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  • “I didn’t know we had Mac & Cheese left!”
  • “Oh sure! I found some in the verrrrrrrrrry back of the cabinet!”
  • “...is it even still good?” “Probably! Not like Mac & Cheese expires!” “I’m pretty sure it does!”
  • Rachel brought some Mac & Cheese to the dining table, placing it down beside JD, who ate across from her with his hot dog, watching something on his phone.
  • JD finishes his meal and turns his video off, leaving the table for the kitchen as Rachel takes her first bite.
  • He finds everything laying out on the counter, including the box. Looking at it, it had a picture of Cheesasaurus Rex on it. “Wait… when was the last time he was on a box?”
  • He flipped it over and nearly dropped it. “Rachel!” He yelled. “This crap expired nearly fifteen years ago! Stop eating it!”
  • “But it tastes so goooooooood!” She moaned.
  • JD returns, finding her still eating it.
  • He’s about to say something when she turns her head, revealing a big cheesy orange dino muzzle, a bit of orange goo dripping from its tip. It covers her mouth and nose perfectly.
  • “What the hell?!” JD remarks. “Your face!” “What about it?”
  • JD pokes it, getting orange goop. It smells like cheese sauce. He flicks it off. “It’s all big, cartoony, and… gooey.”
  • Rachel feels her new snoot, surprised but nonplused. “That’s different!” She eats another bite.
  • Orange, triangular rounded point spikes/frills pop up along her neck and spine. They’re small.
  • JD stares and says to stop eating. The Mac & Cheese is clearly doing something.
  • “Nonsense! Expired Mac & Cheese doesn’t cause transformations!” Gulp!
  • Feet turn into Cheeseaurus Rex feet, breaking her sandals and leaking orange goop onto the ground.
  • “Well it clearly does here! Stop eating that stuff!”
  • “But shouldn’t we let a transformation play out like always? Its weird to stop in the middle!”
  • Gulp! “STOP! The more you eat, the more of a mess you’re making all over!”
  • Her legs start inflating as orange cheesy goop covers them, absorbing her pants legs into them.
  • “But it’s sooooooo good!” “You said that already! Just… just finish eating this out in the yard.”
  • “Pffft, fine!” Rachel shoved another bite into her mouth and starts to stand up.
  • However, the orange goop raises up onto her thighs, hips and gut all at once.
  • Once covering it, the orange goo slowly inflates and swells the area up, shifting her lower half into a big pear-shaped big bottom.
  • Her pants and underwear are fully absorbed in, yellow spots appearing over her belly.
  • The new growth doesn’t absorb the dining chair, the big bottom getting stuck in the armrests.
  • Rachel tries standing up, but can only bend over slightly with the chair stuck. Looking back over, she chuckles, “Ooops!”
  • “Ugh! I told you to stop eating! Now you’re stuck!” JD sighs and tries to free the chair from her null bottom.
  • He tugs and tugs, Rachel turning back to the bowl of mac & cheese and having another bite. “Would you stop eating that?! We’re having enough trouble as it is!”
  • Rachel sticks out a long, light orange tongue at him, cheese sauce dripping off of it.
  • The orange goop over up her body, under her shirt and across her chest.
  • Her waist widens and breast recede as her shape smoothes and widens out just a bit to match her bottom.
  • She eats another bite as JD continues to struggle with the chair.
  • “Oh here, let me help!” Rachel reaches her hands back as the orange goop goes over her shoulders and down her arms. They stretch cartoonishly, hands turn into four-fingered, pudgy tipped mitts.
  • POP! With an effort from both of them, the chair goes off and it & JD fall back, gunk is splattered about, sliming her boyfriend a bit.
  • “Uuuuuugh, so much gunk! This is going to take forever to clean up!”
  • “Awwww, I’m sure if we call the right cleaners, they can get this fixed and looking new like before!” Rachel slams down the rest of the Mac & Cheese and burps.
  • The goop finishes crawling up her neck and to her head, her neck thickening.
  • Cheeks stretch and round out on the sides, ears vanishing into goop.
  • Hair is sucked in as eyes turn rounder and more cartoonish, brow rising. Head above jaw narrows, making her even more cartoonish.
  • Rachel lets out a sigh, rubbing their face. “That was good!”
  • “Well good for you, Rex.” JD huffed, trying to wipe the sauce off his shirt. “However, you made a big mess of the room!”
  • Cheesasaurus Rex smiled. “It’s not that bad of a mess! Plus! I look great!” He plays rubs his belly. “I’m so big and soft.”
  • “And messy.” “Messy, but lovable! Don’t you want to give your big dino boyfriend a hug?”
  • JD sighed. “Maybe later. Right now, you should probably go sit outside while I call somebody to clean… wait.”
  • “What?” The dino said.
  • “You’re Cheesasaurus Rex… but aren’t you missing something?”
  • “Missing wha-” FWOMP! BOOOOOSH!
  • A large, orange, gooey dino tail erupted from Rex’s big bottom behind. It stretched as long as his body and super thick. It went high up in the air before slamming down.
  • It slammed down on the table behind Rex, crushing it in half. When it hit the ground, orange cheese sauce splattered all about, covering the room and JD.
  • “Oh my!” Rex said, looking behind. His tail swished about happily. “Now that’s a tail a dino can be proud of…” Looks around. “Ah…”
  • JD stood there silently, staring at his new mascot boyfriend. Just staring.
  • “...how about a hug to make it all better?” Rex came him a big hug, smooshing him into his soft, squishy body. JD didn’t say anything, but he did seem less tense
  • “What’s with all the noise?” Melissa, their roommate called from the hallway. “I heard a big crash and…”
  • Melissa stepped into the room with a splurt and splunk of her feet on the cheese covered ground. She stared at the scene before her, her dino roommate and goo covered other roomie.
  • She stared and remarked. “Yeah, I’m going out for a bit until this blows over.”
  • Rex called, “Hey! When you’re out, can you get more Mac & Cheese? We’re all out!”


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