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We hear there's a huge game coming up next week, and we wanted to jump in and record a related episode! But we didn't have the right combination of people to talk about Doom, so we chatted about Animal Crossing instead.

Just joshin', of course. We've wanted to tackle Animal Crossing for ages, and we roped in some of the biggest Animal Crossing fans we know to help with with task. Mike even helped provide some fresh music! So chill out with us for the next hour and a half and enjoy.

We do want to cover Doom sometime, though.

Description: Jeremy Parish, Bob Mackey, Mike Choi, and USgamer's Caty McCarthy chill out for an hour and a half to discuss the low-key world of Animal Crossing, from its primal Nintendo 64 version through its modern-day spinoffs. Music by Mike Choi; art by Greg Melo.




Best possible thing to wake up to on a Monday morning! 🍃


I never played this, but recently downloaded the soundtrack. Totaka is a genius. Can't wait to listen

Alex Irish

I thought Retronauts already had a Doom episode?

Jason Williams

Am I the only one who isn't seeing the cover art when last week's Patreon Exclusive podcast is downloaded on my Mac or my iPhone or my iPad? I can see the super low-res artwork here in the player on Patreon, however regardless of how I download it or on what device I download it on or what app its downloaded in, there is no cover artwork attached to the mp3 file. Someone please let me know what I'm doing wrong, because I love seeing the artwork when it does decide to download on random weeks. This week's artwork downloaded and it's great as always. Thanks


We upload the art for every podcast but we have found that podcatchers are oddly inconsistent with which art they grab. Often they will grab the cover art for the Patreon feed and not the specific cover art for the episode, which seems like a tech issue. Unfortunately we have no way to fix this ourselves. - Bob

William Wend

I am really grateful for this. My mother passed away yesterday morning and her favorite games were the Animal Crossing series. She started playing games b/c of City Folk and became quite the gamer as time went on (600 hours on Stardew Valley!!!!). Seeing this pop up in my podcast app a few hours after she died made me really happy. She would have been so excited to listen to this episode if I sent it to her.


Our deepest condolences, and we're honored that we could make things a little brighter for you during what must be a difficult time.

Casey Jones

I appreciate the inclusion of Totaka's song at the very end of the episode.