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  • “I’m not sure about this.” “Awwww, c’mon, babe! You got this!”
  • Valerie Seville doesn’t feel too sure about that. She feels anxious and nervous. This was out of her comfort zone.
  • “Come oooooonnnn, you’re a natural! You, like, got tons of experience already as a secretary and all that office job stuff! You’re a shoe-in!”
  • “I know.” She says it very quietly, looking up at the skyscraper before her.
  • Yes, she does have experience. She did some minor secretarial work in the past and worked under some higher level boss-like figures in some past jobs before her recent unemployment stint. Experience and capability were not her concern.
  • “‘Cuse me!” “Pardon me! Goin’ to important meeting!” “On my way to lunch!” “Business business business! Gotta business!”
  • Valerie’s face went red as she looked around her. She was out of her depth.
  • The woman was in the middle of the business park of her city’s ToonTown District. All sorts of toons, trying their best to look official and important in their business suits and briefcases, were all rushing about, going from one building to another or to a food stand or restaurant.
  • Her job interview? Silly Looks, the largest distributor of Toon Gloves and Silly Shoes in the state and region of the country. She would be interviewing for the big fat cat, literally, boss of the place. He needed a new secretary
  • “Don’t stress yourself out, babe!” Her boyfriend nuzzles her with his face, purring, “I believe in ya!”
  • Valerie smiled and kissed him, scritching under his muzzle “Thank you.”
  • Keith was a toon caracal. He wasn’t overly big or silly looking compared to a lot of toons, but he still had a supersweet heart and a love for being pet. She was lucky to have such a supportive boyfriend in her life.
  • Despite his encouragement, she still remained doubtful. He was the one who tipped her off about this job opening (he followed toon news closely) and was determined to get her back in spirit after her layoff a few weeks back
  • He was a great boyfriend. She felt so lucky he would want to be with a shy, mousey girl like her.
  • Keith seems to sense this and tries some more encouraging words but they don’t seem to work.
  • “Okay, time to pull out the big guns!” “Big guns?” “Prezzie time!” He unveils a cute necklace with a golden cat head symbol.
  • “A good luck charm I got just for you in case you wanted it!” He smiled.
  • “R-really?” It looked very nice. She wasn’t sure how well it would go with her outfit, but she assumed it wouldn’t be too bad. Plus, it was a sweet gesture.
  • “Thank you.” She takes it and slides it over her head. “It’s very-” She shivers, feeling rather warm oddly.
  • Concerns and doubts were starting to slip from her mind, confidence beginning to grow. She was being too doubtful! She could do this easily!
  • She realizes now she has to hurry for the meeting. She must be puntunctual! She can’t be late! It would reflect badly on her.
  • She kissed Keith one more time and hurries for the building.
  • As she hurries, her pacing oddly corrects and adjusting itself, turning more to a power strut and careful, professional pace with her shoulder and leg movement.
  • Helping that along were her shoes turning into black high heels.
  • She passes through the front door of the building, seeing a busy lobby full of more toons scurring around with their briefcases, coffee cups, and large cell phones.
  • She spots the front desk where a receptionist is and twitches, a long, orangish yellow with black stripes tail popping out.
  • She strutted over, her hips starting to sway with purpose and emphasize
  • The toon mouse is handling several different phone calls from the twenty different phones on her desk. “Please hold!” “I’ll connect you!” “Good morning, be with you soon!”
  • Valerie steps up and clears her throat. She gets long eyelashes, darker eyeshadow, and striking red lips.
  • The mouse gal looks up, stunned by her appearance. “Oh! Hi! How may I help you?”
  • “Yes!” Valerie clears her throat. “I am… Ah, Valerie Seville and…” Takes a deep breath and looks at her watch (wait, when did she have a white watch?). “I have a very important interview with Mister Lance Furrikins about a secretarial position.”
  • “Oh, right!” The mouse said, nodding. “Just take the elevator to the top floor! I’ll phone ahead!”
  • “Thank you.” Valerie bowed and headed for the elevator. She feels good about that, even a bit surprised how formal and assure of herself she came off. She felt so professional.
  • She wents up to the elevator and pressed a button, waiting… quickly growing impatient. She checked her watch again. (Shouldn’t I check my phone?) Fingernails turn to black claws, but she doesn’t seem to notice.
  • DING! Her ears twitch and turn into feline ones, darting up to the top of her head in a flash and pulling into points.
  • “Business!Business!Meeting!Coffee!TotallySerious!” Tons of toons rush out the elevator, nearly bulldozing her out of the way.
  • Valerie huffs, putting her hands on her hips, which grow wider and rounder. “Humph! How disrespectful to a potential new co-worker! I must speak with HR later… if I get the job.”
  • She blushes, getting a bit embarrassed by how she keeps switching into this professional attitude, how easy and natural it feels as well.
  • She steps inside and rides the elevator up, taking a few breaths as she rides it alone.
  • She thinks calming thoughts the entire time, trying to focus and relax herself about how things are going.
  • Her waist gets narrower a bit as her rear swells, her skirt clinging more to it.
