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  • “Oh, aren’t you a cutie?” Izzy snapped a photo of the Pyukumuku as it made a “cute” sound, looking up at her.
  • “Oh, time to get lost little guy! Back into the sea with you!” A resort worker said, picking up the Pokemon and chucking the guy into the sea.
  • He smiles at her and says not to worry about them bothering her.
  • She just huffs and walks further down the beach. Dummy, I was trying to get more photos! We don’t get those in Kanto.
  • Sightseer Izzy background info: Tourist visiting Akala of the Alolan region. She wanted to have a vacation of a lifetime, visiting the most beautiful place in the world where it’s almost always sunny and warm (depending on the island visited)
  • She’s walking farther away from Hano Grand Resort, putting the camera in her bag. Hano Beach is so long and winding, though despite being so big, the further she got from the hotel, the quieter and emptier it grew
  • Izzy isn’t really paying attention to that. She’s enjoying some peace and reflecting on everything she’s done so far. She’s visited Paniola Ranch and Brooklet Hill, taking pictures of the Wishiwashi and feeding some of the Mudbray and Tauros. She opens to visit Wela Volcano Park next.
  • “Best vacation ever so far,” she giggles to herself, humming pleasantly. She thinks about all the friendly Pokemon she has met that walked right up to her, how she’s gotten assistance from them or even rode some.
  • This place really makes you feel how close humans are with Pokemon. It’s so, so… super close! It’s like they’re living as one!
  • She sighs, looking into the sky, reflecting on the day so far. Still a week to go. Heh, all this vacation needs is a whirlwind romance and its complete!
  • Izzy looks back and realizes she had walked a very very far distance down the beach. She could barely see the resort at this point. She also realized how quiet and alone she was. It was kind of nice, but eerie to a degree.
  • She’s about to leave when she looks back forward to see how far the beach went. There was a lone drink shack coming up, a painted sign saying, “Alolan Delights”
  • Curious, she decides to check it out. She hadn’t visited any of the local restaurants yet anyways.
  • Approaching, there’s an older gentleman there by himself at an outdoor counter. He’s currently wiping the place down. Blond, brownish hair. Heavier set. Some scruffy, thin facial hair. Wearing an alolan shirt.
  • He notices her walking up and smiles. “Hello there! Can’t say I’ve seen you before. Let me guess, visiting?”
  • Izzy blushes, grining. “Yeah. Tourist and stuff. Just was exploring and found your place. It’s very out of the way, isn’t it?”
  • “It is, but it is nice and private. I get enough of a steady income from people walking over and finding me. It’s nice. But enough about me! How are you enjoying yourself, Miss…?”
  • “Izzy.” She explains enjoying herself so far and her vacation. She’s enjoyed all the sights so far, mentions her next destination, and even hoping to maybe go to a new island day after for a little bit.
  • “Sounds like you are having an incredible time. Alola is a wonderful place, isn’t it?” “It is, but I got to admit… I do feel like I’m missing out on something.”
  • “What do you mean?” “Oh, I’ve been going to all of these new places, but I feel like I’m not experiencing enough of Alolan.”
  • “Oh!” The man smiled. “I bet I know what you need. You need to try something special from the region that you can’t experience anywhere else. Local food and drink!”
  • “Yeah, that sounds right!” “Well then, I have something special for you!” He hands her a menu. “Why not try one of Alola’s special regional drinks that can’t be found anywhere else.”
  • “What makes it special?” “Well, all the ingredients are naturally grown here and kept in this climate. If taken out of here and shipped to, say Unova, they lose their special flavor and kick. They’re still good of course, but there’s a peculiar zest that cannot be replicated anywhere else but here!”
  • “Well I’m intrigued!” That definitely sounded intriguing to her. It might be big talk from a local trying to sucker a tourist, but it did sound convincing and the prices of the drinks on the menu weren’t bad either.
  • She scans through them until one catches her eye. She reads outloud, “Alolan Enlightening Charge Punch?”
  • The man looks at her curiously. “Ah! That’s a special blend of Wacan and Payapa Berries with some natural sugars and water from here. Mixed together and it packs a certain energy and touch within.”
  • “Okay…” Izzy wasn’t much on berries. That was more for Pokemon than her. However, it did sound refreshing enough. “Okay! I’ll go for this!”
