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In what may well be an all-time Retronauts record for rapid topic follow-ups—or at least for the episodes I've hosted—this week we field a patron request from Andrew Duff to create a sequel (or is that sequels?) to Episode 380, which focused on Breath of Fire and its first sequel. No prizes, then, if you have managed to deduce that this episode looks at Breath of Fire III and IV. Will we tackle Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter in an equally speedy manner? I promise you we will not! But, someday.

Joining me this week are Bob, Nadia, and Breath of Fire pro-level expert Patrick Kulikowski. (Art by John Pading, and edits by Greg Leahy.)



Michael Branson

I remember getting 4 right when it came out. I had no idea what to do. Recently replaying it, it was way ahead of its time!


Between this and the Ace Attorney episode, you're really spoiling us Capcom fans 😍

Alex Reid

Thanks for reading my letter! I think BoF 3, 4, and 5 don’t get enough credit for just how experimental and forward-looking they were – they’re all well worth heading back to check out, and they all do something unique and cool

Travis Graf

I might be a weirdo but I prefer BoF III and IV more than the first two. Good topic and thanks for doing a good discussion.

Andrew O.

I really miss VGMpire...


100% agree with this. BoF is a series that got better with each installment (not-counting VI).

Kormakur Gardarsson

Too bad you aren't doing the Retronauts Mini thing anymore, as I'd love to hear a short discussion on Dragon Quarter, and its roguelike trappings. Never played it myself but it sounds like a game ahead of its time in many ways.