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“Is Crystal Henderson here?” A new, deep voice rang in her ears. One more dragon appeared, this one taller than rest. He had black scales with red eyes, his figure rather buff as well, while still having this older maturity to it. He would almost be intimidating if not for the casual blouse and tan pants combo.

“Yes, she’s right over there, headmaster!” The blue dragon pointed over at the human.

The black dragon looked at her and smiled, flashing some seriously sharp-looking fangs. “Ah! Miss Henderson! Please, step into my office so we can chat!”

Anxious, Crystal hurried over and entered the room. Much like the waiting area, the headmaster’s room was very mundane. There was a normal-looking desk with a normal computer and chair. There were bookshelves against the walls with potted plants dotted around. The only non-normal element was how large everything was to accommodate the dragon’s size.

The size only became more apparent when Crystal took a seat in one of the chairs before the desk. They were definitely built more for those student dragons that left.

The headmaster walked beside her, holding out his hand. “Welcome my dear!” He cheerfully spoke as they shook. “My name is Fafnir Heisenberg and welcome to my lovely college and your new home for the next few years.”

“Th-thank you for having me.” That was as much as she could muster. His clawed hand made both of hers feel so small.

He smiled warmly, taking his seat. “Now, Miss Henderson, I can tell you are nervous. That is only fair as a human attending such a unique, prestigious academy as ours. You do not need to worry. Here, you’ll be treated as fair as anyone else here and made to feel welcomed.”

That was a somewhat comforting note for Crystal. However, she still felt uncertain and anxious. Funny really. She was so sure of this decision before, but now, there were lingering, unsure feelings bubbling up.

“Part of feeling welcomed is this meet-and-greet,” Fafnir continued. “I like to meet our new human students before they attend the welcome ceremony. Before you’re truly introduced to our campus and life here, I personally want to make sure you're at home as best as I can. Meeting a friendly face first, even if it looks intimidating, can make all the difference!”

Crystal blushed. He was right about the intimidating part, but his effort was appreciated. Perhaps she could do this after all. She cleared her throat. “O-okay! S-so… was there something you wanted to talk about or…?”

“Well, I want to ask you this before we begin.” His expression shifted. It wasn’t as soft anymore. There was something more serious in it. “Are you sure you are ready for this bold new step in your life?”

The question was a bit odd. She was there already, right? She was too deep in for her to leave now at this point.

Plus, despite some lingering nerves, Crystal knew for certain what she wanted. She cleared her throat, putting on the most “sure” face of her life. She nodded. “I am. I am ready for this.”

Fafnir smiled. He let out a deep breath, light gray smoke drifting out his nostrils. “That’s good. Sometimes, there is a doubt within us when we confront something we want when it's right in front of us. It’s good to see you are so sure, Miss Henderson.

“Now, it’s time to prepare you for your new life.” His mouth opened wide, wider than it seemed like it could. His sharp fangs flashed, a sharp, red, forked tongue nestled in on his bottom jaw. However, her eyes were drawn further back.

Time seemed to stop then as a cold sweat struck her. It stopped for everyone but him. In the back of his mouth, flames were lighting up, flickering. They were growing brighter and brighter, a dazzling sight. The fire was coming up.

Crystal winced, leaning farther back into her chair. What… what is he gonna-

His jaws somehow opened wider as fire billowed further. Green and purple flames gushed out in a raging inferno, all directed at her. She could not react. She could not speak in time. It was too late for her.

The colorful flames came forth, engulfing the young woman and her chair. She let out a loud scream as her body heated up. At that moment, she thought she had her last thoughts. The pain would soon set in, overwhelming her and putting her out of her misery. It would be over.

Yet, it would not be the case. No pain and scorching intensity overtook her. Yes, there was heat, warmth even. However, it was merely a pleasant, toasty feeling.

Crystal looked at herself. She could see the purple and green flames dancing about on clothing, even her skin. That was it.

How… how is this possible? The question seemed foolish only a few seconds after thinking about it. She was just set aflame by a dragon who was just talking to her about attending a dragon school. Said dragon school was in… some other plane of existence? Dimension? Universe. She didn’t fully understand.

Plus, the fire was a different color than most fires. Of course, there was something up.

Looking at the fire on her skin, something seemed off besides the plainly obvious. The pale skin of her arms looked brighter.

One could say that was because of the bright fire resting all over her. However, it wasn’t that. Her skin was different. It looked rougher, yet smoother, the texture almost scale-like. The pale peach that was her complexion looked almost… purple? A lighter shade of purple?


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