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Here's a little jolt of normality from a very long time ago. We've teased this episode a few times, but I've been holding on to it until we had published the Super Mario Land episode—and here we are: A look at the New Super Mario Bros. games. Yeah, folks... they're retro now. Sorry, I don't make the rules.—Jeremy

Description: Jeremy Parish, Bob Mackey, Henry Gilbert, and Cole Jones bop in time to the music as they revisit Mario's ugliest (but arguably best!!) adventures in the New Super Mario Bros. series. Cover illustration: Step Sybydlo




MP3 download link doesn't seem to work on this one.

Bob Mackey

Not sure if anything was fixed since you posted it but it downloads fine for me from the webpage.


I had completely forgotten that this series debuted on the DS. I have vivid memories playing the Wii version (especially the difficult final level) but almost nothing about the DS version comes back to me. Also, to Bob's comment (if I'm remembering correctly) about wanting a great looking 2D Mario game around this time, it briefly seemed like that would be answered by Super Paper Mario. I was extremely excited for this when it was announced. Unfortunately it didn't live up to my expectations, apart from looking great.

Kormakur Gardarsson

Super Mario themed episodes are always good and this one was no exception. The fact that NSMB doesn’t quite compare to the true greats in the Mario canon led to a more varied and interesting discussion than usual, I thought. I have very fond memories of the Wii game in particular, playing with my wife and daughter in a similar vein to Cole and Jeremy’s experiences, but hearing Bob and Henry’s takes was also very interesting. Another great Retronauts episode. Thanks guys!


That was great! Really captures what's so disappointing about these things. When I first played a New Super Mario Bros., I had a strange sense sense that I wasn't enjoying things like I used to and that I was becoming a grim joyless adult. Thankfully it turned out to just be the game!


I'm just glad somebody else feels the same way. 'Nuff said.

shea dewar

I was hoping to hear you talk more about NSMBU...

Jonathan Brownlee D'Urban Davies

Entertaining episode! I always felt like the NSMB games got a bit too much flak - NSMB 2 is good fun and the emphasis on coin collecting is a cool little gimmick. Sure the games all look kind of samey and bland but they're solid nonetheless. Would love to hear your thoughts on Super Mario 3D Land and Super Mario 3D World.


Bob in episode 2 - "I'm getting sick of the singing characters in this game"; Jeremy in this episode - "This week on Retronauts...🎵Wah-waaaaaaa."