  • “Oh? You sure? It’s quite advanced for a tourist to try.”
  • “Are you teasing me?” “No no, ma’am! It’s just a fair warning is all. If you want it, I’ll be sure to make it.”
  • “Hit me then!” The man smiled and nodded, walking deeper into the shack as she sat on a bar stool at the open window counter.
  • Izzy is a little annoyed. I may be a sightseer, but I’m not a wimp when it comes to this stuff. She recalls past trips to Sinnoh and Kalos and residents trying to talk her out of some of their stronger dishes before. She had them just fine.
  • There’s the sound of a blender in the back and some movement before the man returns. The drink is a mixture of yellow and reddish pink. It has a very sweet scent to it
  • He places the cold glass on the counter and she thanks him.
  • She takes it and puts the glass to her lip. She fidgets as a small sting hits her bottom lip. It felt like static electricity!
  • Weird. Where did that come from? Confused, but undeterred, Izzy takes a drink.
  • Burnt orange fur creeps around mouth as the first drops onto her tongue and go down her throat
  • Jaws crack and pop, pushing out.
  • Finishes her first drink and tries to describe it, but her face feels numb at first
  • The owner says that’s perfectly natural given the drink. Have another sip, which she does
  • Nose swells and turns into a light brown mouse nose.
  • The scent of the drink gets sweeter and more tempting, causing her to quiver as fur spreads out
  • She keeps drinking instead of a little sip.
  • Doesn’t realize what’s happening as she drinks more. Muzzle fully stretches out as cheeks widen
  • Sighs and says she loves it, noting her voice is back. “See, miss? Told ya. Drink is always a bit strong for newcomers, but hey, you’re coming around to it.”
  • Izzy takes another drink. She’s never had a smoothie like this before. Was it really possible to only replicate this taste in Alola?
  • “Shame if so.” She thinks as yellow furry spots on cheeks appear on her cheeks
  • “But I can try making it at home just in case~.” followed by thick yellow eyebrows
  • Long dark hair shortens, roots taking on a darker burnt orange as the fur around her face.
  • Scruffy dark burnt orange fur on her chin, spreading around her jaw for a beard
  • Ears into alolan raichu ears. Very fluffy
  • Head fully changes at this point.
  • “Terrific! I love this!” She notices she’s speaking in a mannish voice. She asks about it but he says it’s just part of the drink’s deal. Again, not really meant for a newcomer. “Just a little side effect is all~.”
  • Yeah, yeah, side effect. She figured something that tasted that good had to have at least one downside. She’ll ask him how long it’ll last.
  • After another sip! The scent and taste is just too good not to keep drinking.
  • Neck thickens and shoulders broaden.
  • Her stomach is no longer toned and waist narrow. Waist widens and stomach grows plush and soft. She notices her dress feels tight. As she been overeating a bit too much on her trip? Maybe she needed to get some more walking in after this.
  • Still drinks more. Body gets thicker, burnt orange body hair sprouting on arms and legs. Creamy white on her chest.
  • Izzy is feeling hot… very hot. That extra fur is starting to make her sweat. Thankfully if she kept drinking, she’ll stay somewhat cool. Good thing this wasn’t giving her a headache
  • Tail nub begins to grow
  • Tail extends a little lighting bolt fluke, poking out the bottom of her dress
  • Feels warmer and hotter. This is a new hot she’s feeling as she reaches the end of the drink.
  • She wants more of it. She wants to keep drinking. She needs it. She needs something. A naughty thought slips through her mind as she shivers.
  • Her groin stirs, her hands and toes clenching.
  • She gives out a soft moan as she sips the rest of the smoothie through her straw. “Ooooo, done! OOF!”
  • Sudden burst as her mind stings. now that brain freeze set in!
  • In that burst, her body hits another weighty change. Breasts fade as fur coats them, still somewhat big, but wider and denser.
  • Arms and legs thicken more.
  • Belly is pushing hard against her dress now, struggling to hold back.
  • She sways a bit, rubbing her forehead as the pain resides.
  • Brushing her forehead, she notices now that something feels fuzzy. She looks at her hand. It’s changing!
  • Hands grow creamy white fur with pale pink pads.
