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Hi all, Jeremy here to let you know about some changes in the cards for the show—including a new patron tier.

This isn't going to be a huge change, but it's a necessary response to the reality of a world under siege by a pandemic, and the long-term reality of how it's going to affect life in the U.S. If you've been with us for a while, you know that the original goal of launching this Patreon campaign back in 2014 was to make it possible for me to travel to San Francisco (and for Bob and I both to travel to live events), which is how the majority of our podcasts have been recorded for more than five years. That's obviously not possible right now—I had to cancel a trip last week that would have resulted in 10 episodes being recorded, plus Midwest Gaming Classic and BitSummit have been shut down over the next couple of months (which would have been another 10-12 episodes). That's not great! But the show must go on, and so we're rethinking our respective approaches to the show.

For Bob, things won't be changing too much, as he's already set up to record remotely with various people as needed. But now those remote recordings won't be fill-ins between bicoastal studio sessions; they'll be the majority of his episodes. On the other hand, I learned during our Kickstarter era that trying to lead a podcast of multiple people from the other side of the country is not one of my strengths. I can do it, but I also know that the quality of the conversation will suffer. So rather than going big, I intend to go small. Until travel becomes an available luxury again, and I can invite the Retronauts East crew back to my home studio safely, my shows will be changing format. I have about eight more roundtable recordings in the can (I have spent the past three years building up a backlog of 4-6 months' worth of content specifically for extenuating circumstances like these!), but those will only last until June at this rate. So I'm planning to spread them out a bit as I shift to the new episode format.

For the time being, the episodes I'm recording will consist of multiple one-on-one conversations—basically, the plan is for each podcast to be about the same length as usual (70-80 minutes) but to consist of a couple of different segments, on different topics, with different people. I'll move back over to classic roundtables as soon as that's prudent (and legal), but for the time being I think this format shift will keep the show lively while also helping to diversify the topics we cover.

The new format also presents an opportunity to move ahead with something I've been wanting to do for a couple of years now: Bring the Retronauts listenership into the mix. We have opened up a new $100 premium patron tier called "One With the Lifestream" that will allow five backers to record a segment (on a topic of their choosing!) with me once every four months. (Though as a reward to everyone who signs up in March, their segments will be recorded in April.) Based on Bob's experience with Talking Simpsons, we've set this tier fairly high, monetarily speaking, simply to ensure we get serious applicants only. That being said, I definitely don't want to limit this opportunity to people whose finances haven't been shaken by recent events. We'll also be selecting one interested backer at the $5+ level each month (at random) to call in and participate in a segment as well. 

In short, I'm really hoping to turn the most difficult situation in living memory into an opportunity to make Retronauts a more diverse, community-focused show. And, of course, in addition to the community segments, I'll still be recording plenty of segments with the usual cast of experts, journalists, developers, and other ne'er-do-wells. 

Personally speaking, I would like to thank everyone sincerely for your continued support of this show in a difficult time. My household has definitely been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. My wife has had to completely shut down her photography business indefinitely, and I have several dear family members who work in the medical field and have been forced into the front lines to deal with harrowing hospital situations in Baltimore, New Jersey, and Hawaii. It's been a challenging month, financially and emotionally, and it's only going to get more stressful in the coming months. Knowing that so many people still believe in what we're doing here, even if we're not exactly saving the world by talking about old video games, means more than you can know. Hopefully in shifting to this new format, we can not only keep the show going as strong as ever, but also give back a little bit to the community that makes our work possible in the first place.

So thanks again, and please look forward to some exciting NEW Retronauts before too long.



Jody Anthony

I’m looking forward to it. I think your one on ones in the past have been great anyway.

John Learned

Just having something like this to look forward means a lot. Take care of yourselves and your families.


Best of luck, Jeremy & friends. Always there to support no matter the format or the style. Please stay safe out there. <3

Eric Plunk

My wife and I have seen reduced work hours but we’ll be ok. There’s no way I’m pulling the plug on my support here, especially with you guys depending on the support. Looking forward to the new format!


My subscription will continue, Jeremy, even if you have to shut down for a bit (which doesn’t seem likely, given your plan). I want to support the things I like, especially at a time when said things are threatened. I’ve enjoyed all the permutations of retronauts, and I’m sure this will be no different.


