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  • Petra pours out the rest of her candy dish into a kid’s bucket and sends them on their way. Last one of the night it seemed, no one else showing up for the past hour besides them.
  • She waves them off and closes the door, sighing. Another happy Halloween. Good thing she didn’t buy too much candy after all. She be stuck eating it all!
  • Though, the idea of eating a bunch of candy sounded good to the lady, so she prepares to go get her wallet and head out to the store.
  • Knock-knock. Another person? Ah gees, she should’ve turned light off sooner!
  • She shuts it off and answers the door, looking down and preparing to tell what kid or kids are there the bad news (or make them wait until she finds something)
  • However, looking down, she sees talons and scaly feet.
  • Tracing up, she sees a raven there in a black gown and wearing a witch’s hat.
  • She smiles and holds out a black cauldron pail, “Trick or Treat~”
  • Petra blinks a few times to make sure she’s seeing this correctly. The raven giggles slightly, “Oh, never seen a “witch” before like me? Well, I certainly don’t dress in such traditional, classic garbs, but for the season, I switched things up~.”
  • Petra is really unsure how to react to this. “Ummm… how can I help you? I… ah… I don’t have anymore candy?”
  • “Is that so?” The raven stroked her chin. “Such a shame! Well, I guess we go to the Trick part then, I suppose.”
  • She reaches forward and taps Petra on the nose before the human could react
  • Petra stepped back, but her nose felt… off.
  • She lets out a sneeze as her nose numbs. It stretches outwards, skin turning to a lustrous black and almost as tough as metal
  • Her mouth pushes out as well, teeth merging with lips and the top jaw with her nose.
  • Forms a sharp beak, bottom beak a darker blacker
  • Petra gasps, feeling her face as she sees beak sticking out away from her face
  • Extending from the beak (top part at least), a similar shaded armored piece flows around her cheeks, around her head, and circling around her eyes, leaving eyeholes.
  • The piece of armor extends a little higher, almost looking like a crown
  • Her white hair is caught up between the new armor into two parts, a thick tuff on top and long hair flowing down
  • Petra’s head feels numb, but she hurries from the hall to her bathroom, forgetting about the raven
  • There, she sees her new armor face, tries to pull it off but it won’t budge
  • That’s when she sees her hair changing, becoming thicker, fuller, puffier on top, somehow regal and elegant with her metal face
  • Hair in the back grows thicker and darker too, a bit puffier and wild too while still long
  • Petra moans, her voice deepening. This can’t be real, it can’t be.
  • Head is shifting to a more avian shape when there’s a knock. “Hey now, are you just gonna leave your door open like that? You may get surprise visitors just dropping by if you’re not careful~”
  • The raven is in her doorway, waving amused.
  • Petra looks and gasps. She’s nervous, her heart racing.
  • Then… they die down as her eyes change to Corviknight eyes. Something’s… different
  • “Who… who are you?” Petra’s voice deepens as her voice changes
  • The Raven introduces herself as Shade, a magical Raven. She doesn’t get out much into the human world outside of Halloween. She is upset that Petra didn’t offer her treats and is giving her a just “trick”
  • “B-but… but I am really out of candy.” Petra’s panting. Armor pieces appear on shoulders
  • Why… why do I feel so flustered looking at her? She thinks as a armor piece appears between the bottom of her breasts.
  • “Reeeeeally?” Shade leans in and looks closely into Petra’s eyes.
  • The woman’s breathing deepens, shoulders broadening and chest widening.
  • Why does she feel this way? It feels familiar but… but it can’t be that… right?!
  • Shade leans back and smiles. “Hmm, seems like you’re telling the truth! Mah bad!”
  • “But… it’s not like this “trick” is a bad thing anyways, right?” She playfully reaches around and slaps Petra on the back
  • The lady shivers and squeaks. Bumps appear on back. Can’t seem them but notices her chest looks… flatter than before.
  • “N-n-no…” “Hmm? No? Oh honey~.” Shade takes Petra’s hand and firmly grasps it. “There’s no way *not* to refuse my “trick”. It wouldn’t be keeping with the spirit of the holiday now, would it?”
  • Petra shivers and gasps as her hand is let go. Scaly, four-digit talon for hand! Same with her other, watching the last parts of it change.
  • Scaly texture goes to elbows, feathers growing over the arms and further.
