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Ridley Scott's 1982 cyberpunk classic came into being as a total flop, yet managed to claw its way into our collective psyches as the definitive portrayal of a dark future that would shape all sci-fi (and reality) to follow. Over the past 40 years and multiple revisions, this former cult favorite has become a respected part of the canon, but does it truly deserve its lofty status? On this episode, join Bob Mackey, Stuart Gipp, Kevin Bunch, and Henry Gilbert as the crew dons their snazzy raincoats to explore the very wet and very influential world of Blade Runner. Turtles will be flipped!



Chris Galgon

Henry, hating on cops, literally saying that they are all bad… suggestion that the movie is racist because everyone *isn’t* white… these aren’t actually intelligent viewpoints. Takes me out of the podcast.


I agree with the consensus that Blade Runner is sort of an acquired taste. But there's so many layers to it after a few viewings. I actually wrote a college paper on the film, examining the class system and economics of the society depicted in that world.