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After a moment, the racoon cleared his throat and let out a soft sigh, composing himself. He gave Ross a little bow. “Thank you for your patronage. I hope you enjoy your meal today. I hope you order from Chomp Squad again real soon!”

“I said I didn’t or-” But the words were ignored. The toon was already merrily skipping away down the hall towards the stairs.

Whatever. Ross closed his door and headed over to his kitchen. He tossed the bag onto the countertop and pulled the takeout container from it. Popping that open, sure enough, there was a caesar salad waiting for him.

Smells good at least, he thought as he sat down on a stool. He took out a plastic fork from the bag and popped it out of the wrapper. Looking at the salad again, it felt so bright. He had never seen a salad this green and vibrant before, where the colors just popped. It was like it was taken straight out of a commercial.

Looks and smells were fine, but that’s not what really mattered. Ross stabbed into the salad, taking a good chunk of lettuce and even a crouton out. It put it into his mouth, pulled the fork out by itself, and started to chew.

Crunch, crunch. Hmmmm… He twitched. Tasty!

Ross licked his lips to get the extra seasoning that lingered. His tongue stretched out and slurped everything up. However, it was a little longer and its color pinker.

Not bad at all! Ross forked another chunk of the salad and popped it in. Crunch, crunch. Really tasty stuff!

SLUUUURP! His tongue stuck out again, but it was bigger than before. Almost the size of his face, it smacked against his right cheek and slid across his entire mug to the left cheek. It turned pinker and pinker before zipping back into his mug.

His hands quivered. A curious, thick, white as snow substance appeared on the back of his hands. They started as the size of droplets and grew, swiftly spreading around the hands and going up his fingers. The substance maneuvered around the fork in his mitts while pressing his middle and ring fingers together.

From there, the gunk grew and swallowed. His hands vanished from sights as the substance expanded, inflating like a balloon. Pfffffffffffft. Eventually, it was like he had a two-inch thick layer around his hands, the material turning plush but leathery.


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