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...Walk into a bar. Did you hear this one before? No? Well, I am not surprised, it doesn't happen like that in the game either. Look forward to see how this quest will play once I am finished, though!

The regular paths for the new quest are almost ready. I still need some extra work on more NPCs, and perhaps a trap or two, but the core events and puzzles are there. I also need to decide how different I want the quest to be if you play as Baldur (I am planning for this to be another quest which uses the "Sapient Transformation" power).

This always feels tricky when I think about it, because I expect most people to have unlocked both heroes as transformations, so I can't make it too easy, but at the same time it feels like it should be easier AND different, if you use the power. The quest has multiple solutions for several of the obstacles anyway, so I figure I can count the transformation as one of them, and tweak things just for "maximum fun", rather than try to balance things evenly. I guess I should also make some quests you can attempt ONLY if you transform, so you can play around for more as a different character, perhaps with some different abilities.

Anyway, the quest will be the prelude to the ending of the mage guild's main quest (which pretty much begins without much fanfare when you start getting quests from the Archmagus). This doesn't necessarily mean we won't get more mage guild quests when I am done with it, but they won't be important for any overarching plots.

For the immediate future, look forward to the poll and the art preview, which I'll share in the coming days. Meanwhile, I'll finish the quest and move on to write a few scenes, either for the ponygirl path or the harem path.

I think this is everything for now (I did some minor adjustments to the walkthrough this week, and I think I fixed some typos, but nothing really worth its own space here). Make sure to leave a comment if you have any questions! See you soon! ^_^


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