  • Ding! The elevator reaches the floor and she stands at attention. She peers out around, finding one narrow hallway leading to a single door.
  • She takes a deep breath and heads down as the black fur stripes appear on her body.
  • She approaches the door and takes the knob, fur hairs standing up on end.
  • “You can do this!” She blinks a few times, her eyes turning feline. “No, Valerie, you are a capable, strong woman who is more than ready to handle whatever is here.”
  • She opens the door and steps through, finding a large, open office room with cubicals, water coolers, copiers, and other toons busy at work at their desks or chatting about.
  • A few paper airplanes fly about, circling her head as she enters before flying off. She thinks there is a lot of mischief and tomfoolery around that is very unprofessional. They are business toons and must act like it!
  • One paper plane gets stuck in her hair and she pulls it out, her hair turn from brown to an ink, striking black.
  • A toon asks for it back and she gives him a stern look, telling him to be careful with his memo delivery. He cartoonishly shivers and salutes, promising to be better.
  • She asks him where Mister Furrkins is and he points her to the office at the far end of the room with the empty desk in front of it.
  • She politely thanks him and makes her approach, her strut fierce and tail swishing about.
  • Her outfit changes. Black skirt goes from knee to mid-thigh length and becomes softer. A dark pink, powersuit with a low neckline appears over her white blouse. Said blouse has a few buttons pop open, revealing cleavage.
  • She reaches the empty desk and door, looking the scenario. She shakes her head, noting that the desk will need a proper dusting and organizing for it to be of proper use in her mind.
  • Yellow orange fur grows over the rest of her body where there isn’t stripes as she reaches for the door. Time for this meeting!
  • She opens the door, hair changing to a shorter, puffier, retro style.
  • She finds Lance busying on his phone, playing with a paddle ball and laughing. His office is a mess!
  • Valerie’s eye twitches as she huffs, flaunting her chest out as it grows a cup size.
  • She struts over. “This simply will not do! This is completely unprofessional and will reflect badly on the company!”
  • She slams her hand on the desk, her face jutting out into a muzzle and completing her transformation. The toon boss twitches and nearly jumps out of his seat.
  • “Excuse me! Is this a way the boss of one of the most elite businesses in all of toondom behaves? You must have a bit more decorum and professionalism in you! Think if one of your rivals saw you!”
  • The toon blinks a few times and looks surprised, looking her up and down. “Who are you?”
  • Without thinking as her tail swished, “I am Valerie Seville, interviewee for your new secetary, but if you are too busy chatting and playing games, I believe my skills are not needed here or-”
  • “WAIT!” The toon said. “Your spunk, attitude, energy, moxie… oh! Oh that’s just what I needed?” “Pardon?” “Yes yes! I love this, this aura you have, Mrs. Seville! This is the kind of go-getter, no nonsense attitude I need to keep me on track! You’re hired!”
  • “That simple?” Part of her professional toony attitude is miffed. Surely he is not taking his job seriously enough without doing a proper interview and examination of a potential candidate.
  • However, the rest of her is gleeful and excited. She must show him what she is truly capable of before he suddenly changes his mind.
  • She scans his desk and spots his planner and calender, swiping them in a blur. She reads them, committing all the knowledge instantly to her brain and looks to him, telling him he must be ready for his upcoming meeting. After he’s done, they can discuss paperwork, filing, and typing that must be done.
  • The toon boss is excited. He really likes this energy and quickly grabs his business jacket to go attend to a meeting in marketing.
  • Valerie follows him out and waves him off, looking at the desk. well, time to spruce that up to make it better reflect her!
  • -Scene Cut-
  • “Hmmm, today went splendidly! Thank you for your help!”
  • “Heheheh…” Keith dopely chuckles, hearts floating off his head as Valerie returns to him in her new look. “My help?”
  • “Yes, your help!” Valerie smirks, casually tapping the necklace around her neck. His eyes look at it and casually goes to her enlarged chest, his heart cartoonishly beating out from his heart. “Your work, I assume. I assure you, my new level of confidence and intelligence has made it easy to figure out my lovely professional look is thanks to you.”
  • “Heheh, you got me!” Keith was happy. Valerie looked like a knockout as a Serval toon with that elite, professional sona and attitude she had.
  • “Is it permanent?” “No. You can turn back later when you want.” “Mmmmm, good! I have a lot of work that must be done!” She leans in and kisses him on the cheek
  • “Well, why not wait on that? We gotta celebrate!” He throws his hands into the air, confetti popping out behind him. “Let’s celebrate in style at home and maybe have a little alone time together to-”
  • “HMMMM!” Valerie pulls out a new planner from her blouse and looks through it, sticking out her tongue as she scans the pages.  “Sorry! I simply must go over the files and documents Mr. Furrikins has sent to my email tonight! I can, however, schedule you in for some spare snuggle time tomorrow.”
  • “Oh… ah, sure.”
  • Keith was admittedly a little put off by how professional she was acting now. A bit different from the girl he usually loved
  • But, it was fine. She was happy, confident, and doing better. That’s all that mattered ultimately and he couldn’t be happier for her.


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