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So, as you know if you have been following me for a while, in my spare time I have been trying to work on a demo for a sequel to an older game of mine (Tales of The Drunken Cowboy). You'll know I was working with Alx for a while (he is an amazing artist, who had also done some fanart for the original TOTDC way back when).

Things didn't quite go as planned, and we decided to part ways. I still had some of the art he had made for the game, and I was hoping to get a new artist which could match his style (I really liked it). Sadly, I have been looking through a LOT of artists' accounts to find someone I would like (and that I could afford), got a few tests going, but never quite found someone with a similar style that I liked as much.

Since I couldn't find a matching artstyle even after all this time, I finally decided to try something completely different. The drawing above would be Malena's new look. I think I like it, but it's an even bigger departure from the original (which used real life pictures shamelessly taken from the internet).

Anyway, I'd like to hear what people think about it, and if they could like this type of style for the game.



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