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Hello my friends!

These are the key for November 2021

Monthly card (R★★★★)Key - ttB8O6nK2HN_MNLUsXh6Dg

Mycharabox key (SR) or(UR) and old cards -  YuuoARiJ-TIAV6bEWsGnIg

Gumroad coupon code - jujutsukaisen2
This coupon works for only November.

Arigato Gozaimasu! (-ω-)/
Published: 2022-02
sorry i sent wrong key

these are the key for February

Monthly card (R★★★★)Key - cX0uS2V_oBNGDS1SZLgz6A

Mycharabox key (SR) or(UR) and old cards - oxBwmh84NBs1BdaKPTw0tg

Gumroad coupon code - rankingofking33
This coupon works for only February.
Published: 2022-02