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There is a sudden, abrupt smash cut. The camera is now focusing on a large sign above an entryway that reads, “Food Alley.”

The camera tilts down, revealing a sea of food stalls as far as the eye can see. Rachel stands in the middle, walking now to the side as she leads the camera through. “Anywho, welcome to Food Alley! Every year at my fair, there's TONS of great food on offer. Hot dogs, hamburgers, cotton candy, cheese curds, elephant ears, deep fried whatever, the whole works!

“It's all stuff that'll melt your teeth…” She rubs her stomach gently. “Or give you a big belly… in the traditional, old fashion way of course.”

Rachel motions for the camera to come closer, which it does. “BUT!” She holds a finger up, looking serious. “But none of that provides the satisfying transformation you or I dream of!” She pounds a fist into her palm. “We want fun results around here!”

Slowly, her face pulls into a bright smile. “Thankfully, I heard about something really exciting this year that'll give us what we want.”

She steps to the side and holds out her hand, aiming it off towards a large food truck. It is completely black with tinted windows, making the workers inside impossible to see. There is a menu attached to the side and a small counter jutting out below the order window.

“Our goal lies there!”

There is another jump cut, Rachel and the camera now at the countertop. “Allow me to introduce you all toooooooo…” She smacks the bell on the counter twice. “…Edible, Sugarified Packing Peanuts!”

The window on the food truck rattles, and the camera shifts to focus on that. The window opens up and reveals a worker. It is a bright blue elephant! It is hard to tell with the shadows, but he looks very soft and kind of fuzzy, almost like he was made out of fabric.

“One nice, BIG bag of your best peanuts, please!” Rachel orders before he could ask her.

The elephant smiles. “No prob, sweetstuff!” He closes the window and vanishes, though the sounds of cooking faintly emanate.

Rachel turns the camera back to her. “This is a nifty treat that has been popping up in state fairs and carnivals recently. You know how silly Americans love deep frying stuff? We have that here. This special order is packing peanuts that have been super sugar-coated and deep fried to where they are edible, tasty, annnnnnnnd….” She leans in, winking. “Something more!”

“You'll see what I-” The window opens, and the camera returns to it. The stuffed elephant is back and places a large, pillowcase-sized bag on the counter. Steam is coming off it with dark, magenta lumps visible at the top.

“Here ya are!” the elephant declares as Rachel pays him, taking the bag after. “Careful, it's hot!”

“Oh I will!” Rachel licks her tongue, looking at the bag.

“Enjoy and feel the fluff!” With that, the elephant closes the window and disappears.

There's another hard cut soon after. Rachel is now standing amongst an area filled with picnic tables. People of all kinds are sitting down, eating various foods and drinking away. She takes a seat at the only open table, motioning for the camera to follow.

“So!” Rachel places the bag on the table. “Time for backstory! …there's not much. This is a new food that's debuting at my fair this year. I can't seem to find out if this has been at any other fairs or carnivals before, only small posts here and there from my area talking about it.

“After reading about them, I HAD to check it out!” Rachel opens the bag up further and leans in, giving it a big sniff. “Mmm, smells good! Lots of sugar in it.” She touches and pinches her nose a few times. “No changes from just smelling it. Guess you get your big results from only eating it this time. Fine by me!”

“You sure you want to eat this now?” Zoe is heard, her voice having a tint of concern that was almost masked by the crowd. “Got a lot of people around here that might find this… weird.”

“I'll be fine!” Rachel waves her hand dismissively again before smiling. “The food sold here is for the public, and I haven't seen any signs that say no transforming.” She leans in and sniffs the bag again. “Besides, the freshness will go down if we wait.”

“Okay, just asking.”

“Your concern is noted. And now, my lovely viewers, without further ado, let's try it!” Rachel takes the first purple, squishy peanut and tosses it in. She slowly chews it, brow furrowing. “Hmm, well, it squeaks in my mouth like a packing peanut. Kind of weird.

“It's a bit odd on my tongue.” She swallows. “But it is super sugary like promised!”

There is a flash of white briefly around Rachel's ear. It vanishes underneath her long blue hair. “Hey! I think I'm seeing something!” Zoe zooms the camera in closer. “Turn your head to the left and brush some of your hair away.”

“Can do!” Rachel turns her head and brushes her hair behind her ear. The camera zooms closer and closer, the image blurry before clearing up.

There's something white attached to her ear. At first it looks like an earring, and then a cattle tag with its angular shape. However, it becomes clear. It is a tag, but one that would be attached to some kind of clothing or stuffed animal.

On the tag, barely visible with the video quality, are some words. They read, “Machine Washable. Polyester Fibers. Distributed in America.”


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