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  • “Dear Fluttershy, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’ve been awfully busy with things. Let’s catch up, just the two of us! Meet me at the edge of Ponyville in the newest building at noon! From yours truly, Twilight Sparkle~.”
  • Fluttershy stuffs the letter back into her pocket as she approaches the building, excited to see her friend, but also a bit nervous to come out to a place.
  • The new building had gone up recently on the outskirts of the town. No one seemed to know anything about it, the mayor being rather tightlipped about it other than it was a restaurant of sorts that Twilight approved of
  • Fluttershy ponders what the place will be like and speculates about why she was being invited there instead of Twilight’s home.
  • She considers it is to meet the owners as a representative of Ponyville and a friend of the princess. However, that couldn’t be it. There were far better representatives than her.
  • She couldn’t think of a reason why and approaching the door, she took note that she was the only one there. It seems like only she was invited.
  • Fluttershy continued to feel anxious, but put it to the side as best as she could. Okay, Flutter, you have this. You can enter this mysterious building by yourself. Twilight is waiting for you.
  • Mustering up as much courage as she could, she grabbed the door and opened it. Stepping inside, it looked like a restaurant for sure. Lots of tables and booths with a wood aesthetic to its flooring and walls
  • There was no one else around from what she could tell. She took a deep breath. “H-hello? Twilight? Anyone?”
  • “...oh well! No one home. I’ll just-” She starts to turn when a deep, booming voice calls out to her. “Here dere, broette! Leavin’ so soon?”
  • Fluttershy nearly jumped, her wings flapping and nearly launching her off the ground.
  • Spinning around, she finds a new pony approaching from the back. It was a stallion… and what a stallion. The sight of him made her blush.
  • The guy was built with impressive musculature and beefy muscles. He reminded her of Big Macintosh when she once accidentally saw him without a shirt on. This pony wore a shirt, but it might as well have been painted on.
  • He wore a white top that covered his chest, chest fur sticking out. Ballers was on the front. He wore orange tight short shorts that really hugged and showed off his package.
  • Looking at him, Fluttershy felt he seemed familiar with his red with sun yellow streaks going through his stylish, short mane. He had lighter yellow fur. It was almost like Sunset Glimmer.
  • But the big bearded beefcake couldn’t be her for many reasons. Plus, Fluttershy couldn’t keep looking at him. Her body was on fire staring at his impressive form.
  • The large stallion chuckled. “Hmm? Something wrong, dudette? Oooooh, I get it! Sunset Glare’s hot bod too much for ya, huh? I get it.” He flexes. “A bod this hawt is, like, totally hypnotic, ain’t it?”
  • Yeah, definitely not like Sunset Glimmer either. She’s not this… broey.
  • Fluttershy cleared her throat, still flustered and red in the face. “Well ah… I’m Fl-Fluttershy an-and I’m here to mee-meet Twilight Sparkle.”
  • “Twi?” Glare stroked his chin. “Oh yeah! Big boss bro!” Big boss bro?” “Ahhhh… I mean, dat hot princess, right? Yeah! The babe is upstairs waitin’ for you, cutie. I’ll take you there.”
  • Glare took Fluttershy’s hand and led her towards the back of the building. Fluttershy slid the entire time, blushing and out of it by everything.
  • They came to a home in the far back that said “Manager’s Office” and Glare knocked on it. “Hey bro! Dat hawt babe you wanted is here, bro!”
  • “Send her in, bro!” A male voice called back.
  • Glare opened the door and signaled for Fluttershy to enter. She looked at him and he gave her a wink and thumbs up, making her blush further.
  • Fluttershy hurried inside as the door closed. It was a spacious, nice-looking office with a large mirror and some workout equipment.
  • At the desk was another stallion, casually reading a book called “Proper Muscle Care for Bros”, holding it up with magic from his horn.
  • “Sup, Flutter!” the stallion called to her, “Glad you could come, dudette!”
  • Fluttershy stared at the person. They had the same fur, eye, and mane colors as Twilight Sparkle. It was uncanny, but again, couldn’t possibly be her.
  • Then they got up and came around. Fluttershy blushed seeing them wear the same uniform as Glare, but with an even larger, bulging package. Trying not to look at it, she realized the stallion had wings.
  • “You’re an alicorn?” Fluttershy blurted out. She had only seen a few alicorns in her life, but never any guy ones before
  • The stallion chuckles and says yes. “I’ve been an alicorn, like, for a while, dudette! I’m, like, pretty sure you were fosho there when it happened.”