  • Petra feels itches and scratchy, shirt uncomfortable. Tries scratching at it and tears it with her talons by mistake.
  • She’s freaked, seeing feathers sprouting over her skin, but Shade says not to worry. Just free yourself from those clothing confines.
  • Petra feels oddly relaxed and pleasant at those words, finding herself agreeing. Shade’s presence is no longer concerning but more… comforting and pleasing?
  • Petra shakes the thought from her head as she tears open shirt and tears it off. Torso is fully covered in dark, fine feathers.
  • Also, her breasts! They really are flattening, completely vanishing and emptying her bra
  • However, not for long. Her chest swells up and firms up into two powerful, bulgy pecs.
  • Petra gasps but… finds pecs comforting and fine as well? Her brain feels fixed up and confused.
  • Shade gets her attention, which she listens to enrapture. The raven feels so right now so… cute? Thinking that relaxes her further and makes her admit to herself that Shade is really attractive suddenly. Is this her trick?
  • But… is it much of a trick if she finds ravens cute already and that girls were already pretty cute to begin with? Her brain feels clear but not fully there yet.
  • Shade says to free herself again and gives her pecs a feel, which Petra happily does, tearing bra off and feeling them. So nice and firm~ So less obtrusive than her old breasts
  • Her waist widens and stomach tones, abs forming and visible despite feathers
  • “Looking good!” Shade says. Petra’s heart is a flutter. She likes that, looking down at herself.
  • Petra does find her feathery body looking good! Very good in fact. But… could it be better?
  • Hips flatten and rear tightens up to a more buff male size.
  • Then she quivers, her pants tenting hard in the crotch. A huge bulge has appeared!
  • Petra had a feeling he knew what it was and welcomed it. Without waiting, he tore open his pants and underwear revealing large balls and avain cock.
  • “Ooooo~. Someone’s a big, biiiiig guy~.” Shade teases
  • Petra smirks himself and strokes his rod, quivering. Bumps on back getting larger
  • He is about to grip his rod and realizes Shade is there. Should he? Sure, she changed him, but would it be a bit… weird to pound it in right front of her?
  • Shade senses his hesitation and says not to worry, she doesn’t mind at all. Explore her special trick and see how it really is a treat in the end
  • He does and pumps his rod, legs bulking up now.
  • He starts pumping regularly, feathers over thighs and scaly texture over calves to feet.
  • Petra moans and huffs, liking this feeling. Man, this is much better than as a lady.
  • Tail feathers
  • Socks rip and tear as talon feet emerge.
  • Petra shakes and moans, getting to his climax already. He hunches forward and pants, licking his beak.
  • Balls and cock grow larger and larger until he blows
  • Bellows out Corviknight and sprays his seed, Shade having a barrier up so cum doesn’t ruin her costume.
  • Wings burst out and flap, knocking several things in the bathroom over or around
  • Petra huffs and huffs, brushing armored forehead. Phew! What a rush!
  • He looks back into the mirror and grins, flexing. He looks awesome! What a beastly bird man!
  • Shade claps and asks how he is doing now. He loves it and flexes for her, pushing out his crotch and chest. Doesn’t he look amazing?
  • Shade grins and looks amazed, walking up and stroking his pecs, causing him to shiver. “You truly are amazing! Glad you were able to enjoy such a tricky treat of mine~.”
  • He pants and nods. God, she looks so fucking hot right now.
  • She steps back and takes her witch’s hat off, tossing it out the door. “Soooo, now that you’re all set, care to really put that body to the test?”
  • He twitches. Did she mean…
  • “Now, you don’t have to, of course. You don’t have to feel obligated after gaining this bod and if you don’t fully feel up for it or feel mentally changed in a way that makes you uncomfortable, totally get it! But, I could help you if you want it or-”
  • Petra puts his hands on her and gets close, towering over it. “No. I want this. I want you, badly. Not because I’m a fucking horny himbo bird, but I want this hard. I feel so complete, so right like this and fuck me, I need to fuck you hard because you’re so hawt and need a proper thank you.”
  • Shade grinned, snapping her talons as her witch’s garb vanishes, leaving her naked. “Mmm, I like when you talk dirty~. Let’s have fun!”
  • Fade out on the bird cries coming from the house so loud that the neighborhood could hear it. Though, people think it’s just a sound effect being played for the season.


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