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Oh! Mumba felt a drip of drool running down her face. She brushed at it and chuckled. Holding all of those pizzas so close to her, with their scrumptious aroma, got to her. It made her unconsciously drool at the scent.

She wiped her mouth and took a look at the boxes. Mumba wasn’t exactly familiar with Pizza O’Clock. She had never heard of the chain before during her travels. She only knew about it thanks to her more witchy cousin, Cassidy.

The green lady had insisted that the magician check the place out. She was both a big fan and had helped them before in the past. Oh, their pizzas are so amazing! They just fill you to the top! I’ll never go back to those boring company chains again, I tell ya!

Also, you just have to trrrrry their Year of the Rabbit special! Trust me, you and your magical girl troupe would love it!
Mumba assumed it was a joke. Magicians and rabbits and all of that dumb junk.

Still, she took her cousin’s advice and ordered the pizzas for everyone. She spent a moment conjuring up some plates and napkins at the bar. Hope Cass is right about this. The girls are very particular about their pizzas.

She looked back at the boxes, letting some of the fumes come to her again. She felt a bit drool come from her mouth once more, quickly wiping at it. Well, at least they smell good.

There was a low gurgle from her stomach. She felt empty. The smell was making her hungry, even a little antsy right then. Part of her wanted to dig right in, start chewing away at the slices there.

A hand started moving towards the top box, but she yanked it back. I shouldn’t. It wouldn’t be polite, right? I should wait for when everyone gets here.

Her nose twitched, the fumes flowing into it. She bit down on her bottom lip, her body naturally moving towards it and her hand reaching again. The scent was enticing, hypnotic. She couldn’t resist it. She needed to eat a slice.

Her hand gripped the top box. It’s not a big deal, right? It’s all harmless. We’ll joke about it and what not. It won’t hurt to, like, just have a taste.

Mumba opened the lid. A huge burst of hot, cheese-scented steam flowed straight into her face. Her nose eagerly, greedily sniffed it right up despite her usual restraint. Doing so, curiously, the pigment of it turned pink, but just at the tip.The skin turned a tad bumpy too.

She rubbed her mouth before further leakage could occur and looked at the actual pizza. It was a Veggie’s Lover like she thought. Bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes… think that’s kale and spinach. The whole works!

Mumba wasn’t much on pizzas loaded with vegetables. She was a meat eater through and through. However, between its scent and looks, it was making her hungrier. It looked like one of those perfect pizzas made for commercials, just crafted in a way that made one’s stomach rumble like hers did.

Her stomach cried out again, begging to be fed. She couldn't resist it. She reached in and took one of the slices carefully. Pulling it out, loads of pizza grease dripped and stained her professional, slim gloves. Tsk, shoulda took those off first.

Another gurgle pulled her mind from that minor frustration, reminding her what was truly important. It wasn’t important that the grease stained her gloves. It wasn’t important that her handwear actually absorbed the mess. It wasn’t important that they were changing either.

Her gloves were looking off. They were made of leather only seconds before but now looked more like soft cotton. There were cuffs to them, one that were thick and plush. The coloration wasn’t grayish white, but snow-white. They were even a bit bigger.

But again, that wasn’t important. What was important was the pizza slice.

She opened her mouth slowly and put the piece in. She began to bite down. SPROING! Her top two front teeth shot down, turning wider, longer, and thicker. They were white before due to all her hard work of brushing, but now they were pearly, gleaming white.

The two teeth shot forward and sliced through the tip of the slice before she could even finish biting down. She closed her mouth, her two teeth popping out of her maw and over her bottom lip like an animal. When she began to chew through, they cartoonishly vanished from sight until she finished.

Oooh! Mumba’s eyes widened. Ooooooh! She smiled. So… soooo tasty!

Gulp! She swallowed the bite. Her stomach rumbled and bubbled, though quietly. Its toned, flat figure lost a bit of shape. It grew ever pudgier, quite soft to the touch.

Cass was onto something about this place! Mumba eagerly took another bite, clenching the pizza tighter as more grease and even sauce dripped onto her gloves. Like before, they happily soaked up the substance into them. They began to grow, swelling and doubling in size.

Mumba chewed the newest chunk up, soaking in its taste, its flavor. Were veggie pizzas usually this good or was Cassidy right about the pizzeria being special?


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