  • Fluttershy goes quiet and stares, looking the stallion harder in the eyes, trying not to stare at anything else. Wait… wait!
  • “N-n-no… it can’t be! Twilight?!”
  • “Sup, broette!” The stallion laughs. “But please, call me Dusk Shine! It’s totally more me!”
  • “B-b-b-but…” Fluttershy rubbed her head. Her mind was going a mile a minute. How could this be?! How… how did Twilight do this?!
  • “I know, awesome, right?” Dusk flexes, bulging his biceps. “Look at these gains! I’m so hawt now!”
  • “H-h-how…?”
  • Dusk chuckles and explains finding a book in his library, a training manual for Ballers. It awoken something in them and they ended up like this. Fluttershy comments about how it should be impossible to flip someone’s sex with magic, if she recalls that one time with Trixie correctly.
  • Dusk shrugs and says he doesn’t get it either, but it doesn’t matter! He turned into this and when Sunset Shimmer showed up, he shared it with her. Fluttershy blushes, realizing who the other employee was
  • “So yeah, I’m totally awesome now!” Dusk thrusts his chest and crotch out, putting his arms behind his back. “Now this is a bod fit for royalty, broette!”
  • “Y-yeah…” Fluttershy mumbles, looking away. Sweat is pouring down her face. How does she react to it?
  • Well, she tries being supportive. “W-well… if you’re a guy now and it m-m-makes you h-happy… I’m happy for you too, finding yourself!”
  • “Thanks, broette, but this ain’t permanent.” Dusk explains the spell wears off after awhile and he returns to Twilight, same with Shimmer. He eventually found a way to change back and forth without reading the book each time.
  • Fluttershy wonders outloud why Twilight hasn’t been around much then, thinking they were just not ready to show the new them.
  • Dusk explains about how he felt inspired after reading the training manual to bring Ballers to Ponyville. He had used a bunch of connections to build a new restaurant for the area that’ll bring the place’s vision to all of ponykind of hot stallions in tight clothing serving customers and making them happy.
  • Dusk admits it is difficult with only him and Glimmer. “The places need more hawt studs and I need to recruit fast for opening!”
  • Dusk smiles and says he wants Fluttershy to join.
  • Flutter is completely shocked by the proposal and gets all flustered and confused, stuttering and rambling. She has no idea what to say. “W-w-why me?!”
  • Dusk explains that she is totally cute and would totally become a totally handsome stud that people would love. She gets more embarrassed.
  • Dusk also explains it is to help her. Being a big “baller” has made him even more confident and outgoing than ever before. It would help her grow more backbone and strength, quite literally with the latter.
  • “B-but I tried that before-” “Yeah, but, like, Iron Will’s training was so douchey. This will toooootally be better, dudette!”
  • Fluttershy is apprehensive. She finds Dusk and Glare’s attitudes to be… a bit too much. Much more braggy, full of themselves, dudebroish, and muscleheaded. It doesn’t feel like her at all.
  • Dusk nods, but says that while that does happen, it doesn’t fully change them. He still loves reading (I, like, just lift a lot more when I do~), organizing things, and more! He just really likes working out, showing off, and taking pride in his looks more.
  • Flutter isn’t too sure. Dusk comes over and gently pats her shoulder. He talks more normally, saying he wouldn’t offer her this if it wasn’t safe. She is his friend and cares a lot about her, wanting only what would be best.
  • Besides, it’s not like it’s permanent, dudette! His face seems to strain saying that, like he is bothered a tad by that fact.
  • See? Poof. Turns back into Twilight. “See? Princess!” Poof! Back to Dusk. “Handsome prince!”
  • Just poof? Fluttershy thinks. Well…
  • She fidgets a bit and asks if things go sideways, he would help. He promises.
  • Fluttershy sighs and says she’ll try it out and see how it feels. Dusk beams and gives her a big hug, his muscles and bulge rubbing against her and making her sweat more.
  • “You won’t, like, regret this, bro!” Dusk said, stepping back. “Let’s get you into something more fitting!”
  • Dusk’s horn glows and zaps Fluttershy, who goes EEP
  • Her green sundress turns into the Ballers uniform, clinging tightly to her breasts and curves. She feels embarrassed all how curvy and busty she is, which gets people staring at her all the time. Its why she likes wearing big and baggy clothes that hide some of her
  • “How do you like it?” “It’s… airy…” Flutter says, seeing her exposed legs and midriff and how her breasts look so big in her crop top.
  • At that moment though, something strange happens. Fluttershy starts feeling warm, very warm and heated.
