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Yes, that's right, it's TWO updates in rapid succession, since Bob posted this week's early episode a bit early. And now here's the promised Q*Bert Micro episode in video form. This works a LOT better than audio-only Micros, so I'll see if I can make this a regular thing going forward.



Retronauts Micro Episode #027: Q*Bert

Journey back in time to 1982 and the sassiest mascot character ever to cuss up an arcade: Q*Bert. For more great retrospectives, check out retronauts.com and usgamer.net!


Eric Plunk

Now we can watch Jackie Gleason while we eat.

Aaron Schafer

This is a really cool format, but as someone who gets most of the episodes through itunes, rather than coming to Patreon specifically (just easier; the automatic upload has spoiled me), I have to ask: are the audio files of these videos still going to come out? This is obviously super neat with visuals, but I would still like to be able to listen to the episodes.

Aaron Schafer

If you're looking for any suggestions for topics in this video format also, it would be really cool to see some things done on like Amiga games and that sort of stuff. I have zero experience with any of that area of gaming history, to the point of never really even having seen an Amiga in action. Or perhaps look at some of the really nascent examples of different genres on early systems. I know the Intellivision had some weird proto-Zelda kind of game; things in that vein are fascinating to me, but so far outside my frame of reference as to feel inaccessible.

Aaron Schafer

Further, congratulations on passing the $3000 mark. It's really amazing to see crowdsourcing work so perfectly, to support such a niche product, but one that inspires the passion of the small group that really values it. Cheers to both Mr. Parish and Mr. Mackey. (I shall resist a South Park joke.)


I love this! Planning to watch the micro episodes instead of listening to the audio moving forward!


I never realized there was a video of the micro episodes. Thanks for this.

Luis Naranjo

Using the new Patreon app! It's so convenient to enjoy your output on the go now! Admittedly, I would wait for it to pop up on the podcast app on my phone, though... Just glad I can finally support you all after many of hours of enjoyment!