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Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh. It went on and on and on!

Angela Jean chucked her barista apron in the passenger seat as she plopped down into her car. With a heavy groan, she slammed the car door shut, started the car, and… just sat there.

Angela just sat there, breathing heavily. Her body felt a bit twitchy at points when it didn't feel exhausted. She was tired, so very, very, very tired. Work was hell, draining the absolute life out of her. Between the crabby customers, insane amount of orders, a lack of other employees around, and a very unhelpful, aggressive manager, she was done.

It shouldn't be like this. Her hands clenched tightly. It shouldn't have to be like this! Not at all. Things should be different!

Two weeks have passed since her trip to the beach. Two weeks since her incredible experience. Two weeks since she had last been AJ Appaloosa.

It had been two weeks of disappointment ever since.

After a long day of toony shenanigans and “fun”, AJ had gone to bed satisfied and in complete bliss. She was ready to continue it all tomorrow, almost unable to fall asleep. 

But she did and when she awoke, Angela was back. She was back in all her old, plain, unexciting glory.

And that meant back to her life, which included that hell. The hell that was her unexciting, emotionally-draining job at the local coffee shop. It was unending amounts of crap from everyone and everything that walked through the doors or worked there.

Why…  Angela's hands fell onto the steering wheel, nails digging into it. Why can't I be her? Why did it all have to end?

She sat there for a few minutes, not saying or even thinking about anything else. Eventually though, she let out an exhausted sigh and put her car into drive. Without a word, she drove out of the parking lot and began her journey back home.

…could be doing something else now. Angela began to think again. If I was still AJ, I could be doing something better. Maybe still be partying and living it up, right?

Angela began to smile but frowned just as fast. Well, probably not. Toons still have their own lives and jobs. I still would probably have to work somewhere. …though, I could still be doing something in a far more fun line of work, right?

If I was AJ, what would I do? Her cheeks reddened. Maybe… Her smile formed again, though it was crooked, wobbly. Maybe she'd want to do something more adult?

She couldn't help but quiver. She was AJ and AJ was her. AJ's experiences were hers as well and all of those “experiences” were so vivid, so positively thrilling. It awakened something deep within her that remained even though toonhood was gone.

Maybe I could do that?

The thought immediately was shaken away as her face got even redder, even her body heating up. I can't do that. N-no way. Not me. I'm… I'm not AJ.

…but if I was her? Angela gulped. No, it's pointless. Why think about what I could've been? It's not going to change a thing. She sighed. I just… I just need to go home and rest. I start it all over tomorrow.

Tomorrow. Angela could feel it, her heart sinking. Great… just great. Another day…

As the feeling became almost too much, something caught her eye. She was coming past the park not too far from her home. Her eyes glanced over to it without much thought, lingering on the parking lot beside it. There, she saw a flash of something very, VERY familiar.

There was a food cart attached to an ATV. The owner was hopping off the vehicle and unhooking the two. Despite the distance between them and being in a car, Angela could hear faint whistling and even see a physical musical note or two float away from the person. Said person was incredibly, pink, furry, and-

It's Jessica! Angela remembered her very well after all. After all, how could she forget the toon that transformed her via root beer in the first place?

As if driven by instinct and desire, Angela's heart soared as she recklessly swerved. She zipped straight over into the parking lot and came to an abrupt stop a few feet from her. Jessica flinched by the sudden arrival before springing/tumbling over her cart for cover.

Angela didn't care where she parked or the fact she left the keys in the ignition, she burst out of the vehicle. She rushed over to where the toon was hiding, slamming her hands on the cart. She leaned over and realized the commotion she caused. She scrambled out an apology first, “Sorrysorrysorry! I-I-I had to stop right away!”

The pink dog slowly peeked out from behind her cart. “Oh-okay!” Her brow furrowed. “Jeepers lady, you nearly made this poor pupper's heart go ka-put!”

“S-sorry!” Angela apologized again, bowing her head several times. “I just wanted… err… wanted to…” She cleared her throat and tried her best to explain. “An-an-anyways, I-I saw you and had to stop over. I needed to talk to you.”

The toon's floppy ears rose. She popped up to her face, leaning over the cart now herself as her tail wagged eagerly. “Ooooooh? A fan of moi?”

“Well.” Angela twiddled her fingers. “Ah, do you… remember me?”

“HMMMMMMM!” Jessica hummed, her brow getting furrowed again. She leaned her face right into the human's, getting a big blush from her. The toon stroked her chin carefully as she looked over every inch of her mug, silly squeak sounds coming from it. “Remember… remember… remember… HMMMMMM!”

“R-r-r-right,” stammered Angela, taking a step back. “Been a bit and y-you probably had a lotta customers since. I, ah, bought some root beer from you.” Her voice was a faint whisper yet again as the last words stumbled out. “I turned into a horse?”

“OOOOOH!” Jessica's eyes glowed the brightest of pinks. “AJ Appaloosa! Rightie right!” She clapped her puffy pink paw gloves together as her tail wagged faster. “Now I remember! Did you enjoy your horsie time?”

“I did… a lot.” Angela blushed. She started to say something but briefly hesitated. She wasn't sure if she wanted to explain the situation to the dog. Would she even get it? Toons were very silly beings after all. Would she understand her depression, deep desires, wants, and other serious matters?

She decided to approach the subject a bit more casually. “S-so… I came over because… because I was wondering if you had any more of that root beer.”

“Oh…” The pink dog frowned, scratching the back of her head. “N-no. Sorry. I'm outta the drink and regular food biz.” She bounced back with a beaming smile. “I'm all in on ice cream, all the time, everytime now!”

She looked very proud. “I'm now Jessie the Toon Pupper of Frozen Treats!” She placed a paw on the handle on top of the cart. “How about some frozen goodness instead?”

Angela frowned but on the inside. Guess things can't b-be that simple. “Umm… well, in that case, is there… anything that can turn me back into a horse-”

“Of course!” Jessie grinned, opening the cart's lid and looking inside, a gust of cold air bursting out. “We got Barnyard Berry, Neighzel Nut Delight…”

“And… and maybe something… something more permanent too?” She managed to muster out the words despite how awkward it felt.

And she felt like regretting them too. Jessie's tail stopped, and her expression went flat. “Permanent?” She looked back up at the human, head cocking as she closed the hatch. “Mmm, sorry! I got something to horse-ify you, but I don't offer long-term changes here.” She looked serious, nodding her head. “I like limited, small experiences! It's no fun if you can only change once after all!”

“But I really need to change back for good!” Everything blurted out of Angela's mouth at once in a panic. She regretted them even more than her last words, gasping and slapping her mouth shut in shame.

However, Jessie's expression softened as her eyes filled with curiosity. “I sense a big story here! Something very big!”

“I… I just… I'm not sure… you probably wouldn't g-g-get it or-”

“Nonsense!” Jessie pulled two bar stools out from behind her back and slapped them down on the ground near them. “Sit and bark with me! Imma good listener and understander!”

Angela looked at the seats and then at the toon as she took one. Her look was growing even warmer and quite inviting. She felt so pleasant and sweet that the human's fears felt as if they were melting away like ice cream on a blazing day.

With that, Angela nodded and took a seat as well.


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