  • Its concentrated in her clothing, which her breasts and privates feel very sensitive. She bites her bottom lip and shivers. O-oh my! Wha-what’s hap-
  • She looks at Dusk and shivers. Her eyes widen as subtle things happen. Her natural long eyelashes shrink down to a more normal size. Her eyebrows thicken up and grow bushy.
  • Staring at Dusk, she finds him attractive. Yes, she thought he and Glare were before, but now? She finds him very attractive and wants to be closer to him.
  • A dirty thought comes to her mind about kissing him and groping his package, causing her to shiver more and her nipples to go erect.
  • Pink hair grows on her chin, giving her a goatee
  • Dusk leans in with a smile, asking if she was okay? She nods weakly.
  • “That’s good… say, bro! Like the hair! I’m more of a beard stud myself, but you rock that goatee, bro!”
  • “H-huh?” Dusk points it out and she feels it. She shivers. Facial hair?!
  • She didn’t like facial hair or want facial hair! Sure, it looks very attractive on Dusk and Glare and it’s probably the same with her but… she is surprised by that thought process, feeling her chin more.
  • She realizes it must be the spell at work, but before she can think further on the mind changes, she tenses up as the heat spreads from her clothes to her torso.
  • Her frame is widening and stretching out, her narrow waist vanishing to a broader torso. Her shoulders broaden as well, looking rather bulky and dense on her now
  • Fluttershy blushes, looking down at herself. Her heart is beating faster.
  • Anxiously and unconsciously, she runs her hands down her side, noting the lack of curve. She’s just as broad as the guys and… she likes it. She feels more athletic and dense.
  • She shivers, still not fully understanding these new feelings and thoughts.
  • Fluttershy is briefly distracted when part of her mane falls in front of her right eye. Her mane shrinks, getting less full and with less volume in it. It’s still long enough, but its ruffling up and not as elegantly brushed.
  • Even her tail shrinks a little and gets ruffled up, looking like she had a hard workout.
  • She doesn’t really notice it much outside of the messy locks on her chest, fiddling with them. She thinks about how it sort of resembles Sunset and Twi’s more masculine locks, how they’re just a bit unkempt and messy to in some ways
  • “How are you feelin’, bro?” Dusk asks.
  • “I… feel… I feel strange-OH!” Fluttershy’s neck and head grow to better match her frame, her neck thickening and trapezius muscles expanding.
  • Her voice is deeper and far more masculine. It doesn’t resemble the times her voice has changed in the past, but it was a good baritone.
  • “Whoa… I sound like a total stud, bro!” Fluttershy flinches and blushes. “I-I-I… I mean-”
  • Dusk laughs and says there’s no need to panic. It was the truth. Fluttershy does sound like a total stud. Just be honest with yourself here! It’s what you really think.
  • Fluttershy blushes and scratches her face, not sure what to say. Everything was happening so fast. This definitely wasn’t a mere POOF, like before. Perhaps Dusk was just casting an illusion before to make it seems instantaneous?
  • Flutter doesn’t think as she tenses up again, fingers clenching. That heat is spreading to her limbs and it feels… better than before.
  • Her limbs grow at the same time, gaining muscle definition to them. (hooves get bigger with some scruffy fur at the tops of them)  They’re thicker, but nowhere as close to Dusk’s
  • Fluttershy seems surprised, looking at her legs and her arms. They feel stronger than before and… “Man, look at ‘em gains, bro!” She shivers, but doesn’t flinch. The words sound natural and feel right in her mouth. Who wouldn’t be impressed to be this fit so fast?
  • “I know, dude!” Dusk says, “You’re well on your way to total swollage like me!”
  • Fluttershy feels happy to hear that. Part of her is bubbling forth fast, wanting that badly. It’s a bit overwhelming, but she feels caught up in it. Being bigger is nice, wouldn’t it?
  • I want to be swolle… It comes off as more of a question to herself, but it feels real.
  • She quivers suddenly as a huge wave of heat strikes her in the crotch, causing her to bend over and let out a low moan. That felt… good!
  • She places her hands on her hips, feeling them lose their curves and turn flatter and straighter now.
  • Looking down, she blushes harder, jaw dropping. In her crotch, pushing against her tight orange short shorts was a bulge
  • She fidgets. She sees the outline of her balls and cock, the clothing hugging it closely. She has equipment now like the other guys
  • And she likes it. A flash in her mind comes to her jacking it off and moaning.
  • She’s embarrassed by the lewdness, but not too much. She… wants it.
