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Hey all! Jeremy here. I'll be recording a fairly diverse slate of episodes over the next week or so, though most of these episodes belong to one or another of an ongoing series of coverage. First, this weekend, I'll be talking about Street Fighter II and putting together another Retronauts Radio covering a pile of recent classic game soundtrack releases. Next weekend, I'll be tackling Koei strategy games (particularly Romance of the Three Kingdoms) before discussing the legacy of gaming's first lady. No, not Nancy Reagan's "Winners Don't Use Drugs" logos—I mean Princess Peach. 

Naturally, it only seems fair that we should open up the mighty mailbag of mystery and allow everyone to have their say. So, if you have opinions to express about the following topics, you should write in!:

  • Street Fighter II and its many iterations (up through Ultra)
  • Your retrogaming soundtrack pick-ups for the first half of 2021
  • Romance of the Three Kingdoms and other Koei sims
  • Princess Peach: The character and her games

To weigh in, please send an email to jparish@retronauts.com with the subject line "MAILBAG: [topic]" (where of course "[topic]" is actually replaced with the topic you've chosen to opine about). Comments posted here will probably be disregarded, since I'm hoping to keep everything in a single location and it's much easier to sort through emails than Patreon comments! Street Fighter and soundtrack emails should be submitted by noon ET Saturday 5/15, while you have until noon ET Saturday 5/22 for Koei and Peach emails. Thanks, and I look forward to your words!



Not sure if this was a result of my post or if it's just brilliant timing, but thanks for this!


Pickups in terms of listening or just buying? one I can say for sure is the alien soldier soundtrack on data disc.


Retronauts Radioooooo!


I’ve sent over some SF2 thoughts. Looking forward to the episode!