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Another month done and progress remains good. Trouble continues to follow my family and me, another situation that will hopefully be resolved come May. The biggest issues were my car needing several repairs and fixes, which drained my resources quite a bit. I'm slowly building them back up, but it really sucked.

As for writing, I feel like things could've been better, but still weren't bad. I made really no progress on my dragon commissions at all due to one story being incredibly long. However, I completely cleared my regular commissions list and was able to reopen for some new tales. That was nice.

The way things are going according to my recent poll, the next chapter for story will be the Pizza O'Clock gorilla tale. That'll be fun to write, though there won't be any TF involved just yet. It's only the first chapter after all.

Overall, I don't feel like I have a lot to say at the end. Progress was made, life slowed me down, and nothing huge has really happened that I need to inform you all about. An okay month and sometimes, that's alright.

See you next month for more fun tales!



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