Thank you for supplying us with amazing content during these crazy times!

The Judge

we understand. just keep doing what you're doing my dudes

Ben Hamilton

Good luck! Just curious, has anyone on the team done a virtual roundtable format before? Is it just not workable?


Love it and thank you for the show during this staying inside my house time. Adding my voice, that if you added a $10 tier like Talking Simpsons (Even if it was just one article every other week or something), would instantly up to that. I'm sure others are in the same boat that $30 is out of budget, but $10 is entirely possible.


No need for any apologies and I'm excited to hear what Retronauts with a twist sounds like! Also, all the best for you and yours, Jeremy. These aren't easy times so we are all grateful for you keeping the show on the road despite these challenges.


Looking forward to this new format! And glad you're both doing your best to stay safe and be good role models in this difficult time.

Victor Hunter

Thanks for being amazing. Stay safe and healthy and happy.


“even if we're not exactly saving the world by talking about old video games“ ... Perhaps not, but you’re certainly helping to preserve my sanity and a sense of appreciation for things I love amidst all the craziness out there. I look forward to your episodes even more now!


Looking forward to what's to come! Stay safe!

Grant Baxter

Thank you for all the work you guys do. Retronauts means the world to me, and you guys have given me so much great content and newfound appreciation and insight of games. I wish you, your family, and the rest of the Retronauts team health and safety through this trying time.

Cody C.

Oh Jeremy, this is so wholly understandable. I had a suspicion we’d be separating east and west for a bit but it hadn’t even occurred to me that even the East gang wouldn’t be able to congregate. I’ll gladly support you. It is a worthy distraction between endless conference calls and utter chaos

Bob Mackey

I've done remote recordings in the past and my last two LucasArts episodes were with remote guests, and Jeremy and I will be doing some remote recordings next week.


I've been listening since the 1Up days, and I'll continue to support you folks. With that being said, you do what you need to do with the format change, it's not going to impact me listening when I can. My WFH situation has allowed me to listen while I am outside with the kiddos, or even between calls.

Kevin Bunch

Do what you gotta! I’ll be keeping up my support.

Jeff Peterson

This is an excellent plan and I look forward to hearing more of your interviews. I am wishing you and your family all the best in these difficult times.

Jeff Peterson

Whoa! The $100 tier is already sold out too! Congrats to those who got it!


Is it wrong that I'm actually *excited* to see this new format? I think that enthusiasm comes from (a) the comfort of knowing it will return to "normal" Retronauts in due course, and (b) the relief that this post was about continued business and an intelligently thought through strafe (!) to the pandemic (and not shutting the virtual doors!) :) Thank you both and the extended Retronauts family for keeping us all entertained and educated - I sincerely hope things improved for your near and dear... Looking forward to attending a Retronauts Live show in Ireland sometime from 2021 onward 😁


This is wonderful. Thanks for all you do to keep us engaged and entertained, both throughout the years and especially now when we actually need it most. I hope everyone in the Retronauts crew and your families stay safe.

Jared Blankenship

This is a completely understandable and intelligent plan. I look forward to it and I personally appreciate the Retronauts team willing to continue through these difficult times. Hopefully it happily distracts listeners and keeps the teams minds and hands busy until this passes. As always, you have my continued support. Thank you for all the Retronauts team does for us!


All the best to you Jeremy, your family, friends and Retronauts too! In this bizarre new world we’re all living in it’s the small things that keeps us going and I for one really appreciate all the hard work yourself, Bob and the extend Retronauts crew are doing to keep the lights on and the podcast rolling. Stay safe and healthy. Love you guys! 🖤

Ian Easton

I love your solo stuff, so I've got no problem with any of this.


Thank you - this makes total sense. Be safe.

Kormakur Gardarsson

Stay safe, Jeremy and Bob. Thank you for providing much needed relief during these troubled times.


Always here to support


Jeremy, I think your content has such high quality that it won't be impacted by a change in its format. I really appreciate the show, and it's been a major factor in rekindling a love for video games that had been dimmed by quandaries of college life.