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But then something caught his eye. There was a new button in the bottom corner of the screen. It read, “Premium Membership Opportunity!” in big bold letters.

Tom had a feeling what it was but clicked on it. Sure enough, it opened a page for a premium membership with the app. It talked about new kinds of silly, toony forms; longer lasting “events”; and other special bonuses he could be emailed or even get delivered.

The biggest thing though was the cost. Tom twitched at the sight. Only ten bucks a month? That was certainly more affordable than he was expecting. Ten bucks and he could start with whatever fun right away?

Well, why not?

Tom smiled and clicked on the continue option. He put this address, PayPad account, and everything in that was necessary. After everything, some bonus fun could be just what I need!

Finishing up, he hit the submit button. The screen darkened as a loading image appeared. A few seconds later, words dramatically appeared on the screen with goofy, overanimated graphics. It read, “Congratulations on Premium Toonhood, GoofTime27!”

The words faded as new ones appeared. “Enjoy your special “Today’s You” offer: Dragon!”

Dragon, huh? Tom nodded. Well, that’s definitely different from what I usually get. Images flashed in his mind of goofy-looking cats and dogs, all of which were having the time of their lives. Still, sounds like fun to me! I can work with-

The phone screen began to brighten, everything fading to a blinding white. Tom flinched. Wait, what?! Right now?!

That had never happened before. The app was loading Today’s You already! He didn’t even get a prompt to check if he was ready or not! This isn’t good! I gotta… oh!

It was too late. He could feel it. The phone was warm. His hand was warm. His hand was beginning to grow.

The sound of an inflating balloon was heard as his mitt grew. A light, lime-green tone appeared on the back of his hand. It began to spread across it, circling around his digits. The texture was odd, looking scaly but felt rubbery and smooth.

His hand grew and grew, nearly tripling its original size. The entire time it swelled, his ring and pinkie finger pressed together. They pressed tighter and tighter. Skin melded into each other and soon, the digits were one.

The phone dropped from his hand in shock as he began to shake it, despite knowing it would be futile. Why is this already happening?! Shouldn’t I have more time? Is… is this a glitch?! This is stupid!

Eventually, he gave up the shaking and just looked at his hand. It was super inflated now, very pudgy and large with long, silly fingers with dull, cylindrical claws at their ends.

The pudginess wouldn’t stay confined there. Suddenly, green, rubbery, “scaly” skin tone began pouring down his wrist and onto his arm. It disappeared out of sight beneath his sleeve. His limb began to swell, fat pouring in and pushing against the sleeves, even tearing at it.

PfffffOING! Tom was taken aback. His other hand had just ballooned all at once too! It now matched its dragon-esque, green counterpart, the limb it was attached to swelling as well. He was rapidly inflating and tooning out.

Why did it start already?! Tom glumily thought, shoulders drooping. Why no prompt? Is this some kind of glitch? Uuuuugh.


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