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So, this week I added a new scene for the ponygirl path, and promoted our nameless miner to named NPC (he is Cliff now, as you'll learn). He can now be hired to be your handyman as well (he allows you some modicum of customization in the garden, for now, and Lady Rayne is very happy to see your new flowers). I am unsure if I want this to give you an extra "point" during the noble party or not (feels like it would be a pretty big deal). Then again, maybe it should be a big enough deal, and this would fit quite well.

I also did most of the work to add a new way to become a werewolf. This is (rightfully) identified as one of the more obscure paths to start for new players, so it was about time I took care of it. It also ties nicely with some foreshadowing I was disseminating previously, so I am quite happy. You'll have to get to Solina, and NOT be already a werewolf, to meet the right NPC to start the event. The event will be structured to be on the nose, so that it's easy to avoid becoming a werewolf unwittingly, so if you don't want to be a werewolf, you won't become one (assuming you pay the smallest amount of attention, that is).

I also expanded a couple of scenes for Sonya and one for Edith, after I added the new art for them, so that they were a bit sexier and used the art to its fullest.

I did some miscellaneous stuff as well (fixing typos and one or two minor bugs), and I get the nagging feeling I am forgetting something else. Oh well.

In other news, I have a few questions for you guys! Would you guys be interested in me holding a Q&A? I figure that's one thing Discord could be used for, but I honestly have no idea if that's something people would tune in for, and if it's of any interest to enough of you. So, do let me know!

Another thing I wanted to ask, is if you'd want to partecipate in a few polls. I was curious if there are themes you like/dislike (like fantasy, sci-fi and so on). While the next game should still be TOTDC 2 (despite my woes in finding an artist, I have been contacting a few more, and hopefully things will fall into place), I figure it might be useful to know if there is any specific interest. Note, that this is not to decide which games get done in the future, it should be informative, rather than prescriptive.

That's really all for today (Sorry for the looong post)! Make sure to leave a comment, if you have questions (or answers, in this case)! ^_^


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