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First of all, thanks to anyone who left a comment for the TOTDC 2 art I have shown last time. I have read and considered all of them, but I didn't want to reply to each one individually (it felt like it might take a little too much time XD). Anyway, I'll be showing more in the future as they keep coming in, so we'll have plenty of opportunities to talk about it some more when that happens.

As for this week's development, the new intro  for Lord Kairos is finished, there are 2 new scenes, and I have done some mapping (you can now see the mansion from the outside, and I am finishing the inn in Zanark). I am considering adding some secrets here and there as well, so I have been considering what's the best way to go about it, and if I should have some new items and whatnot (I feel like the rewards are a little too repetitive). Maybe I should add a few permanent bonuses to the various stats which are hard to find. I worry about the balance, though, so I'll probably keep them small.

Anyway, this should be all for now. Coming soon are the art preview and the polls, so get ready for them this week. Other than that, you'll just have to wait until next week for another dev blog. See you around! ^_^


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