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Apologies for the delay! We're still waiting for official confirmation of a very exciting announcement, so stay tuned. (It'll be attached to our upcoming episodes.) In the meantime, enjoy this episode about Dragon Quest! We figured it was time to tackle this subject again.




I wonder what the big surprise could be. A new host? Jeremy is moving back to SF? The return of retro news? Or maybe you guys are becoming part of the Laser Time Network?


I got excited when you first mentioned there might be a big announcement attached to this episode, and I got even more hyped when I saw it was a DQ episode. For a second I thought you guys were going to have a scoop on a DQ7 or 8 3DS localization :/


Um, still looking forward to listening to the episode, regardless! Loved the DQ ep on 1up Retronauts, glad to hear more from you guys about the series.

Jamie Goodin

Thrilled to see my favorite series getting some love.


Yay! Dragon Quest! Keep up the great work


Subscribed for this! (Also I just realized you were on Patreon.)


So yeah...I really wanna play DQ5. And eat a Dilly Bar. Thanks, Retronauts!