hotfix will be necessary. I'll wait a bit more, in case there are more bugs. We are also getting a lot of years old typos fixed. XD