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  • Olivia Groves should be exhausted and tired, finishing the last of her research and typing it up on her computer
  • She leans back into her chair, sinking and sighing with exhaustion. She got everything done and it felt like it had been hours
  • Important case for her law firm was coming up and her part of the job was making sure all the filings and documents were gathered and handled. All i’s dotted and t’s crossed as they say
  • She rubs her face and checks her phone. Already 7 pm. Maybe she was a lot faster than she thought? …though she had been working on this since this morning. Time was blurring after a while, especially after several cups of coffee
  • I need to unwind, just for a little bit. The over 50 something mother thought, wishing she had the energy within.
  • That’s when there’s a ding on her phone. It’s a text message from her friend, Clara, a fellow older mom.
  • Olivia yawns and checks it, “ ‘Sup?”
  • Olivia is incredulous and confused. What the hell kind of message is that?
  • Another pops in. “U up for fun 2night?”
  • Again, this doesn’t make sense. Why is Clara texting like that? Did her son get into her phone and start….
  • Olivia shivers. Her hair bun breaking and letting her hair fall down.
  • Oh… she knew what this meant. Of course, why didn’t she realize it from the first text?
  • A small smile cracks on her lips, fingernails shrinking, losing nail polish, and turning nails dark gray
  • Perhaps this is what she was looking for? Talk about perfect timing.
  • She felt a bit mischievous as she texts back, “Sure! Whatevs u want bro! I’m up!”
  • She felt a bit crude typing that, but it felt so natural to her, some of her hair starting to curl.
  • She eagerly awaited the answer, her clothing starting to feel a tad tighter in the sleeves and legs
  • The answer comes back, “Be over soon~”
  • Her hands trembled, growing a little bigger and less dainty. Fur starts sprouting around her fingernails and spreading down her fingers and to her hand.
  • She places her phone on the desk. Time to get ready~
  • She stands up, and finds her slippers are bit tight on her feet. Slips out of them, feet a little larger and sprouting the same light gray fur over them as well
  • Taken care of, she stretches a little, pushing out her rear.
  • Despite her age, her rear is still pretty round, fit, and firm from all her time working out and trying to stay in shape.
  • However, its round heart shape shrinks and shrinks down to a far fitter, flatter but still shapely guy shape
  • She picks up her phone again and rolls her shoulders, heading towards the bathroom across the way from her office room.
  • Shoulders broaden and raise, her blouse tighter on her
  • She casually unbuttons and tosses it on the hamper, leaving her in her bra and skirt.
  • She looks into the mirror, observing herself. Lots of lines and signs of aging has vanished, leaving her looking younger in complexion
  • Also, her blue hair has streaks of pale, grayish red running through it. “Could be better~”
  • She runs her hands through and ruffles it up, straight, precise brushing becoming quickly undone. It curls up into thick curls in places, color spreading a bit more around.
  • She leans in and looks closer at her face. Much more youthful looking. No sagginess or dark rings in the eyes. No wrinkles or blemishes or whatever. Heck, even some gray white hairs growing on the cheeks.
  • Though, she’s drawn to her nose. Dainter and thin, it’s broader and widening, pushed out a little more with the nostrils up to the nose’s tip
  • Olivia smiles, liking the changes. She’ll be ready soon enough.
  • Ears grow here. She watches them twitch and bend naturally like equine ears
  • She’s leaning over but stands up, moving to undo her skirt. Don’t need that anymore. Not fitting for what she’ll be
  • However, skirt falls and hits the ground. Her hips aren’t as wide and round as they were. More flat and pushed in, skin also a healthy glow with some traces of fur in sme spots.
  • She doesn’t mind that. She needs to maintain a proper, youthful figure after all~
  • However, her eyes go further to her crotch, her underwear. There’s a bulge in it.
  • She blushes and gets excited, stretching open her underwear. Male equipment, horse variety greets her.
  • She lets go, underwear snapping back and squeezing her junk, which causes her to flinch and shiver. Gotta remember to mind their equipment again~
  • The sight is still exciting. It’s good to cast off the shackles of old motherhood and embrace her inner, young, male pony self~
  • Phone buzzes and its another text from Clara. She indicates she invited others
    • Still typing in a crude style.
