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In the not-too-distant past, the year 2000 used to signify the far-off future. But time makes fools of us all, and this mythical date has transformed into a distant memory, just as all years are destined to become. This week, we examine Y2K's fascinating gaming landscape, where the primitive Game Boy Color could compete with the cutting-edge PlayStation 2, immersive sims and life sims were new genres, and the Dreamcast still looked like it stood a chance. On this episode, join Bob Mackey, Jeremy Parish, USgamer's Kat Bailey, and IGN's Zachary Ryan as the crew soaks contentedly in the End of History where nothing could possiblie go wrong.




In the year two thouuuSAND!! 🎶


Did the intro music sound slightly off to anyone else? Was that the point? Is my phone broken?

shea dewar

Where the heck is that darn New SMB episode?

Alex Irish

Also worth noting, Pokémon Stadium is the ONLY Pokémon game that was number one in the US NPD sales chart for the year. No other game in the franchise, not Red or Blue nor Gold or Silver could achieve this feat as the US is usually Madden and now Call of Duty country

Greg Peterson

Man this episode was fantastic. This time frame, like many of the host was peak gaming for me. I was in 7th grade going into Y2K and my life was PlayStation and Pokémon (GB).

Greg Peterson

I distinctly remember helping a kid on my bus with metal gear solid bc he didn’t have a memory card and had to replay the game from scratch each time. So I would give him hints so he did not have to waste time. Man memory cards what a racket!

shea dewar

You forgot Tony Hawk 2!

Adam Elmahdi

Great episode! Driving myself crazy trying to remember what the music at the 34 minute mark is from though...

Ian Easton

Deus Ex was definitely not the first immersive sim-- it was preceded by the System Shock series and probably others.


I don't remember anything special New Year's Eve 99. Probably went to a hockey game and then stayed up till midnight doing nothing in particular. It was freshman year of high school for me, and a transitional time as I would stop hanging out with my grade school friends and make new friends. Dreamcast was a non-factor for me and I didnt have the money or interest in a PS2. Multiplayer N64 game were still where it was at for us, but my new friends got me to take a second look at RPGs, and this was probably when I went back and really explored the NES/SNES library via emulation. Playing stuff like Chrono Trigger and the Final Fantasy games for the first time.

Zachary Adams

Admit it, y'all did this without Henry to avoid talking about WWF No Mercy.

Diamond Feit

The original Pokemon Stadium was the first 3D Pokemon game, but that's not the one that came to the US. Instead, we got Pokemon Stadium 2 with no number attached and we got it a year after Pokemon Snap was already out. So for most Americans, Pokemon Snap was the first time seeing polygon Pikachu et al. Which means, ultimately, Bob was technically correct -the best kind of correct.

Brian Hortin

Really fun episode. Crazy Taxi would have to be my game of the year 2000. The Dreamcast was the first console that I bought fully with my own money. Even though I’m only 34 I still got the In the Year 2000 bit. It doesn’t hurt that Conan did that segment until 2009 when he finally changed to In the Year 3000 during his Tonight Show run.


I will echo the above sentiments for Tony Hawk 2 and WWF No Mercy. Both were local multiplayer favorites. So was Perfect Dark. Great follow up to Goldeneye and it was our friends favorite couch multiplayer shooter until Timesplitters half a year later.


This episode was SO good. Thank you to all involved for giving me a great listen.

Mark Rojas

This episode is perfect thanks Jeremy and Bob you guys are the best


Really nice episode! I was deep into Pokemon (red), still playing FF8, and Zelda Ocarina of Time. Plus, way too much StarCraft. Thanks!


How did everyone forget about Perfect Dark? My friends and I were super hyped about it and we played it ALL THE TIME. It was our go to multiplayer game until enough of us had Gamecubes for Smash/Soul Caliber 2. And no the multiplayer does not hold up today.