  • Snap! Her sandals broke and she looked down, seeing her feet gaining a similar change, Digits go down to four toes
  • That’s when she realizes how thick her arms and legs are with chubby muscle
  • Before she can react, her dress starts ripping and tears apart
  • A muscle gut with chubby pecs comes out. Her delicate female form is gone!
  • She gasps and then moans, shaking. She feels something stirring. She can’t fully see it past her belly, but she has a feeling.
  • She sucks her gut in a little and trembles, seeing the manly bulge in her underwear
  • She gasps, letting her gut fall out. It shakes. It feels heavy, but strong. She feels heavy, but also strong.
  • Something within her pokes at her, urges her. Feel yourself. Feel your new form.
  • She tries to ignore it for a moment, but its too strong. Bashful, she instead feels her stomach, rubbing her hand over her fuzzy belly
  • It so pleasant and nice! She sparks up, electricity coming off her body
  • Bulge grows and grows, underwear turning into a green speedo. It’s like she has a coconut in there.
  • Tail fully grows out now, longer than his body.
  • That last energy charge and spark made them woozy. The new Alolan Raichu man stumbles back but his tail catches him, causing him to float.
  • “Whoa…” Izzy remarked. “Like… like duuuude, this is wild.” Her tone sounds so… dudebro ish, but it feels natural.
  • “It’s really more radical if you ask me.” An shiver goes through Izzy’s spine as they look back. The gentleman is gone.
  • Another Alolan Raichu man is there. He is chubbier and scruffier with body hair, but the look in his eye… Izzy knew who it was.
  • Also, his heart… it started to beat. Looking at the Raichu… that rough mug, physique, and form… it was rather intriguing. Was this part of the drink or… did something awaken within her?
  • “Sorry about that facade, but I keep a human appearance up so people don’t bother me too much. I don’t mind the attention and I can use my psychic powers to easily deal with any photographic or video evidence, but it can be tiring.”
  • “Ah-huh…” The new Raichu’s heart is fluttering. He really is handsome. He’s never seen someone so handsome.
  • Without thinking, he rubs his Raichu cheeks, sparks popping off of them.
  • The owner chuckles. “Someone is all worked up there. Understandable, the change can really light something up within them.”
  • Izzy tries to steer the direction away from this topic, his bulge throbbing and being to awaken. “I… I don’t understand this, dude. What… what is going on?”
  • “Alola is a place where humans and Pokemon are close. However, how close it is something not everyone knows. We Alolans have found ways to become one with Pokemon, breaking the boundaries between human and monster. Sometimes, we share that way with others who seek something truly special.”
  • “Like, whooooa” Izzy trembles, “Special… very special.”
  • “I guess I totally was seeking something special.” They look the native Raichu over, only wearing his long apron. They looked themselves over again, feeling their belly, pecish moobs, arms, muzzle, and shift their bulge around.
  • Izzy quivers. This really was an experience that only they could get in Alola. He rather likes it, brushing his face and rubbing his cheeks.
  • “This bro just didn’t know what that gnarly something was until now.” Izzy chuckles, his eyes staring deep into the native Raichu, who stares back with amusement.
  • “So, now that you had taste of the real Alolan experience, what will you do now?” The native Raichu asks, leaning in.
  • “Get another taste of course!” Izzy chuckled. “I’m sure a dude like you can give this mouse the radical ride of his life.”
  • “And more, if want it.” “Oh I do. I want everything… everything about you.”
  • The Alolan Raichu chuckles and uses his psychic powers to open the side door. He puts up a closed sign and ushers the tourist in.
  • Izzy steps inside as he closes up, seeing a large, already erect rod sticking out from behind the owner’s apron. huge balls hang behind.
  • The two move in and start making out, Izzy’s psychic power automatically pulling his speedo off.
  • Their rods rub together, bellies smooshing into each other, paws groping all around.
  • Izzy begins to lower himself until he’s face to face with the rod. Licking his chops, he goes in and starts blowing the guy
  • The native moans loudly and happily, his rod pulsing in Izzy’s mouth. Izzy naturally uses his psychic powers to pump the rod. It feels so natural to do.
  • The lights and electronics in the room flicker and go on and off repeatedly as sparks radiate off them.
  • Izzy was in love with this. Perhaps this was the whirlwind romance he was looking for. Or, at the very least, a wonderful experience that he’ll never forget from his trip. This was truly the best vacation ever.


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