  • Standing up straight, not taking her eyes off of it, she moans out that she likes the bulge… but her mouth numbs on the last part. Her face shifts into a more masculine, stallion mug
  • Dusk asks what his bro said and Fluttershy gulps, taking a deep breath. She feels if she admits it, she’ll go completely overboard and become a true bro.
  • But she can’t help but say it. “I, like, want my… my package bigger, br-bro!”
  • It feels nice to admit it, really nice. Her package shivers, cock pressing further against her shorts which are a little damp.
  • Flutter pants, that was wild. Looking down, she sees an impressive six-pack set of abs appear. “Whooooaa…” Her hand goes towards it, but pulls back. Should she touch them?
  • Dusk chuckles and says to feel them. They’re awesome. He feels his own abs.
  • Fluttershy does and sighs. She feels stronger than ever. So strong and burly! She… she loves it!
  • She stutters in her mind, still bashful, but honest to herself about loving it. Muscles are nice. It was nice to have such big muscles!
  • Her legs and arms buff up again. Soft thighs no longer, just muscle packed thighs with strong calves. Her arms nearly double in thickness, so powerful looking. She was as burly as Big Mac… and Dusk too~
  • And she loved it, her crotch tenting more as the area grew. “Hmmm, dat beef is g-g-good.”
  • “Give it a flex and then you realllllly feel it, bro!” Flutter does so, flexing her right arm and watching her bicep bulge impressively. It’s incredible to see!
  • Rear tights up, a happy trail appears from her crotch to her belly button.
  • “Yeah, bro! I’m so ripped, D-D-...bro!” She tries saying Dusk’s name, but all it comes is bro. But that’s fine, right? They were bros, right? Just big, friendly, bros!
  • “Yeah, bro!” Dusk grins and slaps Flutter on the firm rear
  • Flutter moans loudly, he loved that a lot! He wanted to do that to Dusk back. Maybe without their shorts gone so he could get a better look at that tight rear.
  • He shivers at that, still embarrassed by how lewd he is becoming, but can’t help but still feel and like it.
  • He panted a bit, sweating a lot as the heat really rises in his chest now.
  • He looks down, seeing his large breasts quiver and start to fade.
  • “Oh, my chesticles are gettin’ small, bro!” “Yeah, but that’s, like, fine, dude! Chesticles are boring and a total pain! They, like, get in the way of checking out your bod!”
  • Flutter admits that was true, finding it hard to see his abs, bulge, and legs well without really bending his neck over them.
  • “Pectorals are better, bro!” Dusk lifts his top off, showing his hairy, bulgy pecs. “They look awesome, bro! Just, like, feel them bewbs as they go and you’ll see what I mean, bro!”
  • Flutter nodded. Groping his breasts? It wasn’t something he would do, but now, it seemed fine. Though, someone staring at him still made him feel shy.
  • He turned with his back to Dusk and placed his dense hands on his breasts. He quivered, feeling his nipples poking against his palms.
  • They feel so sensitive. Maybe he should’ve spent some time fondling them on the side before this?
  • Flutter feels his breasts shrink and shrink, the softness of them growing denser and wider as they slowly stretched out.
  • Eventually, his hands are on bulgy pectorals and they feel incredible. His package grows more, tenting the shorts more.
  • Sweet Celestia, pecs are radical! Flutter moaned, his expression as a lust filled stupor. They were so big, wide, and tough. He could feel the power in them, pure beef worth admiring and desiring. Why did he not realize before how great pecs were!
  • He gropes more and more, panting and snorting.
  • His package grows more until it pops out, showing off balls as big as his fists and a dense horsecock just slightly longer than his forearm.
  • “You look like you’re having fun, bro!” Dusk said. Flutter realizes Dusk is now standing in front of him, ogling him and checking him out.
  • Flutter gets embarrassed, letting going out of his pecs. “Eh… s-s-s-sorry, b-b-bro, but I-I was just… like, so horny and-”
  • “It’s cool, dude!” Dusk chuckled, “You’re just a total himbo stallion like me, bro!”
  • Himbo… the word sounds so nice in Flutter’s head. He was a total horny himbo now. The thought of his muscles and large cock and balls turned him on. He wanted to feel them, admire them, show them off… he totally gets why Dusk and Glare do.
  • “You’re gonna make a great waiter, dude! All the pones are gonna be turned on and want you, like, serving them, dude!”
  • Flutter shivered, biting his bottom lip. He could see it now. Tons of ponies in the restaurant, waiting to be served by him, ogling his muscles, staring at his package… looking at him.
