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“Read that, read that…” Rachel Groves sighed, stuffing her phone back to her pocket. “Great time to be caught up on everything, Rach.”

She looked back at the bookstore she was in front of. “Hope he's finished soon. Don't wanna fall asleep here…” Her husband, JD, had hurried back in to buy another book. Apparently, it was super important or something. She didn't really care. She never really got into light novels like he did.

The long, blue-haired woman yawned as she leaned into the bench, stretching her feet out. She readjusted the bag beside her, making sure it wouldn't slip off. So bored.

Just as her eyes were about to close, her will to fight a power nap losing, a loud screech snapped her back to reality. A white van had been passing by when it stopped so fast that it felt like it would flip like in The Dark Knight. It backed right back up to her and stopped.

Before she could react to that suspicious behavior, the side door slid open. “Sup broette!” Three anthro dogs popped out, one of which held a video camera. They rushed up beside her, the one who spoke, a golden retriever, hollering, “Time to get Good Boyed!”

The sudden rush of the tail-wagging folk made her stiffen. They were up her in an instant, the lady springer taking her hands and pulling her playfully to her feet. She looked between each of them, her mind racing. Wait… what… what is…

“Name's Leo, honey!” The golden retriever barked. He put an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer. Her cheeks reddened. “What's your name?”

The camera dog leaned in further. Rachel's inner camerawoman twitched. He was getting far too close with that. He was probably getting a close up of her cheek.

It was a weird thing to think about given the circumstances. However, despite the shock and the invasion of personal space, she oddly did not feel in danger. All she felt was confusion.

Hesitantly, she answered, “Ummm… I'm Rachel Groves?”

“Rachel Groves!” Leo stepped back, clasping his paws together. The camera pulled back as well, turning to him as he spoke into it. “This is our Good Boy of the Day, everybuddy! Let's give her… the collar!”

The three dog people barked, tails wagging faster now. Okay… what's going on? Is this some kind of prank show orWait! Where'd she go?

The springer woman had slipped out of sight, quickly dipping behind her the second her eyes were elsewhere. Rachel looked around but didn't do it well enough.

With surprising stealth, the dog woman pulled a blue collar from her plaid skirt pocket and slipped it around Rachel's neck. The lady noticed just as the item was snapped into place. She managed to shush the dog away, but it was too late.

The moment the collar was on, Rachel's neck felt itchy. She reached around and untucked her long blue locks that were caught up behind the collar. Her hand brushed against it a few times doing so, but she didn't think to take it off.

Even with fixing her hair, the itchiness didn't go away. In fact, she felt warmer around the neck.

Out of sight, hairs had started popping up out from behind and then around the collar. They were dirty white, an occasional pitch of black from time to time. The fuzz slowly spread out from there, crawling and cloaking her neck from top to bottom.

Uuuugh, this collar is itchy… Rachel went up to scratch around it, fingers going through the fuzz. What the… “Hey, what's with all of this hair… whoa… What's up with my voice?

“Good Boys need Good Boy voices, bro!” The golden retriever said without missing a beat. He had such a prideful, confident look on his face.

Well…” Rachel tried to answer him, the words struggling to come out. What could she really say to that? “I can't argue with your logic. Good Boys need the best Good Boy voice, but I don't think I'm-

“Nah-ah!” Leo declared. He brought a finger up to her face, wagging it in it. She tensed up, the straps of her top digging into her broader shoulders. “Don't do that!”

D-do what?” She fidgeted. Urrrgh, now my shoulders itch! Stupid collar. Probably should take it off. She wouldn't.

“Think! Good Boys don't do much of that!” Leo explained, shaking his head.

What? That doesn't make sense!” Rachel huffed. Her long blue hair was shrinking, rising from her collar and back up to her neck. Yet, even with it brushing against her skin and fur, tickling her, she cared not. “I'm not a Good Boy or a dog or whatever is going on! I don't think-

“No thinking!” The springer girl suddenly plopped her paw over Rachel's mouth. She wagged a fuzzy finger in her face too, leaning in with a big grin. “Good Boys don't need to think about boring stuff. Good Boys only need to think about how to be Good Boys and to be called Good Boys!”


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