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Samantha glanced around. Something struck her. Outside of Traci, there was a lack of a certain color around the building. Green.

“Here we are!” Traci declared, abruptly stopping at a door. “We have reached the last and most important part of our tour, managerial-wise at least, my office!”

The two stepped inside. The room was a lot less interesting to look at compared to everything else she had seen. It was a standard office like out of some workplace sitcom with many filing cabinets, a lone desk with a computer on it, and a few chairs.

Traci took a seat behind the desk while Samantha hurried to sit down in front of it. Okay, this is it! Don’t blow anything. You got this.

“So!” Samantha stood at attention. Traci smiled. “I’m sure you’re probably wondering why you were hired, and so quickly too? I mean, no interview? Probably would seem a little weird if the same happened to me.”

“I mean… a little.”

“Well, there is a reason. I’m sure it's obvious to you, but Witchy-Toony Delights is a bit of a weird business.” Samantha couldn’t dispute that. “We’re an operation started and run by witches and toons. When we’re looking for qualified candidates to join us, we need only the best that can be molded into the lifestyle we have. You fit that bill from your resume and its aura.”

“Oh, okay!” Samantha wasn’t really sure what all of that meant, but she appreciated the compliment nonetheless. “Don’t worry, I’ll do my best and make the place proud!”

“That’s the spirit!” Traci smiled, leaning back in her chair. “Now, there’s just one simple thing before we continue, a quick question. Toon or witch?”

“Hmm? Wh-what do you mean?”

“It’s for your class position while you work here. You must keep with the theme of business after all. Toon or witch. Just pick one that speaks to you, and we can go from there with what you’ll be doing and where.”

Samantha rubbed her head. Is she really saying this? “Wait, I get to decide if I’ll be… I’ll become a toon… or a witch?”

“Mhm!” Traci nodded. “It’s one of the many perks working here! Either form provides many wonderful benefits, I assure you. You have magic and access to energy that can shape the world around you as a witch. As a toon, you can bend reality and the laws of physics for yourself. There’s more, but that’s just a small taste. Just pick what you would prefer. I rather you decide instead of me placing it upon you.”

I get to change myself. That was quite something. The idea of becoming a new her or, at least, gaining a new look was appealing. There was a sense of fun and excitement to it.

Samantha felt surprised but deep down, she knew it had to come to this. This place and its reputation? Of course there was some transformative element to it. That was probably why she saw no other human in the building.

Still, she was ready for whatever came next. “Okay, I think I know what I want.” Samantha took a deep breath, hairs on the back of her neck rising. “I want to be a to-”


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