  • Flutter blushed, getting embarrassed. “I… ah, that’s… that’s… wow.”
  • Dusk stroked his chin. “Oh? Is that bad, bro?”
  • Flutter gulped and slowly shook his head. The idea of everyone staring and wanting him was frightening. Just the constant attention was enough to make him freeze.
  • And yet, it also turned him on. His cock throbbed, pre dripping from it. To be looked at, wanted, desired, lusted over… and to attend to these people. He wanted it. He wasn’t sure if he could handle everyone, but he wanted it.
  • “That’s good! Just making sure, bro!” Dusk patted Flutter on the shoulder again. Flutter flinched and looked at him. “Now, let’s talk name! You need, like, something different! Something that’s you, but better than Fluttershy. Something awesome and-”
  • Dusk’s words faded out as Flutter stared at him. Dusk was fucking hot as hell, even more now. Those rugged good looks, musky scent, broad frame and powerful muscles, and that package. It was tenting as well, but still snug in his shorts.
  • Flutter wanted to rip it out of there and start jacking it off… or maybe blow him? Flutter wanted to do bad, horny things to the prince so bad. He couldn’t believe how overwhelmingly horny he was regarding his friend, but… he was more than a friend now, wasn’t he? He was a bro, a hunky bro made to be wanted! He was just like him and he felt that Dusk felt the same way.
  • “So, Butterscotch! That name, like, so fits you, bro!” Flutter notices Dusk speaking again. “What do you think?”
  • Butterscotch… He could like it! Dusk was so nice to come up with that name. He needed to treat him to some Butterscotch.
  • Before Dusk could ask him again, Butterscotch was on him. He grabbed the stallion and started making out with him, rubbing and grinding himself and his rod against Dusk
  • Dusk was shocked but quickly started making out back, his own cock and balls popping out.
  • After a bit of making out, Dusk chuckled, “Some bro is horny.”
  • “Not just any bro, Butterscotch bro!” Butterscotch took Dusk and pushed him against his desk, facing his rear out. Dusk’s rear was nice, tight, and firm. So perfect! So perfect for ramming!
  • With that, Butterscotch smashed his cock into Dusk’s rear. The prince moaned loudly, his horn lighting up and letting loose bubbles shaped like cocks and hearts
  • The two fuck for a while, Butterscotch pulling on Dusk’s tail and Dusk begging him to fuck him harder, make him feel like a king instead of just a prince.
  • The two go on longer and eventually come, Dusk’s horn firing of sparkles and rockets that thankfully don’t damage the room.
  • The two moan and pant, Butterscotch leaning against the desk beside Dusk as their rods go limp. That was the first time he ever had sex. He never thought about having it before, thinking it would be too much for his shy self. But no, he loved it! He wanted to do more of it
  • Dusk wiped his brow. “So, how you feeling, bro?”
  • “Mmm, good!” Butterscotch licked his chops. “You… you think you can get Sunset in here so we can spitroast him, bro?”
  • Butterscotch chuckles, twiddles his fingers. “Eh… Sorry… I-I’m being m-much, aren’t I?”
  • “Ha, no!” Dusk ruffled Butterscotch’s mane. “You’re such a horny himbo.” Butterscotch shivered, taking pride in that.
  • “You got dat right, bro!” Butterscotch flexed his arm, feeling it up. He loved that a lot
  • He felt more confident for sure, but still a bit bashful and shy. People would probably like that right? Who wouldn’t love a shy himbo like him?
  • “You’re gonna be a great Baller, bro!” “Fosho, bro!” Butterscotch groped his big balls. “A Great BIG Baller!”
  • Dusk tucked his equipment back into his shorts, remarking that brings staff up to three now, but they’ll need more ponies to help work if they want to bring the best Ballers experience to Ponyville
  • “I got some broettes who could make total good bros, bro!” Dusk explained, “But I’m up for any suggestions too from you.”
  • Butterscotch stroked his chin. “Well, I got this green, stoned dudette who might be good, but first, can I ask a question, dude?” “Sure! What’s up, dude?”
  • Butterscotch shyly smiled. “C-c-can I be a big Baller after work and on my days off too, bro?”
  • Dusk grinned. “Fosho, bro! Heh, I, like, spend most of mah day as a big Baller!”
  • Butterscotch smiled brightened. He was going to love this new job. He couldn’t wait to be this big himbo as much as possible.
  • Though… the thought of all the new ogling he was going to get from now on was exciting and scary.
  • The End?


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