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If I had to describe 2023 in one word, it would be: terrible.

2023 was awful for my family and me. Mental breakdowns, targeted harassment, court, depression, constant sickness throughout the summer, losing healthcare, losing foodshare access, losing my apartment and having to find a new one & move within a month, and more... it was horrible.

The fact that I'm still here after all of that, more or less in one piece, is a goddamn miracle. The fact that I was able to have the energy and spirit to keep on writing is another thing. I know I failed a lot of you with a gaps in publishing and new stuff coming out constantly, but I do hope what I was able to create gave you some joy and warmth this year.

So what now? Where do I go from here?

Well, all I can do is continue forward and continue writing. It's easy to say, but that's really it. I just need to keep moving forward. Will 2024 be any better? I can only hope so. It surely can't be any worse than have a new disaster or problem pop up every month or few weeks.

On that note, coming next month, I'll be hopefully opening up commissions again. I won't be limiting the slots to themes either, so people should be able to commission a broader range of things from me.

Our next story, You've Been Good Boyed, should be fully completed within the week. After that, I'll begin on the next story you've voted for, Ruh-Roh Bites. I hope you all look forward to that.

Besides that, I don't really have anything else to say. Despite everything, I'm happy to be here and continue making fun TF tales for you all. You all mean so much for putting up with me and enjoying my work. I hope the new stories coming will be to your liking as well.

Here's hoping to a better 2024. See you all there.



Jacob Meldrum

You can do it! I hope things get better and stay better!