  • “Kewl, bro.” Olivia types back, her body frame growing a bit bigger again and firming up. Younger looking skin, frame on the par with a guy’s own.
  • “Crown also coming! ;3 <3 <3 Eggplant emoji”
  • Olivia’s heart throbbed suddenly, her cheeks blushing and her body warming. Her breasts dropped from D to B in seconds, waist widening to a broader frame
  • “Cr-Cr-Cr-Crown?! Diamond Crown is coming too?” Voice deepens as she stutters
  • New text: “He nose u comin’ 2. Get dat firm gray :peach emoji: in gear!”
  • Olivia quivers, getting taller. Images of the pink, rich stallion appearing briefly in her mind
  • There’s a glow on her thighs, Sweetie Belle’s cutiemark appearing on them.
  • “Right! Need to get ready! Need to be ready for him~.”
  • Undoes his bra, letting it drop. Breasts completely flatten, leaving him with a male chest that’s fit but not bulging or pec range
  • Bulge is getting larger in his underwear, balls popping out the sides and cockhead out the top
  • Olivia hums pleasantly to himself as he bends down, pulling down his underwear. His frame completely masculine-ifies and is that of a fit, athletic man.
  • Fur is growing and growing, spreading from the spots across him and coming together to a fur coat
  • Olivia stands up again, completely nude and looks in the mirror. He frowns. Still not fully there yet to his frustration
  • Still lots of blue in his hair and it wasn’t… full or puffy enough
  • He runs his hands through his mop again, really shaking it up.
  • Hair shortens up to just below head length, thicker locks that curl and spiral up. Little grayish rose is now mixed with grayish mulberry.
  • Olivia smiles warmly, shivering. His mane looks so amazing~. He wished it was this easy to fix his normal…boring, old lady hair this quickly~
  • He shook and pushes his rear out suddenly, looking over his shoulder down there
  • Tail slowly grows to a long, curly, puffy tail of similar color as his mane.
  • He shakes his rear, tail happily whisking about. He was a delight, an utter delight
  • Who wouldn’t love a cute pony guy like him? Though, he didn’t care about others loving him.
  • He only cared about Diamond Crown, that strapping, handsome, rich pony~. Visions of their private, personal times flash in his head.
  • Olivia gazes back into the mirror, biting his lip as his face pushes out. His rod extends and grow larger, balls filling up
  • Face pushes fully into a pony muzzle. Eye color goes from blue to paleish green
  • Equipment is now over a foot and a half in length, balls heavy
  • Olivia snorts, striking a pose and smiling. It felt so liberating and refreshing to do this, get back to being this~. This handsome, cute, young, energetic, ready to play pony.
  • Olivia was happy to be-
  • -Scene Cut-
  • “Silver Bell! ‘Bout time! We’ve been waiting!” “What? Like a minute? Come on, little patience please!”
  • Silver smiled, high fiving Scooteroll, the pony who originally texted him in the first place.
  • Scooteroll smiled. “Looks like you’re ready to party~.” “Darn straight! Honestly, I needed a night like this to unwind!”
  • “Well, we couldn’t agree more, right guys?” The rest of the pony guys around cheer too: Applebuck, Bob Steed, Silver Platter, and-
  • Bell grinned, cheeks reddening and heart racing. A smirking, full-of-himself steed stood towards the back, eyeing him appreciatively.
  • Crown approached and placed an arm around Bell, pulling him in. “Been a bit~. How’s my favorite little pony?”
  • “G-gr-great, Crown~. Just great!” They lean in and kiss, rather hard too.
  • Bell knew who he was, who everyone really was. But who they were didn’t matter. What they were now was what mattered.
  • They were a bunch of young studs with a love for life (and even more in some cases) looking to break away from responsibilities for a night and have some fun~
  • Silver Bell was ready to embrace it. He wasn’t some old lady with adult kids working for some boring law office. He was a stallion with a great boyfriend and that’s what matters~
  • The End


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